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June 6, 2010 - Mongrel and Thirteen South CD Debut

The entire band Thirteen South was there for the first two hours of the program. They were interviewed about what's been/will be going on with the band, promoted upcoming shows they'll be participating in, and the songs from their brand new EP were played. Just Joe played balloon baseball on all of the band members except Dustin, who, for some strange reason, didn't want to participate in this fun, so band member Matty broke the final balloon on Just Joe's face. Adam Savage, the guitarist for the band Mongrel, called in for an extended phone interview. He talked about his band, and his band's upcoming performance at the next The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show, which would be on the following Friday night. A song from his bands CD was played. They are cool. Show Listings had brand new theme music this week, the theme from "Star Wars", which Just Joe enjoyed, he made lots of laser and light saber noises. Two segments of Adventures In Listening happened, and Movie Time was interspersed throughout the night. And two people who haven't been there for a while were there this night, in the first portion of the program, Shane, and Ria...
-Fire Eater Wizard

June 27, 2010 - Sorrow of Batavia

Sorrow of BataviaJason, Justin, and Bryan, who make up three fourths of the band Sorrow Of Batavia, were there for almost the first half of the program. They were interviewed, and lots of their songs were played. They rock. They had the band play each other at Boggle. The winner would get to pick a set of music. The loser would have, um well, a "fate" befall him. Jason won, so he got to pick his set of music, a heavy set. They let the band vote on which of two fates should befall Justin. Should he have a naked Just Joe and Dave give him a lap dance, or, should balloons be put on top of him, and Dave splash him 'til all the balloons were popped. All three members could vote, including Justin. Naked lap dance won out. So Just Joe and Dave stripped down and gave Justin his lap dance. But actually, Justin and Bryan got lap dances, because, though Bryan had the chance to move and avoid it, he didn't. Um, ah, guys, I'm really concerned about you! I'd advise you to seek out some professional help, like, right away, quickly! Dave, who had finally seen fit to actually show up, and then left rather early, was presented with a plaque proclaiming him the worst co-host ever, with a bad picture of him on it. Dave was thrilled to get an award, apparently not minding at all that it was saying that he was the worst, I think that was kinda lost on him. Azkath gave Dave several shots to the head with his own award, knocking him out. When Dave came to, he was told that, if he actually showed up regularly, he could have his own entrance theme music. This made Dave very happy. They gave EVD a present, because they pay attention to him when he talks, and they knew it was something he would truly love... A framed picture of George W. Bush. I'm sure those screams from EVD were screams of joy and delight. They took the picture and rubbed it all over EVD. Again, I'm sure those increasingly louder shrieks from EVD were due to the great pleasure this brought him. Just Joe put the picture in EVD's car, but EVD took it out, obviously not wanting to be away from it for even one second. But somehow he left it behind when he went home, all that joy and giddiness must have gotten to him, he just couldn't think straight. Ria, who hadn't been there in a while showed up around 3:00. There was a segment of Adventures In Listening, and Movie Time. And something Azkath had done off and on throughout the years was sort of re-debuted this night... Anomaly Corner. Throughout the last couple hours of the program, he read actual news stories of strange never explained events from over the years in various locations, a cattle mutilation, a strange yellow glow that hung over upstate New York long ago, and a never understood wave of blackness that occurred in the middle of the day, traveling through different areas, years ago. Are theory is that these could very well have been the work of Shoggoths. Just Joe whimpered every time this theory was put forth...
- Fire Eater Wizard

