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Xtreme Soundscapes Vol II DVD Release Show at Castways, Ithaca, NY - June 4, 2005

If Man is FiveOn our Second Xtreme Soundscapes DVD Release Show we had Never the Sunshine (Sayre, PA), If Man is Five (Binghamton, NY), Elusive Travel (Ohio then, now Rochester, NY), Others (Binghamton, NY) and Punch Drunk Monkeys (Binghamton, NY). You can watch the Vol II DVD on our XS Vimeo Channel. All of these bands have broken up. Elusive Travel survive as a project, and If Man is Five is working on a version of their lineup. Enjoy some of the performances and pictures below. Pictures are by us and other people.


May 29, 2005 - Missing Marcus and Punch Drunk Monkeys

Missing Marcus and PDMTim from Victory Records was there after having been away for several months. The band Missing Marcus was on to be interviewed and to play some of their songs live and acoustic. They're cool. Also there were Mr. Zarumba of Punch Drunk Monkeys, and Dan-O Voodi of Punch Drunk Monkeys and also of the band Others. Mr. Zarumba played a couple of acoustic songs he had recorded as well. Very funny. They were there to promote The Xtreme Soundscapes DVD: Volume 2 Release Show. The big event will be this Saturday, June 4th, at Castaways. The show starts at 7:00. It only costs $5. The 1st 100 people through the door will get The Xtreme Soundscapes DVD: Volume 2 for free. And there will be lots of other free stuff, CD compilations, and all kinds of other cool stuff given away as well. And, of course!, the music! Never The Sunshine starts off the night, and If Man Is Five, Others, Elusive Travel, Divinity Destroyed, and Punch Drunk Monkeys complete with Crappy The Clown! (the Punch Drunk Monkeys and Crappy The Clown concert is a one time only, and, thus, a once in a lifetime event, as the band is broken up, and so that alone is something truly not to be missed!) will all be performing. And Just Joe will have a special roll onstage as well, which, I'm sure, will also be unforgettable and another thing that all by itself is not to be missed. This event also marks the 11th anniversary of The Last Exit For The Lost. So, all of you should be in attendance! Support the independent music scene, hear and see lots of great music and have a blast! All the visitors to LE were asked and gave their silly answers to lots of those crazy questions from At the end of LE, they told Just Joe that they had a present for him in the basement. Just Joe seemed pretty ok with going down there to get it. On his way down there, we were told that it was just an empty box for another joke on Just Joe. However, when Just Joe came back upstairs, he was once again extremely upset. He was asked what he was so upset about, it was just an empty box, after all. But Just Joe said that it had not been empty... Yes, this time Just Joe claimed to have seen, not a monster, but spiders, lots and lots of spiders, everywhere. And, apparently, Just Joe does not like spiders. And so that was how the night ended, with Just Joe extremely upset and yelling about spiders. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


June 14, 2015 - B. Rettie Tribute

BRettieThis show is dedicated to the memory of B. Rettie.

On June 11, 2015, William E. Rettie passed away after a brief illness. He was born July 8, 1964 to William and Joanne Rettie. After graduation from Cobleskill Central School, Bill attended SUNY Cobleskill and Community College of the Finger Lakes. Bill’s interests included music, both as a fan and as a musician/song writer. He was a successful and respected business owner/founder. He had a keen sense for business and the entrepreneurial spirit to match. Bill is most known for his kindness, generosity, gracious warmth and his great ability to make people laugh. Bill was happiest when he was surrounded by his family and friends. Bill was predeceased by his father, William H. Rettie. He is survived by his beloved wife, Renee Maffei Rettie and their beautiful dog Gidget; his mother, Joanne Rettie of Cobleskill; sisters, Kathleen (Martin) Thomas of Troy and Barbara (Thomas) Borter of Valley Falls; and sisters-in-law, Annette (Joseph) Falzone and Doreen (Andrew) Warholic. He will be missed by nieces, Erin (Joseph) Trimarchi of Guilderland, Jennifer (Mark) Collins of Troy, and Michelle Falzone of West Pittston, PA; nephews, Jeffery (Emily Wethje) Borter of Homer, Joseph Falzone of Lancaster, CA, Tanner, Alexander and Benjamin Warholic of Cortland. He is also survived by great-nieces, Madelynn, Katherine, Braley & Alessandra and his godson, Jordan Beck. 


