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June 8, 2014 - 20th Anniversary Shows - Part 1: Crappy the Clown

IMG 5906This month, June, marks twenty years of "The Last Exit For The Lost", this incarnation of the program, it was around under other names, hosted by other people, but June of '94 is when this one debuted. So this LE was the first of four or five very special programs to celebrate that, bringing back many voices from the past, former co-hosts, featuring many bands, and reliving twenty years of memories and insanity. Present for this night were, Eric, Crappy The Clown, Azriel, formerly of the band Zadoc And The Nightmare, The Worst Co-host In The World, Dave, Harold The Enforcer, The Old Man, Tracy, and, Rub Mc'Groin. Crappy played and sang a song for us on his guitar. Multiple rounds of Hide And Go Beat were played. Dave is our co-champion at this game, along with Rob, from the band Thirteen South. And he did it again tonight, it took three people trying, Azriel finally found him, so he got to knock Dave out by bashing him over the head with a big black metal sheet. While Dave was out, Azriel rubbed his belly. Then The Old Man hid. Azriel found him, and killed him with the metal sheet. However, The Old Man has been killed before, many times, and for someone so ancient and frail, he is remarkably resilient. So I'm sure we will see him again, in fact, we did, later that night, in our chat room, where I became his nurse, and, well, let's just say, despite his age is a sleazy, lecherous pervert. Azriel hid, Arydaea and Tracy found him, so they each got to give him a shot with the metal sheet. A clip of a former co-host who won't be able to make it to the celebration, Zoltan The Avenger, was played. He is now too old and wimpy to join us, plus we were in a feud over who is more powerful, and clearly this means that he is afraid of me, and has conceded that I am. The last hour was a very special Old School Hour, all bands that were on LE over the years, performed for us, some were here as co-host bands they were here so often, bands who were interviewed, or interacted with LE. This hour, bands like, Divinity Destroyed, The Pushrods, If Man Is Five, Others, Missing Marcus, Armageddon Monks, New Animal, among many more, some tracks were performances live here, and there was a funny clip with a band member from way back in '94, our first year. And so thus went the first night of our month long celebration of twenty years of "The Last Exit For The Lost"!  - Recap by Fire Eater Wizard


May 16, 2010 - The Dave Show...

Dave hosted the first two hours and forty five minutes of the program, give or take a few minutes, along with EVD and James, because Azkath, Just Joe, and Foul Mouth Girl were away helping out the band Psyche Corporation at The Steam Punk World Fair. The Enforcer was also there for the first two or three talk breaks. Show listings had it's background music from long ago back again, it was from the original "Battlestar Galactica" TV program. Adventures In Listening occurred, Movie Time did also...
- Fire Eater Wizard

May 23, 2010 - Butt Punching!

EVD was there. The Enforcer was there for a couple of hours. Tribute to the Past / Russian Roulette was played. A bullet, Motley Crue's "Stick To Your Guns", played, so The Enforcer butt punched Just Joe. He did that again later, because Just Joe was being stupid. EVD got some too! There was a tribute to Dio, who has passed away. A set of music with him and the bands he's been in, featuring some more rare stuff that hasn't been played very often. Just Joe's favorite band, Elf, was played during that, the only time that will ever happen, and they tricked Just Joe into missing it, telling him to go outside for a few minutes, and promising him they wouldn't play Elf while he was out there, and, of course, they played it while he was out there, making him miss something he's waited for for the whole time he's been here, to get to hear Elf, because he was stupid enough to believe and trust them. He was quite upset. A couple sets of Adventures In Listening occurred. Movie Time happened, spread out throughout the night...
- Fire Eater Wizard