July 25, 2010 - The I-Dose Experiments Continue

Ria was there for a little while in the middle of the night, and The Enforcer stopped by for one talk break in the middle of the program, much later than he is usually there. When Just Joe was asked about his experience last week with I-dosing, he still kept insisting that they had had absolutely no affect on him whatsoever, even though it had been obvious to everyone else that they had. He then asked if the MP3 player with the I-Doses on it was here, was told it was, and said of course he didn't care at all. However, he kept eyeing it, and trying to sneak over and take it, always saying that he didn't care about it at all. He was told there was now a new one on the MP3 player, one that was supposed to make you laugh. When a Russian Roulette Set was played, Just Joe was told that, if no bullet played, he could hear the new one, if a bullet played, he could not. Just Joe pretended not to care. Bullet, so no I-dosing for Just Joe. Still Just Joe kept being extremely fascinated with the MP3 player, and pretending not to be. Later, he was told that there would be a second Russian Roulette Set, same rules. This time, no bullet. Just Joe took the MP3 player downstairs, and listened to the new I-Dose, which, to refresh anyone's memory, or for anyone new here, is two tones, a different one in each ear, which, when listened to through headphones in a dark, quiet place for a half hour or an hour, in a meditative state, is supposed to change your brain waves, and affect your mind, altering it. Of course, given that it's Just Joe we're talking about here, assuming there is a mind there to alter is always a big assumption. Just Joe came back all giggly, laughing at everything, but saying that the I-dosing didn't work, he just found things funny, like, everything, funny. Azkath told Just Joe that there was one more new I-Dose on the MP3 player that he hadn't tried yet, that it was hidden on there, but that he could scroll around on there and try to find it if he wanted to. Just Joe said what would be the point in that, since none of them worked, and then promptly grabbed the MP3 player and headed for the basement. He returned from that in the last talk break of the night, and, he had obviously managed to find the hidden I-Dose, he was now acting totally retarded, pointing and giggling hysterically at everything. Luckily it was time to leave. Wow, good thing that I-dosing has no affect on Just Joe, lucky there is no way he's becoming addicted to them, because these behaviors he's been exhibiting lately for some strange, unexplained reason, well, they can be kinda a problem, annoying, especially this last one. There was Adventures In Listening, two segments of Movie Time, now with it's own movie background theme music, and an Anomaly Corner...

-Fire Eater Wizard


August 8, 2010 - Joe vs The Water Balloons

Just JoeEVD was there, but Dave was not, which leads us to conclude that EVD and Dave are the same person, or that EVD can morph into either one, because whenever EVD is there, Dave isn't, and vice versa. EVD strongly denies this, but no one believes him. Two women representing Wicked Ithaca dropped by to tell us about that upcoming event. Victoria was there for a little while and she concurred that EVD and Dave must be one and the same. Gorgar and Little Gorgar were there early in the night, much earlier than Gorgar is usually there. Azkath explained I-dosing to EVD and Gorgar. When Russian Roulette was played... If a bullet played, Gorgar would get to try the I-dosing. If no bullet, Azkath would play a special song just for Just Joe. And, if an EVD bullet played, EVD would get to try the I-dosing. No bullet. However, Just Joe was elsewhere when the set was playing, and wasn't listening, so they lied to him and told him a bullet had played. So Gorgar went down to the basement to lie quietly still and I-Dose. While he was doing that, Little Gorgar got to take Just Joe outside and throw water balloons at him, he came back inside soaked. When Gorgar finally came back, he was very un-Gorgar like, he was actually happy, very happy, which is never the case with him. He was so mellow and happy that he didn't even freak out in the slightest when told there was a big spider on his arm, or even when he was told that there were deer. He said it didn't matter, he liked deer. And, unlike Just Joe, who still tries to insist, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, that the I-dosing doesn't work at all, Gorgar readily admitted that they worked great. Gorgar departed all smiles and happy, again, an unbelievable sight. Azkath told Just Joe that they had lied to him, that there had been no bullet. But he said he would now play Just Joe the special song he would really like. It was a cover of "Mr. Roboto", by Mose Giganticus, which both Just Joe, and I, did enjoy very much indeed. There was a segment of Movie Time. Then, when he was supposed to be on the air, Just Joe wasn't there. Foul Mouth Girl was sent to look for him, and brought him back from the basement. And he had MP3 headphones on. Azkath accused him of I-dosing. Just Joe tried to deny it, but, once again, Azkath found his MP3 player on Just Joe. Azkath told Just Joe that he was not allowed to I-dose any more, and, besides, why should he care, since they have no effect on him at all? Just Joe kept trying to sneak off with the MP3 player again, so Azkath gave him a brutal beat down. Then he kept taunting an injured Just Joe with the MP3 player, asking him if he wanted it, when Just Joe said yes, telling him he couldn't have it, telling him "here it is", then saying "but not for you", and pulling it away from him. In the last talk break of the night, however, Just Joe once again had managed to get his hands on the MP3 player (he is nothing if not determined). When Azkath tried to grab it away from him, he ran away with it, and, because he was running so hard, and not paying attention to where he was going, he fell right down the basement stairs. But he still had the MP3 player, and he was now down in the basement with it, so I guess, regardless of how he got there, he was happy. That could change, or increase, depending on which I-dose he started listening to down there... 
- Fire Eater Wizard

August 22, 2010 - Just Joe Gets Sent Away...