This was the second weekend in June, our Anniversary month, twenty one this year, so it was the second Show appreciating current co-hosts. Present were, EVD, Just Joe, whatever The Person Formerly Known As Crappy The Clown was calling himself this week, this time it was Mr. Nobody, R.J., and a girl he brought with him whom I'm assuming is his girlfriend, but if I'm wrong on that, my apologies to her, on second thought, even if I am right about that, still, I'm sorry, Girl. Nathan was supposed to be there, but called in sick, thus ruining what was supposed to be Just Joe's token of appreciation, Nathan was supposed to be sacrificed to him, so that will probably occur later this month. Crappy's gift was a copy of a Show he had performed at as part of The Punch Drunk Monkeys, the last Show they played together. Some songs of Punch Drunk Monkeys's were played, always great to hear, and some clips of Crappy appearing on LE from way back in the day. Crappy made an appearance to receive his appreciations. R.J.'s gift was a copy of "The Last Exit For The Lost Armageddon Show", which his band Thirteen South had performed at. A Thirteen South track from that was played, it rocked. R.J. and Girl made a huge mess when they dumped some bags of foam all over Azkath. Azkath wasn't able to come up with another gesture of appreciation for Just Joe, other than his plans for an absent Nathan, so he, very reluctantly, told Just Joe that, if he really wanted it, he guessed they could play Europe's "The Final Count Down", if he REALLY wanted it. Just Joe was ecstatic. But, when the song played, only a few seconds of it would play. Azkath told Just Joe he must have broken it, but Just Joe was sure he hadn't. They tried a few more times, and the word "Nope" could be heard when it stopped, finally reminding Azkath that he had gotten rid of all of the copies of that song, knowing that Just Joe would try to get around the ban on it any chance he got. Azkath claimed he had forgotten all about doing that, and had really meant to play it for Just Joe, but who knows, it would be just like something he would do to torment Just Joe, letting him get his hopes up just to crush them. There were segments of Movie Time, and a new Netflix series was reviewed as well. At 3:30 the set of all covers was played. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

-Fire Eater Wizard


February 27, 2005 - Mr. Zaremba and The Wheel of Satan

ShirtFor the first time in about three or four months, there was absolutely no Pushrods representation whatsoever on the show. Yes, they were all absent. Just Joe was back. In the first part of the show, some guests were briefly there. Michelle, (she who had brought the phallic cigarette lighter and molested Just Joe with it a few weeks back), and Ken (who made Azkath a shirt, pictured to the right). They were there for a few minutes, talked a bit, and then said they had to be going. Unfortunately, The Punch Drunk Monkeys were unable to make it to the show. But Mr. Zaremba did call in to talk about their upcoming concert. Saturday, March 5th, they will be on a show with Alabama Thunder Pussy and Gwar! It's at The Magic City Music Hall in Johnson City and will be really something! I mean, Alabama Thunder Pussy, Gwar, and Punch Drunk Monkeys complete with Crappy The Clown! What more needs to be said!? For Just Joe's challenge that week... Azkath said that he had finally finished his work trying to combine The Wheel Of Satan with The Keys To The Apocalypse, and that he wanted Just Joe to plug it in as he was not sure what would happen when it was plugged in, and, thus, wanted Just Joe to do it in case it exploded or something. Since Just Joe is stupid, this deal was fine with him. He plugged it in... And a couple of things happened. First of all, there was a loud screech, then a weird distorted echo. Also, the thing started playing The Teletubbies again. The echo distorted everything, The Teletubbies, and everyone who was talking. Just Joe thought that The Teletubbies were fine and exactly what the wheel was supposed to do. He kept insisting this, in fact. But Azkath told him to kick the thing, and, although, he resisted, he finally did. And the thing started making the old familiar sound of The Wheel Of Satan, although, the echo was still there. Then, a count down display appeared, which appeared to be set for three weeks from then. So, who knows, apparently, according to this, something big should happen then. We shall all have to wait and see. In the meantime, the thing was consigned to the basement 'til the big day, so that the echo (which they could not get to stop) could not be heard. And so that was the show.

- Fire Eater Wizard