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January 24, 2016 - An Abbreviated Adventure...

UndeadSo, due to circumstances beyond our control, this was a shorter show this week. Just as Where Did the Road Go? (Azkath's paranormal themed show that precedes The Last Exit) was about to begin, the power went out. When it came back in over an hour later, a bunch of the equipment malfunctioned. It took Akzath and Tim from Undead Messengers 2 hours to get it all up and running again. So what you have here is the remainder of the night, four hours of, well, whatever we wanted to play. Azkath is joined by Tim, Olivia, and Daryl of Undead Messengers and RJ from Thirteen South, as well as Tim Binder...


November 15, 2015 - Undead Messengers Live in Studio

Undead MessengersPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Justin, who was sick and didn't sound well at all, Justin, The Person Formerly Known As Crappy The Clown, who, this night, actually was Crappy The Clown, and, the band Undead Messengers. Undead Messengers performed a long set of a lot of songs live in The Performance Room. They rocked, and it sounded awesome, as Nathan despite being a Bronie, is a great sound person. The Old School Hour was a little earlier than 2:00, because the band would be performing then. This week, for The Old School Hour, and also later in the night, Azkath had brought in a lot of vinyl records, which were played, and everyone there told how they first got into metal. There was a Connect-A-Set, with all songs that involved members of the band Fields Of The Nephilum, in other projects. There was no Cover Set this night, just one cover of an Ozzy Osborne song. There were segments of Movie Time. Azkath discussed a book that he had just read...

- Fire Eater Wizard


November 8, 2015 - Undead, Clowns, Tacks, Ponies, and Ice Cream


Present were, EVD, Nathan, Justin, The Person Formerly Known As Crappy The Clown (and sometimes still is), this night he was calling himself Confusion, and also still Vilified, like he was last time he was here, and Crappy also put in some appearances tonight, and, the band Undead Messengers, who brought along a new member, Jake, who didn't say much. There was a Russian Roulette Set, if a bullet played, Justin won, if not, Nathan did. The loser would get spanked with a light, soft paddle, and, if a bizarre song played, EVD would get spanked a lot of times with it. Nathan lost, so he got spanked with the paddle, no big deal, right? Except that, he should have known that his punishment would never be that light, not on this program! Azkath conveniently forgot to mention that there were lots of thumb tacks imbedded in the paddle, well, that's such a tiny detail, I'm sure it just slipped his mind, I can see that. Nathan will probably have some trouble sitting for a while. Btw, the bullet was Europe's "The Final Countdown", somehow a copy of it must have survived the virus that Azkath made to destroy every copy of that song, as it is banned from ever playing, in this studio, too bad Just Joe wasn't there to hear it, though it was quite quickly stopped. Everyone was asked a question, "What was something that, when you were a child, you thought was true, which was totally wrong"? EVD, as always, had the most disturbing answer. Crappy played a trivia game, whomever answered some questions correctly got an ice cream sandwich. There was a game played, "My Little Pony, Or Porn Star". Azkath read out names, and everyone had to guess if each one was the name of a My Little Pony, or a porn star, as the name of the game would imply. A lot of the answers were surprising, many of the ones you would think were porn stars, were actually My Little Ponies. And, our resident Bronie did miserably, only getting two out of ten right, he should be ashamed of himself, and should have gotten another whack with that above mentioned paddle. A Punch Drunk Monkeys's song, "Cookin' With Uncle Charlie", was played in honor of "Uncle Charlie", one of their old time drummers's who also played with Dio, who passed away this week. There were segments of Movie Time, some TV programs were talked about as well. At 2:00, The Old School Hour. The Cover Set was a bit late, 5:00, instead of it's usual 4:00...

- Fire Eater Wizard


September 27, 2015 - Nathan Runs the Show

LENathan hosted the first half of the program, as Azkath was attending a Ring Of Honor wrestling event. Present with Nathan were, EVD, Justin, and, Olivia and Tim, from the band Undead Messengers. After Azkath got there, he gave Nathan a severe beat down, as a shout out to a family who listens every week, who's last name just happens to be, unfortunately for Nathan, Beet, so Nathan got a beat down for the Beet family, and, hi to the Beets, glad to have you as listeners, all the way from Britain. There was no Old School Hour this week, as Azkath was not there at 2:00, when it airs now, and there was no cover set at 4:00. There were segments of Movie Time, both before, and after, Azkath arrived. Nathan, while he was hosting, brought up a story on the Internet that a dying cop claims that Tupac is still alive, that he faked his death. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