The week before, EVD, Dave, and Shane had all been there, tending to disprove the theory that EVD and Dave are really the same person. Shane had been told to prove that they were the same person. He had said he could do that, and then departed to get the proof. He had promised to bring the found proof this week, but now none of the three were there. So the mystery remains. Jess, from Wicked Ithaca, stopped by for one talk break near the beginning of the program to update us on that upcoming event. Tim, formerly of Century Media, and before that, of Victory Records, who hasn't been at LE for quite a while was there for about three hours. Ria was also there for a while. There were three segments of Movie Time interspersed throughout the night. Tim joined in on two of them, and Ria did on one. Just Joe had been claiming that he had not I-dosed in two weeks, and was done with it. No one really believed him, though. At the end of the program, Azkath found Just Joe outside, near the ditch, passed out in the rain, wet and shivering, with headphones on! He had been I-dosing! He tried to deny that that was what he had been doing, but it was obvious. Azkath told Just Joe that he was sending him into rehab, that he was staging an intervention. Just Joe said that he didn't need rehab, that he could stop any time he wanted to. And, besides, he went on, there was no such thing as rehab for I-dosing. Azkath insisted that he was going to put him into rehab. Which is very considerate of him, and really the least he can do, since he is the one who got Just Joe addicted to I-dosing in the first place... The program ended with Just Joe wanting to go get in the ditch and listen to I-doses some more. Yeah, right, he definitely doesn't have a problem, no addiction there at all!
-Fire Eater Wizard

October 24, 2010 - Calm before the Storm

There was something new that had never been done before, a Little Gorgar's Corner, Little Gorgar got to play a set of music that was her picks. When Tribute to the Past Russian Roulette was played, if a bullet played, Just Joe would get a preview of what might, and probably would, be in store for him next week, which would be The Hard Core Halloween Show. He would get a preview of one of the contraptions Azkath was working on for the occasion. If no bullet, then no preview. No bullet. So we shall see in next week's recap how The Hardcore Halloween Show went. There was a segment of Adventures In Listening, and, for the second time in not very many weeks, the rule of no matter how much something in that segment might suck, it would be let play all the way through, was broken when something sounding very country played and it was stopped, and a new, slightly revised, rule was instituted, that if a song in that segment does not fit the format of LE, it goes. There were three segments of Movie time, with Ria sort of participating in one of them, only she hadn't really seen much of anything lately. There were two segments of Anomaly Corner...
-Fire Eater Wizard

November 28, 2010 - Just Joe's Anniversary!

Since Just Joe missed his 7th Anniversary show last week (it was on Tuesday, November 23rd, two days after that LE, and five days before this one), it was celebrated again, much more fully, on this night. Happy 7th Anniversary, Just Joe! Just Joe said he had missed his Anniversary show because someone had ridden their bicycle in front of his car, and when he stopped (because he didn't want to damage his car), they had chloroformed him, and locked him in the trunk of his own car. He could still hear his show from his car stereo, he just couldn't get to it. He said he thought the perpetrator was Kal, a regular in our chat room. EVD was there for the first two or three hours, Little Gorgar and Adam were there for about the same time, and Ria was there for a while in the middle of the program. The clip of Just Joe's first ever appearance on LE was played once again this week, since he was actually there this time, and the one other clip that had been played last week was played again as well, but this week many, many more clips were played, they were played all night long, featuring the highlights of Just Joe's 7 years here. These clips were from Best Of The Last Exit For The Lost CD's. There was lots of Movie Time, as there hadn't been one the week before, so there was two weeks worth of it now, interspersed all throughout the night, with EVD, Little Gorgar, Adam, and, Ria participating in some of them. Just Joe, however, who should have had lots of material for this, being as how he had two weeks worth of movie watching to talk about, said that, while he was certain he had seen lots of movies in that time, he couldn't remember a single one of them to talk about, proving that, while he is not quite as worthless as Dave, he sure isn't worth much!
-Fire Eater Wizard