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December 28, 2014 - Tribute to the Past Show

This was the last LE of 2014. Present were, Tim, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", and, Olivia and Tim, from the band Undead Messengers. It was a Tribute To The Past Show, all old school music. Often Azkath would have everyone try to guess in what year each song in the set he had just played had come out to see who would come the closest. He also played a new game where he played two songs, and they would have to guess which one was an old school song, and which was new, if everyone guessed right, Azkath would have failed. Olivia and I were the only ones who got it right, girl power at work! The band's Tim brought pieces of Randy's corpse, which he made into jerky, Randy exploded last week during our We Love Satan Show, and was eating them again, which is probably the reason he is still alive after being thrown off the balcony last week, he is a zombie. There were segments of Movie Time, and, of course the last hour was an Old School Hour, because they all were tonight! Tim was disappointed that no glam was played, and I agree with him. And so thus went the final LE of this year...

-Fire Eater Wizard


December 21, 2014 - Our We Love Satan Apocalypse Xmas Show

As this was the last LE before Christmas, it was our biannual, Easter being the other time, We Love Satan Show. The first couple hours were actually the Armageddon part of the program, and were prerecorded, as the LE crew were at the latest The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show, where we were trying to end the world with brutal heavy metal at The Haunt. As far as I know we failed again, unless the post Armageddon life is exactly the same as the sucky world we are in now. When the gang arrived the We Love Satan part of the program commenced. Present were, Just Joe, Tim, Randy from "The Metallic Onslaught", Jeremy, and, Olivia and Tim from the band Undead Messengers, which was one of the bands who had performed at the Haunt Azkath said that, although it was a We Love Satan Show, they were going to deny Satan a sacrifice this time. But they were going to summon him. This was the plan... They duct taped Randy to a chair (too bad EVD was absent this night, duct taping people is his specialty, after all). Under the chair was a symbol used to summon Satan. So Satan possessed Randy's body, but was duct taped to the chair, and thus we could have him present for his Show, but he couldn't hurt anyone. Satan was not at all happy that he wasn't going to get a sacrifice, and was stuck in a chair. He insulted LE. Azkath told him that he wanted to know all of the secrets of the universe, or Just Joe would tickle them out of him. Satan was not forthcoming with even one secret of the universe, let alone all of them, so Just Joe started tickling him. Satan was indignant that he, the all powerful Prince Of Darkness, And Lord Of The Underworld, was being tickled. He apparently was ticklish, because he was laughing, for a while... So, I guess we didn't learn any secrets of the universe, but we learned that Satan is ticklish. Perhaps it was too much for Satan to have that secret revealed, because Randy's head exploded, and Satan was gone. There were pieces of Randy all over Just Joe, who had been the nearest to him, of course, and a lot of him in Olivia's hair, and his ears were on the floor, which we can use as souvenirs. Tim, our Tim, not the band's Tim, and Jeremy took the body outside, where Tim was told to take it home with him, Tim was also covered in Randy gore, and the band's Tim was munching on pieces of Randy. Luckily Randy was already a clone, so we can just clone him again, so he will be back, but let that be a lesson, don't tickle Satan while he is possessing someone, unless of course you don't like that someone and don't care if they explode, in which case, you have a way to get rid of them. Just Joe said that he and Our Tim finally agreed on something, that this Show should be celebrating Christmas, and playing Christmas music. So we did what we have done in years past, we let the computer, fate, if you will, decide. It was randomized for a set of songs and, if more satanic songs played, then Satan won, and, if more Christmas songs played, Christmas won. Not even one Christmas song. Azkath told Just Joe he had a deal for him... They would try one more set. If Satan won again, Just Joe would have to throw someone off the balcony. If Christmas won, then he would play at least some of Wham's "Last Christmas", which Just Joe and Our Tim had been asking for. Christmas didn't do much better this time around, only one song, so Christmas was thoroughly trounced this year, maybe because Satan got his blood sacrifice after all. A bit earlier, Azkath told Just Joe to take Olivia away. We no longer have a basement for him to take people to and do whatever it is he does to them there, but we do have a booth. So Azkath told Just Joe to take her there and do whatever he does, because she was being annoying, singing