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2014 Show Archive

January 19, 2014 - Meka-Nism Interview

034Present were, Eric, Tim, and The Person Formerly Known As Crappy The Clown, sorry, Prince, and who will someday be known as that again. At 2:00, the band Meka-nism called in for an extensive interview, bracketed by songs from their EP. They are very cool, is their website. There were two segments of Movie Time. Last week, which had been The Tornado Show, where everyone present got to pick their favorite songs all night, so the final hour was not The Old School Hour, as it usually is. This week, the last two hours were all old school music, and old school stuff that had rarely, if ever, in some cases, been played here before. Very cool...

-Fire Eater Wizard

Below you can find some pictures of what was to be the new WVBR studio. Azkath was given a tour during the week and took pictures. I thought I would include these here so you can sort of see a before and after type of thing...


January 12, 2014 - Tornado Show and the debut of Mr. Linda

EveryoneIt was a Tornado Show, which meant everyone present got to play their picks of music all night long, one set of music would contain one pick from each of them. Present were, Just Joe, James, Tim, Rick and Randy, from The Metallic Onslaught, Randy's brother BBBIIILLLLL!!!!!, Anne, and, Crappy The Clown. Only he didn't want to be called that this night, and wouldn't answer to it, he wanted to be called, Mr. Linda, Linda is his wife, because he says he has turned into a house husband, and never goes anywhere, or does anything, so, for now, Crappy is dead. Darksyde made an appearance, and showed BBBIIILLLLL!!!!! and Randy how much he loves them. Unfortunately for them, the way Darksyde shows someone he loves them, is to beat the crap out of them. He also had with him tonight, a never before seen sidekick, he called Little Darksyde, or, Darksyde Lite. James got to throw Just Joe down the stairs, repeatedly, as soon LE will be broadcasting from a new building, where there won't be stairs, so they are making the most of the time they have left with these stairs. Mark, the vocalist for the band Divinity Destroyed, called in for an extended interview, bracketed by songs from their new, and last CD, as the band is no more, which is too bad, because they are an awesome band, and Mark has probably caused Just Joe to bleed more than anyone else, or, certainly as much as anyone else. There were lots of segments of Movie Time. The last hour, was not, The Old School Hour, as it usually is, tonight it was forgone for the Tornado Show, so everyone could give more of their picks...

-Fire Eater Wizard

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