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Xtreme Soundscapes Vol II DVD Release Show at Castways, Ithaca, NY - June 4, 2005

If Man is FiveOn our Second Xtreme Soundscapes DVD Release Show we had Never the Sunshine (Sayre, PA), If Man is Five (Binghamton, NY), Elusive Travel (Ohio then, now Rochester, NY), Others (Binghamton, NY) and Punch Drunk Monkeys (Binghamton, NY). You can watch the Vol II DVD on our XS Vimeo Channel. All of these bands have broken up. Elusive Travel survive as a project, and If Man is Five is working on a version of their lineup. Enjoy some of the performances and pictures below. Pictures are by us and other people.


Xtreme Soundscapes Vol I DVD Release Show, Castways, Ithaca, NY - November 21, 2004

Divinity DestroyedWe did a DVD series for a few years called Xtreme Soundscapes. The idea was to feature live music from unsigned bands, and usually one big band, and explore awesome underground music. This was the first DVD release show. It was at Castways, Ithaca, NY on November 21, 2004. I do believe this was also the 2nd show we ever booked. You can watch and download all the Xtreme Soundscapes DVD's on Vimeo

The show consisted of a diverse line-up of Lotus Project (from the Ithaca area), Worm Quartet (from Rochester, NY), If Man is Five (from Binghamton, NY) doing an acoustic set, Divinity Destroyed (from Toms River, New Jersey), The Pushrods (from Elmira, NY), and The Wicthing (from Ithaca, NY). It was a pretty awesome show. All the bands have broken up aside from Worm Quartet, who is not as active as he once was. If Man is Five are attempting a comeback with a different lineup. There are pictures below, all from different sources. Here are some of the performances from that night...


September 13, 2015 - Brianna of If Man is Five and EVD's 10th Anniversary

EVDPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Tim, James, Justin, who hadn't been here for several months, and, Briana, of the band If Man Is Five. She played some songs acoustically in The Performance room. She sounded awesome. A track from one of If Man Is Five's CD's was also played, as well as a brand new song from them, from their new incarnation of the band, it was cool. You can find them on Bandcamp, Facebook, and, YouTube. Briana was interviewed, she told us about this new lineup of the band, what they're up to, and, what she's been up to since she's last been here, as it has been quite a while. Azkath played an interview which he had conducted with the band One Eyed Doll. It was bracketed by their songs, and was quite entertaining, as, as Azkath explained, the first time he recorded the interview, the recording program crashed, so they had to do it again. Kimberly had been serious in that interview, but, for the second one, kept cracking up at everything, laughing a lot, and, giving silly answers and explanations to things, like, that, apparently she is a baby chicken, her band mate is a salamander, and their song/video is all about puppies, it was amusing. They are an awesome band, they are on Facebook, and Twitter. Two days before this LE, September 11th, was EVD's tenth Anniversary being here, Happy Anniversary, EVD(!), and, isn't that an appropriate date for him to have made his first appearance!? So Azkath got him an Anniversary gift. Well, actually, he had told Tim to get it, he told Tim to get EVD something that, he, Tim, would really hate, since, if Tim hates it, it should be a pretty safe bet that EVD would love it. That was a good theory, but, in practice, it didn't work out. Tim got EVD a book by conservative talk show host Sean Hannity. And, although Tim, who is a conservative, doesn't like Hannity, EVD, who is really liberal, hates him. EVD took his gift and clobbered Tim repeatedly with it, and then did the same thing to James, for some reason, even though James had had nothing to do with getting the present. James wailed that he would have gotten EVD a Rob Zombie CD, which enraged EVD even more, as he hates Rob Zombie, so he wailed on James some more with his present. Then Nathan, who, being a Bronie, which means he has terrible judgement, made the mistake of reading from the book out loud, just because he thought the phrase "I don't drink the Republican Cool Aid" was funny. What's so funny about that? I guess you have to have a Bronie's mind to understand that. EVD became infuriated again, he began ripping up the book, and shoving it in Nathan's mouth. Nathan was forced to eat A LOT of that book. He became traumatized, and was curled up in a fetal position, clutching his Ipod. Well, Nathan, that will teach you to read conservative literature out loud in EVD's presence, and all for something that wasn't even funny! But, even though EVD didn't like his present at all, he did really enjoy the use he put it to, so he did wind up having fun on his Anniversary. Briana and James shared with us what their earliest memories were. And, we had a strange phenomenon this night, people kept changing into other people. First Justin turned into Tim, that must be what happened, because Justin was gone, and then Tim was there, and then the same thing happened with Briana and James, she was gone, and then he was there. Weird. There were segments of Movie Time, and TV programs were discussed as well. And, in our new scheduling of features, The Cover Set was at 4:00, and The Old School Hour was at 2:00... 