September 20, 2015 - Azkath's Birthday Russian Roulette Show

IMG 8790IMG 8785The day after this LE, September 21st, would be Azkath's Birthday, Happy Birthday, Azkath(!), so this was a Russian Roulette Show, in honor of that, or rather a Spin The Wheel And see what horrible fate awaits you, which Azkath would get to pick. Present were, EVD, Just Joe, Nathan, Tim, Rob, R.J., Eric, James, the band Undead Messengers, and, Taylor, who is Tim's, the Undead Messengers Tim, sister. The results of the wheel spinning were, James had to break a record over R.J.'s head, then R.J. chased him into the bathroom, and, well, what went on in there, was so terrible that James didn't want to talk about it, just kept whimpering, among other things, it involved bad man smells. Tim, Nathan, Just Joe, and R.J., were in The Balloon Room, where people got molested with The Pooh Stick, and, somehow, Darksyde, wearing the same shirt as James was in there, and James was nowhere to be found, which was really bad news for Just Joe, as Darksyde really loves Just Joe a lot, unfortunately for Just Joe, Darksyde's way of expressing love is extremely violent, the more he loves you, the worse the beat down he gives you is. James got tasered by Azkath. Bicoastal Tim got thrown into a pile of mousetraps by Just Joe, which was, I guess, fitting, as, on Tim's Birthday, Just Joe had been tricked, being told he would get to throw Tim into a pile of mousetraps, for Tim's Birthday present, but it was really set up for Tim to throw Just Joe into them for his Birthday present. Undead Messengers Tim got a pie tin bashed over his head by Taylor, and he then fell into the mousetraps as well. Undead Messengers Tim and Olivia were put into The Balloon Room, where Just Joe tormented them with The Pooh Stick, and R.J. came up there to "Help". Olivia got shown Azkath's tentacles, in a closet, and was so traumatized that she whimpered that she was going home to Santa. EVD threw water ballons at R.J.. Somewhere during the night, Nathan got violated with The Pooh Stick, and had Just Joe play My Crotch Your Face with him. There were segments of Movie Time. At 2:00, The Old School Hour, and at 4:00, The Cover Set. And thus went the Spin The Wheel Apocalypse Show. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


August 23, 2015 - Jaime and Undead Messengers

LEPresent were, EVD, Just Joe, Nathan, Tim, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", Jamie, who used to be a regular co-host way back in the day, and, three fourths of the band Undead Messengers, since the last time we saw them they have dropped the newest member of the band, and are now a four piece band. They brought with them a very new, as in they had just recorded it that Saturday, very rough cut of their latest song, which was played. It rocked. Everyone again gave stories of their earliest memories this week. But Just Joe has no memory, so it wasn't easy getting any childhood memories out of him. So Azkath hypnotized him, telling him to go back to when he was two years old, and to remember being that age. But, when he brought him out of it, it quickly became clear that something had gone wrong there. Apparently Just Joe misunderstood the command, instead of remembering what his earliest memories were, he thought he was two years old. He wanted juice and crackers, threw temper tantrums, wanted to play tag, was getting into everything he shouldn't be getting into, and, well you get the idea. He quickly became Nathan's problem, as Nathan seemed to get stuck with the job of taking care of the new toddler, and Just Joe was a real handful. But Nathan kept saying that he was a life sized toddler. Um, Nathan, that doesn't make any sense, or mean anything, I think what your Bronie mind meant to convey was that he was a man sized toddler, what would a life sized toddler even be, unless it was a doll or something, any toddler is a life sized toddler! Silly Bronie! Although Nathan wasn't too pleased with having to try to keep up with and control Just Joe, Azkath thought it was funny, and so decided to leave him that way for a little while. Until Just Joe got all loud and hyper on the air, so Azkath hypnotized him again, and brought him out of it. Which is a good thing, because, something no one else seemed to think of, most two year olds are not potty trained, and, given what a slow learner Just Joe is, I highly doubt that he was one of the few who were, and who was gonna change THAT diaper!? Back to being his adult, or, for him, what passes for being an adult anyways, self, Just Joe still had no early childhood memories to share with us, and he did not remember what had just happened to him either. There were segments of Movie Time. At 3:00, The Cover Set. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Fire Eater Wizard