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2015 Archive

October 18, 2015 - Just Joe's Birthday

Joe and NathanPresent were, EVD, Just Joe, and, Nathan. It had been Just Joe's Birthday about a week and a half back, either on Tuesday, October 6th, or, on Wednesday, October 7th, he has said both dates at different times, I don't think he knows, so I don't either, Happy Birthday, Joe! So, this was kind of a celebration of that, although it was said that his real Birthday Show would be the following week, but he did get some presents this night, and got to pick some music he likes. His first present was from Arydaea, she gave him lip balm, made, apparently, out of all natural, organic, chicken poop, from free ranging chickens, there is even a web site for this, and probably other products made from chicken poop, just in case you're interested, it is, Then Azkath gave Just Joe a present, an empty can of Tab (Just Joe likes Tab). Azkath said that that had been a mistake, yeah, right, I'm suuure it was(!), that Just Joe's can of Tab was in the refrigerator, upstairs, and told Just Joe to go get it. He made it sound like something would probably happen to him, but nothing did, Just Joe came back, happy, with a full can of Tab. But then EVD, being the evil person that he is, his initials do stand for Evil Villainous Dude, after all, had some suggestions. There was a pack of twelve cans of Tab, Just Joe actually suggested that they might hide them around the building for him to find, then EVD suggested that, as he found them, he had to drink them right away, and that he couldn't go pee, 'til he had found, and drank, all twelve of them. Azkath, also being evil, liked those suggestions a lot, and told Just Joe that that was what was going to happen. As the night wore on, Just Joe became increasingly more and more uncomfortable, as he found and drank more cans. He also found several Tab keys on keyboards, and brought those, too, along with one thing that he tried to claim was also a Tab, but looked like nothing anyone had ever seen before, long and round, Azkath told him it was not a Tab. But cudos to Just Joe for thinking of that Tab key on the keyboard thing, quite clever, I didn't know he was that smart, I don't think I would have thought of that! By the time there were eleven empty Tab cans, Just Joe was about ready to burst, which was when, of course, Azkath gave him a beat down, for being too loud on the microphone. Just Joe stole Nathan's shoe, and was putting it over his, um, well, his penis, to help hold in all that Tab. Then Azkath asked him what was that behind his lap top? Was that an empty can of Tab? Was that the original one he had given him as a Birthday present? It was indeed, and Azkath told him that that one had counted as part of the twelve, so he had been looking for a twelfth hidden one, when, actually, only eleven had been hidden. Just Joe raced off to the bathroom, where he stayed for quite a while. Instead of there being one Old School Hour, at 2:00, there were two of them, from 2:00 to 4:00, because it was his Birthday night, Just Joe got to pick a lot of the songs in the first Old School Hour. He brought a CD, with Libach's cover of Europe's "The Final Countdown", and then got all giddy and ecstatic when Azkath played it. Azkath tried to explain to him that it wasn't really the song he wanted, because it wasn't Europe, but there was just no dampening Just Joe's happiness, apparently he no longer cares if Europe's version is played, as long as it is the song, he's happy. So, I guess if Azkath wants to torture him about that, he'll have to refuse to play any version of that song, as Just Joe can no longer distinguish. The Cover set was late, because of The Old School Hour actually being two hours long this time, but, when it happened, it was nine cover songs, in about ten minutes. There were segments of Movie Time.

- Fire Eater Wizard


October 11, 2015 - Blast from Oblivion, Jim Sadist Tribute, and GorGar!

LEPresent were, EVD, Nathan, his friend, Dylan, Rob, Splatterguts, who is the one man band, Blast From Oblivion, people who haven't been here in quite a while, Nikki and Adam, and, someone who hasn't been here in an even longer while, at least a year and a half, GORGAR!!!!! There was a set of music in tribute to Jim Sadist, drummer for the band Nun Slaughter, who had passed away in the past week. At 2:00, The Old School Hour. At 4:00, The Cover Set, only, this week, it wasn't a Cover Set. It was something inspired by an idea EVD had a few weeks back. He said, "You know what would be a good idea", then said "Never mind". But when asked what it was, he said there should be a set of music that was the original songs. At the time, it was kinda dismissed, but Azkath decided it could work, and, even though following an idea of EVD's is usually a dangerous thing to do, this one was actually a good one, a set of songs that were all the originals of the songs that Metallica had made more well known. There were segments of Movie Time, and some TV programs were discussed as well...

