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July 19, 2015 - Undead Messengers and The Metallic Onslaught

LEThe first part of the program, about an hour and a half, was prerecorded, because everyone was attending the The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show. When the live portion started, present were, EVD, Nathan, Rick and Randy from "The Metallic Onslaught", and the band Undead Messengers, who had been one of the bands performing at the above mentioned Show. Azkath played a song that Nathan had composed and recorded with a couple of friends, and he, Nathan, said it was for EVD. It was entitled "Metal Sex". It was, um, interesting... When asked how he felt after hearing it, EVD had one word, "Violated!". Azkath said he had something for Randy since he chose to smoke that night at the Haunt show... It was a brand new baking sheet, which he proceeded to bash Randy in the head with, repeatedly, 'til the baking sheet was pretty much destroyed. During one of the talk breaks, Azkath said he could hear Europe's "The Final Countdown" playing, and he couldn't figure out why, as that song is banned on LE, in this studio, at least. EVD said that he couldn't hear it, but Randy could, and so could I. Azkath had even created a computer virus to destroy that song on all of the computers, including other people's, like Tim's. Then they realized that Nathan was not around. Nathan was the culprit, and he found it highly amusing. He said it had been so worth it. He had found an untouched copy and had crawled beneath the board and plugged his phone into the jack for the background music. He got beaten senseless, totally knocked out cold, by Azkath, Rick wanted to participate in the beat down, too, but it was feared that this would kill the young, ninety five pound Bronie, which we don't want to do because he is fun to pick on. Later Azkath told Nathan not to look in a mirror, saying that apparently he had misunderstood, when he thought that EVD was a good hair stylist and barber. Well, ya know, mad scientist, hair dresser, those two things are easily confused. They told him everything would be fine, as long as he didn't look into a mirror. Undead Messengers updated us on the goings on with their band, and their plans. At 3:30, The cover set. There were segments of Movie Time. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Fire Eater Wizard


June 7, 2015 - 21st Anniversary Show

EVD and Friends

This past week, Wednesday, on June 3rd, was LE's 21st Anniversary, so this was an Anniversary Show. Present were, EVD, Nathan, Tim, Olivia, and Darryl from Undead Messengers, and, Adam and Nikki, who hadn't been here in a while. There was a little talk about the past, but this time, Azkath decided to celebrate the current co-hosts, he had presents for them. EVD got to bash a picture of George W. Bush and break it into smithereens with a hammer. Nathan got a tape deck, it doesn't work, but maybe he can fix it up. It also happened to be the very date of Tim and Olivia's third Anniversary of being together. Happy Anniversary, guys. To Celebrate them as co-hosts, and to celebrate their Anniversary as well, Tim got to stand under the balcony while Olivia and EVD pelted him with a whole bunch of water balloons. There was a set of about ten Shoebox songs, which took about eleven minutes, to honor him as he used to be a regular co-host. At 3:30, the set of cover songs was played. There were segments of Movie Time, with some TV programs talked about as well. The last hour was The Old School Hour... 

There was also the first part of an interview that Azkath and Randy did with Karen Stever of the band Stever. You can listen to the full interview here.

- Fire Eater Wizard


May 24, 2015 - Undead Messengers Live in Studio

Undead Messengers

We had Undead Messengers perform live in studio. They had performed in studio once before, but that time was after another performance that same night, with a slightly different lineup, and this time we got their sound right (last time, we had technical issues that left Daryl's guitar out of the mix). They also played all originals this night, debuting a few new songs. Nathan ran the soundboard for the first time and got their sound down pretty good. 

Also joining us this night were EVD, Nathan, RJ, and Crappy / Mr. Linda, who was calling himself Nothing this week. R.J. told us about The Finger Lakes Metal Fest, which had been the week before, where Undead Messengers had performed, and R.J. had performed in three bands. They said it went very well, continuing to set new record attendances every year. Azkath also debuted something new this week, he said that, every week, around 3:30, he would play a set of all covers. The last hour was The Old School Hour...