June 20, 2010 - Psyche Corporation and Vindicator

Genevieve, of the band Psyche Corporation, was there for most of the night. Her music was played, including a new song. is her website, she rocks. The Enforcer was there for a little while at the beginning of the night. He informed us that he won't be around for a couple weeks, as he is getting married, and will be honeymooning in Mexico. So Congratulations Enforcer, good luck with all that. Vic, the rhythm guitarist for the band Vindicator called in for an extended interview. He talked about his band, and promoted a concert they would be performing at, in Buffalo, in a couple days. Some songs from his band's CD were played throughout the night. They are cool. For Russian Roulette, it was the same rules as last week: If a bullet played on an odd number, Just Joe would get to play a set of music. If a bullet played on an even number, Foul Mouth Girl would get to play a set of music. And, if a bizarre, EVD song played? As EVD was not there this night, in the highly unlikely event that that would happen two weeks in a row, Genevieve would get to play a set of music. After two rounds, no bullets played, and Russian Roulette was ended there for this night. There was a segment of Adventures In Listening, and two Segments of Movie Time. Gorgar was there in the final hour, and something happened that hasn't in a while... Gorgar's Corner. Not Gorgar's Glamorama, which is similar, yet a completely different thing, trust us, but the original, which preceded that, Gorgar's Corner. Gorgar's pick for this week was the band Crash Diet, with the song "Native Nature...
- Fire Eater Wizard

July 18, 2010 - The I-Dose Experiments Begin

The Enforcer was there in the first talk break, he told us about his honeymoon in Mexico. Little Gorgar and Adam were there for a while. Azkath decided to try out an experiment on Just Joe. He wanted to test I-dosing on him. This is an Internet craze where you listen to music tones through headphones, so you have a different tone in each ear, and it creates a beat in your head, and you lie down, in a dark, quiet place, try to put yourself in a meditative state, stay that way for a length of time, say half an hour, and it's supposed to do things to your mind, which, according to some, could lead to bad things, and, according to others, does not. Azkath wanted to see what affect, if any, it would have on Just Joe. He had several sounds to try on him. The first one, although Just Joe claimed it had no affect on him, to everyone else it was clear that it had. He seemed kind of out there, breezy kind of. He decided to try that one again. Then he was given another one to try. After that one he seemed very jumpy. Trying another made him really agitated and angry, throwing stuff, and trying to destroy the studio, and acting very hostile. Although Just Joe kept insisting they were having no affect on him, he said he didn't want to try any more. Azkath said they would play Russian Roulette. If a bullet played, Just Joe would try one more. If no bullet, he wouldn't. A bullet right on the first song. But Just Joe refused to go downstairs and listen to any more. So Azkath tricked him into going near the stairs, saying that he had something for him that he would really like. He then kicked him down the stairs, and played him the last one. Although Just Joe kept insisting they had no affect on him, this one obviously made him very happy. He was all polite and happy and fuzzy for the rest of the night. So I-dosing clearly works on Just Joe, even if he doesn't realize it. There was Anomaly Corner interspersed throughout the last portion of the program, and two segments of Movie Time...
- Fire Eater Wizard

July 25, 2010 - The I-Dose Experiments Continue

Ria was there for a little while in the middle of the night, and The Enforcer stopped by for one talk break in the middle of the program, much later than he is usually there. When Just Joe was asked about his experience last week with I-dosing, he still kept insisting that they had had absolutely no affect on him whatsoever, even though it had been obvious to everyone else that they had. He then asked if the MP3 player with the I-Doses on it was here, was told it was, and said of course he didn't care at all. However, he kept eyeing it, and trying to sneak over and take it, always saying that he didn't care about it at all. He was told there was now a new one on the MP3 player, one that was supposed to make you laugh. When a Russian Roulette Set was played, Just Joe was told that, if no bullet played, he could hear the new one, if a bullet played, he could not. Just Joe pretended not to care. Bullet, so no I-dosing for Just Joe. Still Just Joe kept being extremely fascinated with the MP3 player, and pretending not to be. Later, he was told that there would be a second Russian Roulette Set, same rules. This time, no bullet. Just Joe took the MP3 player downstairs, and listened to the new I-Dose, which, to refresh anyone's memory, or for anyone new here, is two tones, a different one in each ear, which, when listened to through headphones in a dark, quiet place for a half hour or an hour, in a meditative state, is supposed to change your brain waves, and affect your mind, altering it. Of course, given that it's Just Joe we're talking about here, assuming there is a mind there to alter is always a big assumption. Just Joe came back all giggly, laughing at everything, but saying that the I-dosing didn't work, he just found things funny, like, everything, funny. Azkath told Just Joe that there was one more new I-Dose on the MP3 player that he hadn't tried yet, that it was hidden on there, but that he could scroll around on there and try to find it if he wanted to. Just Joe said what would be the point in that, since none of them worked, and then promptly grabbed the MP3 player and headed for the basement. He returned from that in the last talk break of the night, and, he had obviously managed to find the hidden I-Dose, he was now acting totally retarded, pointing and giggling hysterically at everything. Luckily it was time to leave. Wow, good thing that I-dosing has no affect on Just Joe, lucky there is no way he's becoming addicted to them, because these behaviors he's been exhibiting lately for some strange, unexplained reason, well, they can be kinda a problem, annoying, especially this last one. There was Adventures In Listening, two segments of Movie Time, now with it's own movie background theme music, and an Anomaly Corner...