Christmas songs. Now, yes, I know, taking people to a booth doesn't sound nearly as bad or scary as taking them down into a basement, but apparently it is still really scary for the unlucky person Just Joe takes there, because Olivia could be heard screaming, and she came back broken, whimpering for Santa, which was mostly all she would say now. And, her night would get a lot worse, more on that in a second. Back to Just Joe now having to throw someone off the balcony... He chose the band's Tim, which was one reason why Olivia's night would get worse, as they are a couple, and Tim died being thrown off the balcony. But her night was still going to get even worse. Azkath was miffed that Tim had landed on his car, which he had specifically told him not to do, some people are so inconsiderate about where they die! He asked Just Joe why he couldn't have thrown him more to the left?! Just Joe said that Tim could have moved that way. Azkath told Olivia that he had a Christmas present for her, I guess the least he could do for taking her boyfriend away. Although, Tim was munching on Randy, so perhaps he is a zombie, and we may see him again after all, who knows? Azkath's Christmas present for Olivia was... He put on Just Joe's Porn Theme Music, which turns him into Porno Joe. Poor Olivia started screaming again, a lot, things like "GET AWAY FROM ME!", "GET OFF ME!", and, "GET IT OFF!", um, that last one was probably the wrong thing to yell, Olivia! Now, when Just Joe's Porn Music stops, he has no memory of what has just occurred, and so is clueless as to why people are screaming and freaking out. Azkath asked him what he was doing, and what was wrong with Olivia? Just Joe said he had no clue, he must have been helping her with her solitaire. Azkath started up his Porn Music again, and Olivia began screaming again. I guess she didn't like her Christmas present very much, she went back to whimpering, and then left. So, it wasn't a very good night for Olivia. First she had whatever she had done to her by Just Joe in the booth, she got covered in Randy gore, her boyfriend died, and, she got treated to Porno Joe. I wonder which of all of those she thinks is the worst? Losing Tim is probably bad, but I'm willing to bet it was Porno Joe! Jeremy and Just Joe got into a slap fight, which Azkath also got dragged into, only the slap he gave Just Joe was more of a punch. There were segments of Movie Time. And, of course, the program was all filled with music appropriate for the occasion, the first couple hours, The Armageddon part was all songs about the end of the world, serious and comedy, and, most of the rest of the night was music for to and about Satan, again, metal and comedy, with some Christmas music as well, also metal and comedy. Also, Sloth was present, but due to injuries he sustained at the The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show, he broke his nose and cracked his orbital bone in the pit there, he was resting upstairs and could not participate. Feel better soon, Sloth. There was no Old School Hour in the final hour, so more satanic music, and some Christmas music, could be played as well. And, I would just like to say, that it wasn't a great night for me either, as I was disappointed that I didn't get to hear the Wham Christmas Song, which I joined Just Joe and Tim in wanting to hear, although, that is not my favorite Wham song, those would be, "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go", despite Olivia and the other Tim's nasty comments about that song, maybe I'm not feeling as sorry for them after all as I otherwise might have given all they went through, Tim, in addition to getting killed, also got beaten up, and well, I've already a numerated all the really bad things that happened to Olivia. So, thus went our part Armageddon, part We Love Satan Show. Whatever or whoever you are celebrating or not celebrating in this time, have a great time doing, or not doing that, everyone!!!!!

-Fire Eater Wizard


December 14, 2014 - Xmas Show and Undead Messengers

Present were, EVD, Tim, and, one half of the band Undead Messengers, Olivia, and, Tim, so we had two Tim's present. The band was there to talk about the fact that they would be performing at the next The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show, which would be the following Saturday. A song of their's was played. They are a cool band. A song was played by a band called OuijaBeard, and it was decided that EVD has a OuijaBeard. Everyone there kept rubbing his beard throughout the night, and it made sounds, which mean something, you just have to know how to interpret the messages. Tim, not the Tim in the band, was introduced to Dave's Beard, as he hadn't met it yet. Everyone else had, and wanted no part of it. Tim didn't want any part of it, either. There were segments of Movie Time, and TV programs were discussed as well. The last hour was The Old School Hour... And, as Christmas was less than two weeks away, Christmas music was played throughout the night, both Christmas metal, and comedy songs...

