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October 28, 2018 - Halloween 2018


This show was a combination of Halloween msuic, and our normal mix of new and old music. The Sloth came back to see us, and Rick stopped in from The Metallic Onslaught, and we had Fidget, Tony, and EVD. It was a fun night...


October 30, 2016 - Hollow Bodies Live / Halloween Show

Hollow Bodies

Present were, EVD, Nathan, Justin A.K.A. Twelve Inch, who is now down to Seven Inch for being absent, Kevin, and, R.J.. As Halloween was the next day, this was our Halloween Show, with a Halloween intro. The band Hollow Bodies performed three sets of songs live in our Performance Room. It sounded great, props to Nathan for running the sound. The band was interviewed, updating us on what they have been, and will be, up to. They are a cool band, you can find them on Facebook, and all the other social media sites, Instagram, Reverbnation, and such. Most of the music was about Halloween, Halloween metal, comedy songs, and, comedians doing stand up routines, talking about Halloween. Nathan got a beat down from Azkath. There were segments of Movie Time, some TV programs and podcasts were talked about as well... Happy Halloween, everyone...

-Fire Eater Wizard


November 1, 2015 - Halloween Show

HalloweenThis was the night when we turn the clocks back an hour, and go back on Standard Time, which means that, at 2:00, the time drops back to 1:00, making this a seven hour LE. Also, LE began at midnight, right after Halloween had concluded, so it was a special Halloween Program. Almost all of the music was Halloween themed, metal and comedy songs and skits, and stand up comedy. Present were, EVD, Rick and Randy from "The Metallic Onslaught", Justin, Gorgar, Nikki, and, someone who hasn't been here in a year and a half, Kal. Everyone was asked what the first movie that really scared them was, and also, what the last movie was that really scared them. Those present who had not already done so were also asked what their earliest memory was. As it was Halloween, a Ouija Board was brought out, and EVD and Randy tried it. It said Rick kill, already that was two words you don't want in the same sentence! It said Rick kill Justin. Rick appeared to be possessed, and went after Justin, who fled for his life. Rick then had no memory of what had happened. Justin was calling himself Towely, as well, that is what he was dressed as. Randy had plants growing all over him, and a pretty yellow flower growing out of his head. No, this was not his Halloween costume, this was thanks to Jeffie, who has been seeding Randy with spores weeks earlier on The Metallic Onslaught. They then enacted to of those Questions that used to get asked to people regularly. First, they were popping a bunch of balloons with Kal's face and name on them, then, they knocked Randy out, by asking him if something smelled like chloroform, and Randy, apparently not being too bright, actually sniffed it to let them know. When he came to, he was in a room, where there were no exits, he had only a traffic cone, six red pens, and a sock monkey puppet, and he was told he had to use those items to get out of the room, which Randy was unable to figure out how to do, he's not McGyver, after all. Then Azkath told him that he had eight owls in his tree, a phrase that, for some unknown reason, drives Randy totally insane, he started laughing hysterically, and babbling incoherently, and, eventually collapsed, never figuring out how to get out of the room, so I guess he'll still be there next week, unless someone else finds him and lets him out. There was something that there hasn't been in a very long time, a Gorgar's Corner, where Gorgar told us how he's been, and then got to pick his favorite Halloween song. He picked the song that gave him his name, "Gorgar", it's not exactly a Halloween song, but it was fitting, and it is by the band Helloween. There was no Old School Hour, to get more Halloween stuff in, but there was a Halloween Cover Set, at 4:00. There were segments of Movie Time, and TV and Internet programs were discussed as well. Nathan was MIA, we hope he's not dead, or he probably wisely stayed away, knowing he probably would be if he showed up, as we had all kinds of horrible things planned for him. And so thus went our Special Seven Hour Long Halloween Program...

- Fire Eater Wizard


October 31, 2010 - Zadoc... and the Nightmare Live

Zadoc MontageAs both Halloween and this LE began at midnight, this was a very special Halloween program. EVD and Shane were there in the first part of the night. But most of the show featured bands. There were two bands, one was there for about the first couple hours, and one was there for most of the night. The former was the band Cult Of Saints, it was their first time here. They were interviewed, told us about themselves, and tracks from their CD were played. They are cool. The latter band was Zadoc... And The Nightmare. They have added instruments to their band, they now have a cello and a mandolin. They were there until after 4:00. They played several sets of music, each with about three songs in it. They sounded awesome! They also updated us on what has been, and is, going on with the band, and about their forthcoming new CD. There was some molesting going on involving Just Joe and the band Zadoc And The Nightmare. Just Joe arrived quite late, about three hours into the program. After Zadoc And The Nightmare had gone, in the last part of the night, there were two segments of Movie Time, and one segment of Halloween Anomaly Corner. There was of course lots of Halloween music, both metal and comedy songs all throughout the night, about zombies, monsters, evil, and, just about Halloween in general... 
-Fire Eater Wizard