-Fire Eater Wizard


October 3, 2010 - Wicked Ithaca Aftermath

MontageIn the first portion of the program there were a ton of people there. Three bands, Pandora's Toybox, The Lobster Quadrille, and Psyche Corporation, all of whom had performed at Wicked Ithaca prior to being on LE, Gorgar, Little Gorgar, Adam, The Enforcer, Dave, and, Rick, Wulfie, and Wulfie's brother BILL!, the last three from The Metallic Onslaught. The bands were interviewed, first Pandora's Toybox, and then The Lobster Quadrille, both of which were first timers here, and they only were able to stay for the first couple of hours. Both bands's music was played, a couple of tracks each. They rock. Morte has another band called Sorrowseed, which can be found at A song of whose was also played, which also rocked. Psyche Corporation, which is Psyche Chimère, who has been on LE many times, was there for the whole program. Her music was played as well, is her website. She is cool. After the first two mentioned bands had departed, they sent Just Joe, all covered in Saran Rap in his attempt to make himself look invisible, out to have Wulfie, in his wolf mask, chase him through town. BILL! went with them, and streamed it on his Android phone to the LE website so the listeners could view it live. Someone accused Just Joe of being on pot, and someone else kept asking him for pot, with a cop right nearby, a sample of the brilliant humanity out there. They recounted there adventures when they returned. Tribute to the Past Russian Roulette was played. There are now ten thousand nine hundred eighty nine songs on the computer. If a bullet played, Rick, Wulfie, and BILL!, would each get to break a record over Just Joe's head. If no bullet, Just Joe would get to break a record over Rick's, Wulfie's, and BILL!'s heads. A bullet, the band XYZ. Just Joe got records broken over his head by Rick, Wulfie, BILL!, and Azkath smashed one over Wulfie's head for saying a bad word on the air on accident. Just Joe was knocked out for a bit, but he soon recovered. They decided to hypnotize Wulfie and send him into the future, to a week after the end of the world, to December 30th, 2012, to see if he saw the same thing Just Joe had seen when they did that to him a long time ago. Just Joe had seen, he said, bunnies, lots and lots of bunnies, the land was covered with them, but there was something different about the bunnies, they were frightening, and Just Joe still gets traumatized when it's mentioned to him, especially when they tell him they were probably shoggoths. Wulfie was sent to the future, and they asked him to tell them what he saw. He did see the bunnies, and shoggoths, he said the shoggoths were eating the bunnies. Then he said that, upon closer inspection, there was something wrong about those bunnies. Yes, there was something very not alright about them, he said it was bad, very bad, so bad in fact, that he couldn't say it, so, it was unspeakable. He was brought back. But, before Azkath brought him out of the hypnotic state, he told him that, although he would not remember hearing this, now, every time he heard the word metal, he would be allergic to wolves. And, when Wulfie was out of his trance, they started saying the word metal a lot, using it to describe a lot of the songs they were playing, as in "this is very metal", or "this isn't nearly as metal as I thought it would be". And, indeed, every time they uttered the word metal, Wulfie would start sneezing a lot. So, since Wulfie calls himself The Metal Wulf, now he won't be able to say or hear his name without violently sneezing, and he won't have any idea why, unless he reads this, of course, or listens to LE again. There started to be an Adventures In Listening, but the first song up was SOOOOO bad, sounding almost like a country song, not a metal (sorry Wulfie) song at all, that it actually was the first song ever to break the rule of Adventures In Listening, that, no matter how much it sucked, it would be let play all the way through, but no one could bear to hear this one all the way through, so, for the first time ever in this segment, the song, and the segment, was halted. There was two segments of Movie time, with Wulfie, Rick, BILL! , and Psyche Chimère participating. Rick, Wulfie,BILL!, and Psyche Chimère stayed for the whole program, though BILL! fell asleep about halfway through the night... 
-Fire Eater Wizard