- Fire Eater Wizard


December 7, 2014 - EVD's Birthday and Dimebag Darrell Tribute

Present were EVD, and Rob from the band Thirteen South, for a couple of talk breaks. The Thursday before this LE, December 4th, at 4:16 P.M., to be exact, and his is the most precise I can be with anybody's except for my own, was EVD's Birthday, Happy Birthday, EVD! Rob gave him Birthday spankings. It was disturbing, EVD enjoyed it waaay too much, EVD, you weirdo! Well, like we all didn't know that! There was a set of music by the band Pantera, in tribute to Dimebag Darrell, it was the anniversary of his death, when a deranged person murdered him. Topics were discussed, like the growing proliferation of the killing of black men by white cops, and then nothing happening to the cops, separation of church and state issues, conspiracy theories. There was a segment of Movie Time, and Azkath talked about two TV programs, and talked some more about that new Lucha Libre wrestling program he mentioned last week, recommending it. The final hour was The Old School Hour... And, once again, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO EVD!!!!!
- Fire Eater Wizard

November 30, 2014 - Just Another Night...

Present were, EVD, Rob from the band Thirteen South. Topics were discussed like, an upcoming interview that Azkath will be conducting on his talk program, "Where Did The Road Go?", which precedes LE, in the 11:00 P.M. hour, about bizarre and creepy incidences of people disappearing in and around national parks, the lead singer of the band Creed's implosion, a new wrestling program, and TV in general, and all the different ways they are bringing TV programs back on different venues. There was a segment of Movie Time. The last hour was The Old School Hour...
 - Fire Eater Wizard

November 23, 2014 - The Return of the Almighty Monkey and Just Joe's 11th Anniversary

MonkeyThe very day of this LE, Sunday, the 23rd of November, was Just Joe's eleventh Anniversary here. Happy Anniversary, Just Joe. Present for it were, Just Joe, which was fortunate, it would have been a shame if he hadn't been there when his Anniversary was the exact day of LE, which can only happen about every six years, EVD, Rick and Randy from "The Metallic Onslaught", Eric, Rob and R.J. from the band Thirteen South, and, someone who hasn't been here in about fifteen years, but who was there from the very beginning of LE, and was a regular co-host for a long time, The Almighty Monkey! He was going to be here earlier in the year, for our twentieth Anniversary Shows, but we learned tonight that he had fallen thirty feet out of a tree, and broken his back. Funny, you would think that monkeys should be really good at climbing trees, I mean, isn't that what they are supposed to do? There was a lot of reminiscing about his time on LE. EVD duct taped The Monkey, Randy, and Eric together, and then Azkath and Just Joe beat on them with a big metal blade, a cookie sheet, a guitar. Randy got a balloon shoved in his mouth, which he bit and popped, and Randy got a lot of disturbing, disgusting man love from Eric and The Monkey while they were all stuck together. And Azkath also put Crappy The Clown's underwear on Randy, I mean, he wasn't wearing it, but had it put on him, rubbed in his face. Randy also had to wear Dave's gross, smelly beard, which EVD had ripped off of Dave with duct tape the week before, Just Joe got to put it on him, he was given that pleasure because it was his Anniversary, after all. Randy was quite traumatized by all that happened to him this night, but he did get to break a record over The Monkey's head, which made him happy. He had to wear the beard because Russian Roulette was played, where either he or Just Joe would have to wear it, and it turned out to be Randy. But apparently, if you are in the band Thirteen South, you like wearing Dave's beard, because last week Rob had worn it on various parts of his anatomy, he did all of it himself, and now R.J. willingly put it on himself. Music was played for The Monkey, bands he likes, or that Azkath thought he would like, although I must say, I'm extremely disappointed that his theme music, the theme to the old cartoon show "The Banana Splits" as done by some nineties alternative rock people was not played, I love that song, and that was one of my favorite shows when I was little, like about ten thousand years ago. A set of songs that used to be staples on the old radio program, "The Rock Shop", was also played, also for The Monkey, as he liked that. There was a lot of reminiscing about the past eleven years that Just Joe has been with us, there has been SO MUCH that he has done, and had done to him, in that time. I made him fall off the roof once, I was actually trying to help him, trying to talk him into coming down, but instead I made him fall off of it, which got him down, just not the way I meant to. Oh well, I guess I suck at therapy. Just Joe got to pick a set of music. There were segments of Movie Time, and Just Joe discussed a web series as well. The last hour was The Old School Hour... And, once again, A VERY HAPPY ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY TO JUST JOE!!!!!