May 3, 2015 - No Pants Day

No Pants DayThis was a very special Program, it was the first ever Official No Pants Day Show on The Last Exit. Usually No Pants Day is celebrated every year, going back years, on "The Metallic Onslaught", but, in their new accommodations, they currently don't have the room, or the mics, to hold it there, but that is being worked on, so this may well be the only No Pants Day LE, actually, No Pants Day is on the first Friday in May, which this year was right on the first, when MO broadcasts, but, of course, as LE does not air on Fridays, we called it No Pants Day Weekend this year. And, as Satan is miffed that Randy and Just Joe keep not showing up on our We Love Satan Shows, this LE was also a We Love Satan Show, for part of it, so Satan could possess either Just Joe, or Randy. Present for this very special LE were, Arydaea, EVD, Just Joe, Olivia, Tim, and, Jon (and his Girlfriend Robyn), from the band Undead Messengers, Randy and his brother BILL!!!, Bronie Nathan, who had brought along a Bronie friend of his, Aaron (aka Shreddy), Azriel, Tracy, Creepy Cousin Ted, . Everyone participated in No Pants Day, including me, except the host. The Wheel Of Doom had everyone's name present on it, people would spin it, and, who ever's name it landed on, would have to take their pants off. For most of them, that meant they were in their underwear, mostly boxers, but, Just Joe and EVD did special, in more ways than one, things, Just Joe came out, again, in more ways than one, in a little black skirt, and took Tracy, who's name had just come up on The Wheel, and, Aaron into the other room and gave them lap dances. Their screams could be heard, well, Tracy was mostly laughing. EVD came out in a toga, he got upset with his "girlfriend", Jon, of Undead Messengers, because he said that he was supposed to be wearing one, too, that they were supposed to do that together, so EVD told Jon they were through. Now, Randy was not allowed to participate in No Pants Day, his name was not on The Wheel, because of the horrible, disturbing things he has done for No Pants Day in the past, which you can check out on our YouTube, but don't if you are easily traumatized. But, when Satan showed up, he possessed Randy, and then wanted to spin The Wheel, and of course he was told he could, it was his portion of The Show, after all. But, when he spun it, the only name on it was Randy's, to everyone's great distress. Satan departed, and Randy, only now it was Mandy, looking even more hideous and disturbing than she had last year, and no one would have thought that that could be possible, arrived. She was wearing edible underwear, and she was still going on about her biological clock ticking and wanting a baby. She had demonstrated to us last year her horrible taste in men, when she had the hots for Just Joe, had molested him, seriously traumatizing him, and, a year hadn't improved her taste in men any, because the first thing she did was throw herself at Just Joe, and then she proceeded to throw herself at almost every other man there, chasing them around and molesting them. When she got to EVD, he started strangling her, so Mandy said she didn't like him anymore. Mandy did manage to corner Nathan in a soundbooth at one point, though... Azkath decided that the only way to get rid of Mandy, was to bring back something that was still really bad, but anything was better than Mandy. He had the two Bronies bring back Bronie Randy, by showing him cute little ponies, letting him pet them and stroke them and such. It worked, Bronie Randy emerged, and was shocked to find out how he looked. By now everyone was pants less, but Just Joe wanted to spin The Wheel again. When he did, the only name on it was Jeffie, Just Joe wanted his buddy Jeffie there for No Pants Day, they always celebrated that together on MO, and Jeffie was the one who had started Celebrating it there, with more disastrous results for everyone else every year. Now Jeffie is not allowed on LE, Azkath refuses to have him there. But Just Joe insisted, saying that The Wheel had spoken. So Azkath said that he quit then, and left. Jeffie arrived, wearing a Santa hat, and with his love boxers, which he said he had been wearing for two days, they smelled really bad. He kept putting them on people, rubbing them on them. As Azkath was gone, Jeffie and Just Joe thought they could do something else which is banned on LE, play Europe's "The Final Countdown", but every time Jeffie tried to play it on the computer, it would play a few notes, stop, and "Nope" was said, he tried several times but that kept happening, Azkath must have anticipated that Just Joe would try to get around that ban again, and put some kind of lock on it. Finally Jeffie found a version of it that would play, but it was a cover, a very evil sounding one by Libach. Just Joe was not happy with Jeffie. Then Jeffie played the new song from Nelson, which I loved, even better than their old stuff, but Just Joe did not. He became angry with his good friend, and they got into a slap fight. Randy tried to get Jeffie to eat Mandy's edible underwear, saying it was candy, but for once, Jeffie was smart enough not to fall for that, he must be getting a bit smarter. Just Joe and Jeffie's fight progressed outside, and Just Joe knocked Jeffie over the porch railing by hitting him in the head, most likely killing him, but, if he did, I'm sure he will come back, he always does, we never get that lucky. Just Joe found Azkath and begged him to come back, saying he had gotten rid of Jeffie. Azkath wanted an apology, and got it. He said they were all good now, but he would punish Just Joe for bringing Jeffie later, more on that in a bit. Azkath had Just Joe take Tracy and Nathan into The Performance Room, and seat them in chairs. Then he played Porno Joe's theme music, so they were treated to the full experience that that is, stripping, lap dances, lots of rubbing and molesting, their screams could be heard. Once Just Joe's porn music stops, he never has any memory of what he has just done, and has absolutely no idea why he is naked, on top of people, and why they are so traumatized. Azkath asked Just Joe why he had been absent for three weeks? Just Joe said that he had been on a cruise, to Bermuda. When asked where in Bermuda, he said The Triangle, but then, when he started describing his experiences there, he described the two obscure, disturbing movies he had watched the last time he was here, "Let My Puppets Come", and, "Eaten Alive". He couldn't seem to remember what he had done on his cruise. So Azkath said he would help him with that, and that was the punishment I spoke of before. He hypnotized Just Joe, but not to find out about his cruise... He told him to really concentrate on how Randy had looked as Mandy, especially on his/her crotch area, to focus on that really well, and that he would remember that feeling for quite a while, then he brought him out of it. Just Joe started crying, which grew into sobbing, which turned into screaming. He found some comfort in stroking Azriel's beard, but was still very traumatized. Azriel brought some music with him, a rough version of a song from his new band, and a song from a band he's working with, doing their art work. Both were played, they were cool. Also, a live track of Undead Messengers's was played, it rocked. Of course, during the We Love Satan portion of the program, all Satanic music was played. There was a segment of Movie Time. The last hour was The Old School Hour... And thus went our first ever, and probably last ever, No Pants Day Weekend Show. It was a night full of chaos, mayhem, and very disturbing, traumatizing events. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go put some pants back on, it's getting a bit chilly here in only my underwear... 

