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August 8, 2010 - Joe vs The Water Balloons

Just JoeEVD was there, but Dave was not, which leads us to conclude that EVD and Dave are the same person, or that EVD can morph into either one, because whenever EVD is there, Dave isn't, and vice versa. EVD strongly denies this, but no one believes him. Two women representing Wicked Ithaca dropped by to tell us about that upcoming event. Victoria was there for a little while and she concurred that EVD and Dave must be one and the same. Gorgar and Little Gorgar were there early in the night, much earlier than Gorgar is usually there. Azkath explained I-dosing to EVD and Gorgar. When Russian Roulette was played... If a bullet played, Gorgar would get to try the I-dosing. If no bullet, Azkath would play a special song just for Just Joe. And, if an EVD bullet played, EVD would get to try the I-dosing. No bullet. However, Just Joe was elsewhere when the set was playing, and wasn't listening, so they lied to him and told him a bullet had played. So Gorgar went down to the basement to lie quietly still and I-Dose. While he was doing that, Little Gorgar got to take Just Joe outside and throw water balloons at him, he came back inside soaked. When Gorgar finally came back, he was very un-Gorgar like, he was actually happy, very happy, which is never the case with him. He was so mellow and happy that he didn't even freak out in the slightest when told there was a big spider on his arm, or even when he was told that there were deer. He said it didn't matter, he liked deer. And, unlike Just Joe, who still tries to insist, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, that the I-dosing doesn't work at all, Gorgar readily admitted that they worked great. Gorgar departed all smiles and happy, again, an unbelievable sight. Azkath told Just Joe that they had lied to him, that there had been no bullet. But he said he would now play Just Joe the special song he would really like. It was a cover of "Mr. Roboto", by Mose Giganticus, which both Just Joe, and I, did enjoy very much indeed. There was a segment of Movie Time. Then, when he was supposed to be on the air, Just Joe wasn't there. Foul Mouth Girl was sent to look for him, and brought him back from the basement. And he had MP3 headphones on. Azkath accused him of I-dosing. Just Joe tried to deny it, but, once again, Azkath found his MP3 player on Just Joe. Azkath told Just Joe that he was not allowed to I-dose any more, and, besides, why should he care, since they have no effect on him at all? Just Joe kept trying to sneak off with the MP3 player again, so Azkath gave him a brutal beat down. Then he kept taunting an injured Just Joe with the MP3 player, asking him if he wanted it, when Just Joe said yes, telling him he couldn't have it, telling him "here it is", then saying "but not for you", and pulling it away from him. In the last talk break of the night, however, Just Joe once again had managed to get his hands on the MP3 player (he is nothing if not determined). When Azkath tried to grab it away from him, he ran away with it, and, because he was running so hard, and not paying attention to where he was going, he fell right down the basement stairs. But he still had the MP3 player, and he was now down in the basement with it, so I guess, regardless of how he got there, he was happy. That could change, or increase, depending on which I-dose he started listening to down there... 
- Fire Eater Wizard

August 22, 2010 - Just Joe Gets Sent Away...

The week before, EVD, Dave, and Shane had all been there, tending to disprove the theory that EVD and Dave are really the same person. Shane had been told to prove that they were the same person. He had said he could do that, and then departed to get the proof. He had promised to bring the found proof this week, but now none of the three were there. So the mystery remains. Jess, from Wicked Ithaca, stopped by for one talk break near the beginning of the program to update us on that upcoming event. Tim, formerly of Century Media, and before that, of Victory Records, who hasn't been at LE for quite a while was there for about three hours. Ria was also there for a while. There were three segments of Movie Time interspersed throughout the night. Tim joined in on two of them, and Ria did on one. Just Joe had been claiming that he had not I-dosed in two weeks, and was done with it. No one really believed him, though. At the end of the program, Azkath found Just Joe outside, near the ditch, passed out in the rain, wet and shivering, with headphones on! He had been I-dosing! He tried to deny that that was what he had been doing, but it was obvious. Azkath told Just Joe that he was sending him into rehab, that he was staging an intervention. Just Joe said that he didn't need rehab, that he could stop any time he wanted to. And, besides, he went on, there was no such thing as rehab for I-dosing. Azkath insisted that he was going to put him into rehab. Which is very considerate of him, and really the least he can do, since he is the one who got Just Joe addicted to I-dosing in the first place... The program ended with Just Joe wanting to go get in the ditch and listen to I-doses some more. Yeah, right, he definitely doesn't have a problem, no addiction there at all!
-Fire Eater Wizard