-Fire Eater Wizard


July 6, 2014 - A Giant and A Shoebox

Shoebox and GiantWe had a couple more special guests, voices from the past who had been unable to make it in June, our month long celebration of our Twentieth Anniversary, which had concluded last week. This night, Shoebox, he of his one man comedy band, Worm Quartet, and, Deron Levine, a semi regular co-host from about sixteen years ago, were here. Also present were, Just Joe, Tim, and, Rick, from "The Metallic Onslaught", where Shoebox had been quite a regular co-host for a while. Clips from Best Of CD's were played throughout Shoebox's and Deron's times on LE. Azkath wanted Shoebox to repeat what had happened in one of those clips, and beat up Just Joe. Shoebox was a bit hesitant, as he had been back in the day, when he had been supposed to beat up Zoltan. It is hard to get him to beat up people, for some reason, but he finally went and did it. He had to go into the other room, where Just Joe was in a booth, to do it, and we got to listen, but Just Joe seemed to be pretty much ok. Shoebox's music was played throughout his appearance this night, it is awesome! is his web site. Deron got to pick a set of music, and we had several segments of something we haven't done in quite a while, Adventures In Listening, where we play something no one has ever heard before. This time, they were all bands with really weird names and song titles, like The Leather Nun, and The Hostile Omish, with a song entitled "Who Put The Sea Monkeys In Mom's Douche?". And a band of mimes. Everyone was betting that these bands, and others would be really horrible, and they were right, although everyone did kinda like the Sea Monkeys song, it was so bad it was good. Azkath had something for Just Joe from one of last weeks returning co-hosts, who couldn't be there tonight, he had told Azkath to punch Just Joe a few times, the way EVD had always done when he was there. As my birthday had been in the past week, everyone sang "Happy Birthday To You" to me, Just Joe screeched it as only he can do, and Shoebox added some unique lyrics to it, which I'm pretty sure I have never heard in that song before. It was truly moving and beautiful! Thanks, guys! Azkath also played two short birthday songs for me, my favorite ones, as there hadn't really been room for them last week, with first a band performing, and then our playing mostly all music from the many, many bands who have graced us with their presence over the past twenty years. Thanks, Azkath, that was awesome, as always. There were segments of Movie Time, and TV programs were also discussed as well. Some songs went out to one of our regular listeners, John The Drummer, as his Birthday had just concluded less than eighteen hours ago, Happy Birthday, John! The final hour saw the return of The Old School Hour, which had been on hiatus for a month, as we celebrated our Twentieth Anniversary, playing, again, mostly music from the numerous awesome bands who have been on, or somehow connected to, LE over that time...