April 19, 2015 - RJ Returns and Undead Messengers

Last Exit

RJ returned to the show after a long absence. He was joined by 3/5th of Undead Messengers, Tim, Olivia, and Darryl. We had Darryl and EVD play Hide and Go Beat, giving EVD a new toy to seek with, a light with two red LED's on it. He failed to find Darryl in the allotted time and was blasted with a Rod Stewart record that knocked him silly. Tim also got hit with what was left...  Mr. Linda (ahem, Crappy) called in off air to say he was off to Disney Land. Other than that, it was just another night of awesome music, talk of movies, and much more.


April 12, 2015 - Breaking in the New People...

Last Exit Group Shot

Present were, EVD, Just Joe, Mr. Linda, or somebody who used to be, or maybe still was, Crappy The Clown, or maybe another one of his alternate personalities, even he didn't know for sure, three fifths of the band Undead Messengers, Olivia, Tim, and, John, their new guitar player, it was his first time here, along with his girlfriend Robyn, and another WVBR DJ, Justin. Undead Messengers brought a newly remastered track with them, which was played, it sounded great. Justin stupidly commented on the presence of baking sheets upstairs, and Russian Roulette was played. If a bullet played, Justin would get hit over the head with said baking sheet. If no bullet, Justin would get to pick whom he would bash with it. A Bullet, a cover. Just Joe bashed Justin in the head repeatedly until he was unconscious. Then EVD duct taped him, and then a melee ensued, with a lot of people getting duct taped, and Justin got killed, err, I mean, went home, right, he definitely went home, that's our story and we're sticking to it. Azkath brought a bunch of the worst movies ever made, really obscure ones, like "Let My Puppets Come", from 1976, and "Eaten Alive", from 1980, the former being a puppet porn thing, featuring anatomically correct puppets, and puppet bestiality, and the latter a cannibal Italian movie with people eating snakes alive, and eating each other. They both featured male anatomy getting ripped off, and the cannibal one had a lot of naked boobs in it, but then a lot of them got eaten, too. Everybody watched these, and told what they saw, it was disturbing. Azkath played a little of the new Nelson song for Just Joe, just a little, which deeply disappointed me, I wanted to hear more of it, which even Just Joe didn't want to do, but, if Bi-Coastal Tim, and/or Lance had been there, I'm sure they would have agreed with me. There were segments of Movie Time, Just Joe had actually seen eight movies, counting the two disgusting ones he watched and helped provide commentary for here tonight, but the other ones were all mostly kid/family movies like, "The Brave Little Toaster"! EVD talked some more about that video game he's obsessed with. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Recap by Fire Eater Wizard