- Fire Eater Wizard


May 15, 2005 - Brianna of If Man is Five

BriannaBrianna, guitarist for the band If Man Is Five, was there since she had been ill a couple weeks ago, when her band mate Angela had been on, and, thus, had been unable to be there then. She updated us on the band. They have a new bass player. Her name is Kate. And Brianna told us about what projects If Man Is Five is working on and what's coming up in their near future. She also was asked and gave her answers to lots of those crazy questions from Just Joe was not there at first, and everyone was wondering if that sea monster in the basement really had killed him. He finally arrived, around 2:00. Whereupon Brianna left as Just Joe makes her sick (well, doesn't he have that effect on all of us!??). They asked Just Joe about his experiences the week before in the basement (being locked down there, and screaming in terror that there was something bad down there). But Just Joe insisted that none of that had ever happened. It was decided that Just Joe was obviously blocking out and repressing traumatic memories. And everyone knows that that is not good for you, so, because his well being is so important to us all, and for his own good, they locked him back down there, telling him that he could not come back up until he remembered everything. They called down to talk to him. And Just Joe was whimpering and screaming in terror again. Telling them to please, please, please come down and help (with lots of reinforcements, like tactical nukes, preferably) or there would be nothing left of him. They kept telling him that there was nothing down there, and he kept insisting that, oh yes, there was, and that if they didn't get down there quickly, he was history. Finally, Just Joe was back upstairs, still acting quite traumatized, so, I guess the therapy was a failure. Shoebox called in briefly near the end of the show to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of his 1st appearance on LE, (the big show which was supposed to be the final show before Armageddon, which the late Zoltan ruined by stopping Armageddon from occurring). Then they gave Just Joe a sanity test (something which he was obviously in bad need of), where he answered lots of questions. The test results concluded that (oh what a huge shock here!) Just Joe is a maniac. I think no further comment is needed on that! That pretty much says it all! :p 

- Fire Eater Wizard


May 1, 2005 - Angela from If Man is Five

FMG, Pat, JoeAngela, the Vocalist from If Man Is Five was there, (unfortunately band mate Brianna was ill and thus could not make it). She was there to talk about an upcoming concert. Saturday, May 7th (this Saturday) If Man Is Five and a bunch of bands, one of which is another LE visitor and favorite, the band Others, will be performing at The Lordes Breast Care benefit at The Skatepark In Johnson City. It costs $5 and should be a great show, so you should attend it! Angela performed lots of If Man Is Five songs acoustically on the air. She has an awesome extremely powerful voice as anyone who is at all familiar with the band knows. Her performances on LE rocked, her powerful voice blowing out all the levels as usual. It was awesome! A member of Lotus Project was there. No, of course not David, the worst co-host ever, he's too busy getting totally wasted every weekend, which is more important to him than his co-hosting duties, to bother to put in an appearance. No, it was Pat, the guitarist. Just Joe was there and being his usual stupid annoying obnoxious self. He and Azkath got into a fight, one which was to be the first of many that night. This one started when Just Joe threw a cup of water at Azkath. It hit the board, hitting a button that caused a squealing sound. Azkath grabbed a cup, put a little water in it, and began chasing Just Joe. Just Joe grabbed Pat and pulled him in front of him, meaning to use him as a human shield against the water he knew Azkath wanted to throw on him. But Pat just casually reached back and tossed his own cup of water (which had much more water in it than the one Azkath had), right into Just Joe's face. Pat was roundly congratulated for his nice work. It was decided that although Just Joe had not been told this beforehand, (who cares about such minor unimportant technicalities!?), that that was going to be considered his challenge for that night, which, of course, he had now lost. Just Joe just doesn't seem to do too well with any challenges involving glasses of water apparently. Pat got to pick a song to be played for winning the Just Joe Challenge, and Just Joe did not get to pick one for losing his challenge. Then there was another brawl. Pat threw Just Joe on the ground, and Azkath stepped on his head and made it bleed. Later, Just Joe was becoming rambunctious and annoying yet again (he just can't seem to help himself). Pat and Azkath both attacked him again. And this time, in edition to thoroughly beating him down, they totally destroyed his chips. Azkath sat on the chips many times. By the time they were through, the poor chips were absolutely totally and thoroughly crushed. Now you can kill Just Joe, you can brutally beat him, you can torture him... All of this he is just fine with. But mistreat his potato chips, well, this he finds absolutely and totally devastating! He was crying over his ruined chips. Pat left, and Azkath told Just Joe that he wasn't going to beat him any more. Well, not any more for the rest of that night, at least. In fact, Azkath told Just Joe that the rest of the night would Be Just Joe appreciation time. This time was spent telling Just Joe that they liked him and loved having him there. And in fact, as part of this Just Joe appreciation, Just Joe finally got a song by Triumph (one of his favorite ones) played for him. And so that was the show. At the end of it, Azkath told Just Joe that now Just Joe appreciation time was over, and that that would be the last of it. So, this week, we go back to hating Just Joe and to trying to destroy him. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


May 30, 2010 - New Animal, If Man is Five, and Moore

If Man is Five and New AnimalBands were there for most of the night, all the way up to the beginning of the final hour. In the first portion of the program, Loren and Jonah, from the band New Animal, were there. They were interviewed, updating us on their band, and their music was played. Then, in the middle of the night, Jim Moore, from his band, Moore, called in for an extended phone interview, during and after which two of his songs were played. Then, in the last half of the night, two thirds of the band If Man Is Five, Angela, the vocalist with the amazing, powerful, vocal range, and, their new drummer, Matt, for whom it was his first time on LE, showed up. They were interviewed about their band. They performed five songs live on the air, and music from their new CD was played as well. Just Joe played a new game with balloons on Matt. Instead of balloon golf, they tried a kind of version of balloon baseball, where Matt would hold the balloons in front of his face, and Just Joe would swing at them 'til he popped them. They also had Matt lie down, with the balloons on top of him, and Just Joe swung at the balloons 'til they popped. So that was Matt's introduction to LE, and he is now traumatized by balloons.

In the final hour, there were abbreviated segments of Adventures In Listening, and, Movie Time. Then Azkath played for Just Joe an old song that was played on LE years ago, and is one of those extremely bizarre songs which would be an EVD bullet if it came up in Russian Roulette, it was The Muppets, combined with techno sounding stuff doing the Star Wars Cantina music. This started a set of other weird songs, like strange covers of the themes from the TV shows "The Facts Of Life", and, "Speed Racer". Just Joe was very happy with that set, and that's how the night ended, with him all happy and singing those theme songs...
-Fire Eater Wizard