- Fire Eater Wizard


June 29, 2014 - 20th Anniversary Shows: Part 4 - Hangman's Heart and Pez

Last ExitThis was the last of our four specials all throughout the month of June commemorating the fact that June marks twenty years that "The Last Exit For The Lost" has been on the air. This incarnation of it, anyways. It was around for almost another decade under other names, with different hosts, on different days, in different time slots, and with different lengths, but June of 1994 is when this version of it came to be. And, all throughout this month we have brought back many voices from the past two decades, former co-hosts, and even former hosts of some of the other incarnations of the program, past guests, past bands who have been on and/or performed on the air, and, current bands as well. Present this night were, current co-host, James, Tim, someone who hadn't been here in four years, EVD, who was a long time regular co-host, and Pez, a former host from when the program had a different name and hosts. Also there was Matt, who had gotten the performance room up and running so we can now have bands play fully electric, and, the first band to do that, tonight, Hangman's Heart, Dave, formerly of the band Spater, had tested it out for us last week, but it was just him and a guitar, great, but this was our first time with a full band playing electric, they played six songs, and it went very well, they rock, you can find them on facebook. The vocalist had been here before with his then band Nonetheless, and, a decade ago, we used to ask bands questions from to hear them try to come up with answers to those crazy questions, and one of those questions was, "What if there was an evil picnic basket, and the only way to destroy it was to sing a song about it?", and he on the spot, composed and sang a seven minute song about that, it was very impressive, and funny. We played that for him tonight. All throughout this month we have also been playing clips from The Best Of CD's, featuring the past guests, and all the hilarity and insanity. About the last half of the program consisted of mostly bands that have been in the studio over the past twenty years, many of the tracks were live performances from LE. In the first portion of the night, Pezz got to pick and play a few sets of music, and EVD got to play some music. There was a segment of Movie Time, and TV shows and wrestling were discussed as well. In the last hour, I called in to talk about my history with LE, for the past twelve years as a participant, I was a listener for two years before that, we talked about my participation in the program, as a co-host of the chat room, kind of show historian and archivist, as a writer of these recaps, and I have also been of assistance a few times, providing recordings of LE that otherwise would have been lost to posterity for one reason or another. It has been an honor and a privilege to provide any assistance I could, and I have had a blast along the way! And, something I forgot to mention then, I was one of the many, many, people that has caused Just Joe to fall down, or off of, something, over the years. In my case, I made him fall off the roof, I was actually trying to talk him into coming down off the roof, but I wound up making him fall off of it. So I did get him down, just not the way I had intended to get him down, but, hey, whatever works, right!? Thanks to Azkath for having me on to share my memories, I also talked about how I first discovered LE, I knew nothing about metal, except for glam, so it was because I accidentally stumbled across a really insane and hysterical talk break, with people laughing hysterically, and Friend yelling "FRRRIIIEEEEENNDDD!!!!!", and cows mooing, or rather, people mooing like cows, and people yelling "F The Scarecrow!", that was for a character, a Scarecrow named F, so people would yell "F The Scarecrow!", and I was forever after hooked. Azkath played those clips for me, as that's how I got started with LE. As the Tuesday after this LE, July 1st, at 9:43 A.M., to be exact, which I can't help being, to everyone else's annoyance, is my birthday, they wished me Happy Birthday. EVD didn't want to sing, so they just said it, that's ok, I have had the pleasure of being shrieked at, err, I mean, sang to, by Just Joe many, many times over the years. Nice quiet Birthday greetings are fine. Thanks for the Birthday wishes, guys, and again, for having me on. The final song to close out the fourth and final of our twentieth Anniversary specials (although, actually, we will be celebrating it all summer long, because we have had so very many awesome guests, co-hosts, and bands on over these past two decades, that we couldn't fit them all into one month, and some weren't able to make it this month, but definitely wanted to be a part of the celebration), was, appropriately enough, the song that gave the show it's name, "The Last Exit For The Lost", by the band Fields Of The Nephilim. And so thus concluded our special month long look back at all of the insanity, silliness, hilarity, mayhem, and all the rockin' bands, music, and all the awesome, cool people that have been what made "The Last Exit For The Lost" such a unique and special program, exposing us to local, independent, and underground music, as well as the great classics of metal, and having a lot of fun along the way, for two decades now! - Fire Eater Wizard