March 22, 2015 - Another Eric... and Tribute to A.J. Perro

Undead Messengers and EVDPresent were, EVD, Just Joe, Eric, and, Tim, Olivia, and, Darryl, from the band Undead Messengers. They had a surprise for Eric... As he has left so much of his DNA all over the studio, you don't even wanna know the ways in which he's done that(!), they took some of it and made him a clone. His clone was really shy, and was in another room, they suggested he go and meet himself there, while they watched on the monitor. So they did... First the two Erics were head butting and fighting, then they were making out. And then, Eric dragged his clone into the booth, and they appeared to be getting it on. It was quite disturbing, but not nearly as disturbing as what was to come. When Eric came back, alone, they asked him what had happened with his clone? But Eric wasn't talking. Azkath told Just Joe to go look in the booth. Just Joe didn't want to. Nobody wanted to. So they played Russian Roulette. If a bullet played, Just Joe would have to go. If no bullet, Olivia would have to. Bullet. Just Joe went, and they watched him on the monitor. He looked at whatever was in there, then backed away very slowly, he didn't look too good. When he got back, they asked him what he had seen? But Just Joe would only whimper and cower, he was stupid enough to bring that watch that tracks his vitals back again, and they noticed that his pulse was at two hundred. He looked terrible, and there was something red that looked a lot like blood on his head. They couldn't get anything out of him on what he had seen. Azkath tried to get EVD to go look, but he wouldn't, so Azkath finally decided to go. When he got back, he also was quite disturbed... Eric had killed his clone, and also had sex with every part of him, inside and out, it appeared. Azkath said there seemed to be more parts than there should be. Azkath said he didn't feel too well, and didn't want to talk about this anymore. They wondered who was going to clean that unspeakable abomination up. They tricked Just Joe into going back there twice, first by telling him there was candy there, candy he would like, not jellybeans, and then by telling him there were video games, and an Intellivision II there. Just Joe fell for both, because he isn't very bright, but he came running back both times, without cleaning it up. Azkath told Eric he should be the one to clean himself up. Eric said that he would be happy to clean himself up. And he did, amazingly well, too, the booth was perfect when he got through. You try to do something nice for some people! Go through the trouble to make them a nice clone, and what do they do!? But, then again, would we really want two Erics!? One is quite enough, thank you! I mean, sure, this clone was really shy, but I'm sure Eric's bad influence would have rubbed off on him, literally and figuratively, and soon he would be just as disturbing, if not more so, if that's possible, which I'm sure it is, as the original! I mean, look at our luck with clones, Jeffie and Randy! Need I say more!? I think not! So we were probably lucky... Two people died this past week with significance to this program... And they both had a Pero in their name, so it wasn't a good week for that name. The wrestler from AAA, in Mexico, Perro Aguayo Jr., and A.J. Pero, of the band Twisted Sister, both of these were talked about, and Twisted Sister's music, as well as music from A.J.'s side project band, was played throughout the night in tribute to him. There were segments of Movie Time, and it was also discussed how all the upcoming movies are either sequels or remakes, or bringing such things back as Fraggle Rock, Peanuts, and, Gem, because Hollywood has absolutely no new, original, or creative ideas. The last hour was The Old School Hour, where more of Twisted Sister's music was played in honor of A.J. Pero...   - Recap by Fire Eater Wizard