October 3, 2010 - Wicked Ithaca Aftermath

MontageIn the first portion of the program there were a ton of people there. Three bands, Pandora's Toybox, The Lobster Quadrille, and Psyche Corporation, all of whom had performed at Wicked Ithaca prior to being on LE, Gorgar, Little Gorgar, Adam, The Enforcer, Dave, and, Rick, Wulfie, and Wulfie's brother BILL!, the last three from The Metallic Onslaught. The bands were interviewed, first Pandora's Toybox, and then The Lobster Quadrille, both of which were first timers here, and they only were able to stay for the first couple of hours. Both bands's music was played, a couple of tracks each. They rock. Morte has another band called Sorrowseed, which can be found at A song of whose was also played, which also rocked. Psyche Corporation, which is Psyche Chimère, who has been on LE many times, was there for the whole program. Her music was played as well, is her website. She is cool. After the first two mentioned bands had departed, they sent Just Joe, all covered in Saran Rap in his attempt to make himself look invisible, out to have Wulfie, in his wolf mask, chase him through town. BILL! went with them, and streamed it on his Android phone to the LE website so the listeners could view it live. Someone accused Just Joe of being on pot, and someone else kept asking him for pot, with a cop right nearby, a sample of the brilliant humanity out there. They recounted there adventures when they returned. Tribute to the Past Russian Roulette was played. There are now ten thousand nine hundred eighty nine songs on the computer. If a bullet played, Rick, Wulfie, and BILL!, would each get to break a record over Just Joe's head. If no bullet, Just Joe would get to break a record over Rick's, Wulfie's, and BILL!'s heads. A bullet, the band XYZ. Just Joe got records broken over his head by Rick, Wulfie, BILL!, and Azkath smashed one over Wulfie's head for saying a bad word on the air on accident. Just Joe was knocked out for a bit, but he soon recovered. They decided to hypnotize Wulfie and send him into the future, to a week after the end of the world, to December 30th, 2012, to see if he saw the same thing Just Joe had seen when they did that to him a long time ago. Just Joe had seen, he said, bunnies, lots and lots of bunnies, the land was covered with them, but there was something different about the bunnies, they were frightening, and Just Joe still gets traumatized when it's mentioned to him, especially when they tell him they were probably shoggoths. Wulfie was sent to the future, and they asked him to tell them what he saw. He did see the bunnies, and shoggoths, he said the shoggoths were eating the bunnies. Then he said that, upon closer inspection, there was something wrong about those bunnies. Yes, there was something very not alright about them, he said it was bad, very bad, so bad in fact, that he couldn't say it, so, it was unspeakable. He was brought back. But, before Azkath brought him out of the hypnotic state, he told him that, although he would not remember hearing this, now, every time he heard the word metal, he would be allergic to wolves. And, when Wulfie was out of his trance, they started saying the word metal a lot, using it to describe a lot of the songs they were playing, as in "this is very metal", or "this isn't nearly as metal as I thought it would be". And, indeed, every time they uttered the word metal, Wulfie would start sneezing a lot. So, since Wulfie calls himself The Metal Wulf, now he won't be able to say or hear his name without violently sneezing, and he won't have any idea why, unless he reads this, of course, or listens to LE again. There started to be an Adventures In Listening, but the first song up was SOOOOO bad, sounding almost like a country song, not a metal (sorry Wulfie) song at all, that it actually was the first song ever to break the rule of Adventures In Listening, that, no matter how much it sucked, it would be let play all the way through, but no one could bear to hear this one all the way through, so, for the first time ever in this segment, the song, and the segment, was halted. There was two segments of Movie time, with Wulfie, Rick, BILL! , and Psyche Chimère participating. Rick, Wulfie,BILL!, and Psyche Chimère stayed for the whole program, though BILL! fell asleep about halfway through the night... 
-Fire Eater Wizard