June 22, 2014 - 20th Anniversary Shows - Part 3: Bri Bri and The Sloth

Last ExitThis was the third of our special Anniversary Shows, throughout the month of June, as June marks the twentieth anniversary of this incarnation of the program. So, all month, voices from the past, former co-hosts coming back, current and past band members who have been on, and Best Of clips reliving all the insanity have been featured. Present this night were, Just Joe, who was actually there for two weeks in a row, James, Tim, Rick, From "The Metallic Onslaught", Dave, formerly of the band Spater, we learned this night that Spater was no more, Bri Bri, The Evil Shy Guy, among many names he has had, among others, The Evil Quaker, Hollywood Bri Bri, and Cousin Mel, his wife, Theresa, and his arch Nemesis, The Sloth Of The Apocalypse, and, Matt, who got a big hand for getting the performance room up and running, so now bands can perform live, and full electric, not just acoustic. Dave tested it out, he played some songs, three, including a love song, and a Spater song. The room worked great, and the songs were cool. Azkath had a present for Sloth, The Almost Original Suck Toy Of The Monkeys, from way back in the day. Sloth didn't want to put it in his mouth, but it wound up there anyways. Sloth and Bri Bri still argued, Bri Bri said he had given up being a Quaker, and was no longer evil, but Sloth didn't believe him. Azkath had another present for sloth, a Twinkie. He said it was the last Twinkie. Sloth was devastated when they stopped making Twinkies. He didn't trust that it was real, he thought it was a trick. Finally Azkath convinced him that it wasn't, Sloth opened the Twinkie, and saw that it really was a Twinkie. He started thanking Azkath profusely. While he was doing that, Just Joe was eying the Twinkie. When Sloth finally went to eat the Twinkie, Sloths are really slow, he only got to taste one bite of it, because Just Joe couldn't control himself any longer, and grabbed and devoured the Twinkie. Sloth tore after Just Joe in a rage, or at least as much as a sloth can really tear after anyone or anything, especially when that someone is on a sugar rush from a just eaten Twinkie. Just Joe got back, Sloth hadn't caught him. They asked him why he would do such a mean thing to poor Sloth. Just Joe's response was "Twinkie delicious!". Sloth finally made it back, and did choke Just Joe. But apparently Sloth was unaware that they have brought back the Twinkie, some months ago. When he was informed that you can buy them pretty much anywhere, he said he was leaving to go buy some right now. They asked him to stay for the rest of the program, but he said it would be fine, he was just going to run right down to the store, and grab some Twinkies, and run right back. So he left, and we should see him in about nine months to a year. With Twinkies. The next day, Monday, June 23rd, was Tim's Birthday, Happy Birthday, Tim! So Azkath had a birthday present for him. In the other room, there was a nice big floor, which was covered in about a hundred mousetraps. At first Azkath had thought to have Tim thrown into them for his birthday, but then decided that there was something that Tim would probably like even more than that, Tim could throw Just Joe into the mousetraps. So Azkath had had Just Joe set up the mousetraps, telling him that he was going to throw Tim into them for his birthday, which Just Joe totally bought. So Just Joe took Tim to the mousetrap room, and Just Joe wound up covered in mousetraps, the sounds from there were really impressive. Besides, Just Joe, you should have that happen, not only did it bring Tim happiness for his birthday, but you were really mean to poor Sloth, stealing his Twinkie and breaking his heart. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday To You" to Tim, well, Just Joe shrieked it, like he always does. The like last half of the program consisted of all music from bands that have been in the studio at LE over the past twenty years, and there is still a ton more of it to get through, we have had many, many, really excellent bands grace us with their presence over these two decades. Sadly, many of them are no more, but they left us with a lot of really great music. There was a Movie Time, and TV programs, and wrestling, were discussed as well. Throughout the night many Best Of clips were played, featuring Bri Bri and Sloth. And James brought us a wheel, we have never really actually had a wheel, just a box with a button on it, but now we have one, thanks to James. And so, thus went the third of our Twentieth Anniversary Specials. - Fire Eater Wizard


June 15, 2014 - 20th Anniversary Shows - Part 2: Vern, Ian, and Chuck!

Last Exit

This was the second of five very special programs commemorating the fact that this month, June, marks twenty years of "The Last Exit For The Lost", featuring many special guests, voices and bands from the past and present, and reliving all the memories from the past twenty years. Here tonight were, Just Joe, a couple of WVBR personalities, Chuck, from the program that follows LE, "The Salt Creek Show", and, Mark Andbinder, long time WVBR personality, who does a lot of things, The worst Co-host In The World, Dave, who had actually now been here two weeks in a row, which has to be some kind of record, Ian The Yeti, and, to everyone's dismay, Vern, who appeared when Azkath just had to go and play a CD that said, "Never, Never, Ever, Ever Play This CD", it turned out to be Vern's Theme music, and it summoned him. Vern and Just Joe decided to form a band that they called Sound Check. This band featured such great hits as "Check One Check Two", and all the other hits you know from any band doing a sound check, which I guess means that all of those bands ripped off Just Joe and Vern. Sound Check kept forming, disbanding, reforming, changing members, firing members, getting new members, and firing them again all throughout the night. First they broke up when The Yeti arrived, because Just Joe is already in a band with him, The Squirtin' Chubbies, and he left Sound Check to rejoin that. Then he left that to rejoin Sound Check, which now also featured Dave, 'til Vern fired Dave, when it turned out that Dave, unlike the other two, who sing HORRIBLY, actually has talent, he has a nice singing voice, as well as a good death metal growl. Vern got Jealous of all the praise that was being heaped on Dave, so he kicked him out of the band. Then he kicked Just Joe out, because Vern wanted to do everything, vocals, guitar, and drums. So Sound Check was now a one Mopkin band. Azkath played a clip from a Best Of CD, where Vern was actually very funny. Azkath said that, maybe it was good to have Vern around after all. Just then they noticed that Vern looked sick, very sick. Vern told Just Joe that the pressure and fame of the band had just been too much for him, and he had turned to unhealthy substances, which he had now overdosed on. With his last gasping breath, he implored Just Joe to keep Sound Check alive, then he expired. Azkath was pissed with Vern for dying just when, for the first time, after ten years of him, he was finally starting to like him. Just Joe and Ian decided that they must keep Sound Check going, it was Vern's dying wish, after all. But they didn't think that they should keep the name Sound Check, after all they just wouldn't feel right singing all those songs with lyrics consisting of variations on the words Sound Check without Vern. Big de lemma, what should they call themselves? Azkath suggested "The Squirtin' Chubbies"? They thought that was perfect! So now they were back to exactly what they always were, but Sound Check lives on, of course, somewhere. Azkath had a request for The Squirtin' Chubbies, he wanted to hear one of their biggest hits, "There's A Raccoon On My Face", so they sang it, the lyrics are "AAAHHHHH! GET IT OFF!!!!!", which sounds disgusting, but I think refers to the raccoon. Hide And Go Beat was played. Dave hid and Chuck seeked. Now Dave, in addition to his title of Worst Co-host In The World, has recently acquired another title, Master Hider, the two times he had played, no one had been able to find him, however, this time the third time was not the charm, as his streak was broken, Chuck found him, and so got to knock him out by bashing him over the head with a big metal sheet. Lots of clips from Best Of CD's were played, making poor Ian relive some horrible experiences, like getting covered in very pungent ass sweat from both Just Joe, and The In forcer, AKA, Harold. This night, Ian was pretty much unscathed, only getting squeezed a few times, both Chuck and Just Joe got their heads humped by Vern, he was always doing that to people, and he hadn't changed in his absence, but now he is dead, so no more of that. The final hour was, again, a very special Old School Hour, featuring all bands that have been associated with LE these past twenty years, some performing live here, some doing interviews, some being on a lot at certain times, so that they became co-hosts, like Eric, from the band Ire Clad, and R.J., and Rob, from the band Thirteen South, are now. Some bands featured tonight, The Lobster Quadrille, Pandora's ToyBox, Worm Quartet, Sorrow Of Batavia, among many others. Some of the tracks played were performances bands have given live here over the years. And so, thus went the second of our five Anniversary Specials. - Fire Eater Wizard

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