-Fire Eater Wizard


September 27, 2015 - Nathan Runs the Show

LENathan hosted the first half of the program, as Azkath was attending a Ring Of Honor wrestling event. Present with Nathan were, EVD, Justin, and, Olivia and Tim, from the band Undead Messengers. After Azkath got there, he gave Nathan a severe beat down, as a shout out to a family who listens every week, who's last name just happens to be, unfortunately for Nathan, Beet, so Nathan got a beat down for the Beet family, and, hi to the Beets, glad to have you as listeners, all the way from Britain. There was no Old School Hour this week, as Azkath was not there at 2:00, when it airs now, and there was no cover set at 4:00. There were segments of Movie Time, both before, and after, Azkath arrived. Nathan, while he was hosting, brought up a story on the Internet that a dying cop claims that Tupac is still alive, that he faked his death. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


September 20, 2015 - Azkath's Birthday Russian Roulette Show

IMG 8790IMG 8785The day after this LE, September 21st, would be Azkath's Birthday, Happy Birthday, Azkath(!), so this was a Russian Roulette Show, in honor of that, or rather a Spin The Wheel And see what horrible fate awaits you, which Azkath would get to pick. Present were, EVD, Just Joe, Nathan, Tim, Rob, R.J., Eric, James, the band Undead Messengers, and, Taylor, who is Tim's, the Undead Messengers Tim, sister. The results of the wheel spinning were, James had to break a record over R.J.'s head, then R.J. chased him into the bathroom, and, well, what went on in there, was so terrible that James didn't want to talk about it, just kept whimpering, among other things, it involved bad man smells. Tim, Nathan, Just Joe, and R.J., were in The Balloon Room, where people got molested with The Pooh Stick, and, somehow, Darksyde, wearing the same shirt as James was in there, and James was nowhere to be found, which was really bad news for Just Joe, as Darksyde really loves Just Joe a lot, unfortunately for Just Joe, Darksyde's way of expressing love is extremely violent, the more he loves you, the worse the beat down he gives you is. James got tasered by Azkath. Bicoastal Tim got thrown into a pile of mousetraps by Just Joe, which was, I guess, fitting, as, on Tim's Birthday, Just Joe had been tricked, being told he would get to throw Tim into a pile of mousetraps, for Tim's Birthday present, but it was really set up for Tim to throw Just Joe into them for his Birthday present. Undead Messengers Tim got a pie tin bashed over his head by Taylor, and he then fell into the mousetraps as well. Undead Messengers Tim and Olivia were put into The Balloon Room, where Just Joe tormented them with The Pooh Stick, and R.J. came up there to "Help". Olivia got shown Azkath's tentacles, in a closet, and was so traumatized that she whimpered that she was going home to Santa. EVD threw water ballons at R.J.. Somewhere during the night, Nathan got violated with The Pooh Stick, and had Just Joe play My Crotch Your Face with him. There were segments of Movie Time. At 2:00, The Old School Hour, and at 4:00, The Cover Set. And thus went the Spin The Wheel Apocalypse Show. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


September 13, 2015 - Brianna of If Man is Five and EVD's 10th Anniversary

EVDPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Tim, James, Justin, who hadn't been here for several months, and, Briana, of the band If Man Is Five. She played some songs acoustically in The Performance room. She sounded awesome. A track from one of If Man Is Five's CD's was also played, as well as a brand new song from them, from their new incarnation of the band, it was cool. You can find them on Bandcamp, Facebook, and, YouTube. Briana was interviewed, she told us about this new lineup of the band, what they're up to, and, what she's been up to since she's last been here, as it has been quite a while. Azkath played an interview which he had conducted with the band One Eyed Doll. It was bracketed by their songs, and was quite entertaining, as, as Azkath explained, the first time he recorded the interview, the recording program crashed, so they had to do it again. Kimberly had been serious in that interview, but, for the second one, kept cracking up at everything, laughing a lot, and, giving silly answers and explanations to things, like, that, apparently she is a baby chicken, her band mate is a salamander, and their song/video is all about puppies, it was amusing. They are an awesome band, they are on Facebook, and Twitter. Two days before this LE, September 11th, was EVD's tenth Anniversary being here, Happy Anniversary, EVD(!), and, isn't that an appropriate date for him to have made his first appearance!? So Azkath got him an Anniversary gift. Well, actually, he had told Tim to get it, he told Tim to get EVD something that, he, Tim, would really hate, since, if Tim hates it, it should be a pretty safe bet that EVD would love it. That was a good theory, but, in practice, it didn't work out. Tim got EVD a book by conservative talk show host Sean Hannity. And, although Tim, who is a conservative, doesn't like Hannity, EVD, who is really liberal, hates him. EVD took his gift and clobbered Tim repeatedly with it, and then did the same thing to James, for some reason, even though James had had nothing to do with getting the present. James wailed that he would have gotten EVD a Rob Zombie CD, which enraged EVD even more, as he hates Rob Zombie, so he wailed on James some more with his present. Then Nathan, who, being a Bronie, which means he has terrible judgement, made the mistake of reading from the book out loud, just because he thought the phrase "I don't drink the Republican Cool Aid" was funny. What's so funny about that? I guess you have to have a Bronie's mind to understand that. EVD became infuriated again, he began ripping up the book, and shoving it in Nathan's mouth. Nathan was forced to eat A LOT of that book. He became traumatized, and was curled up in a fetal position, clutching his Ipod. Well, Nathan, that will teach you to read conservative literature out loud in EVD's presence, and all for something that wasn't even funny! But, even though EVD didn't like his present at all, he did really enjoy the use he put it to, so he did wind up having fun on his Anniversary. Briana and James shared with us what their earliest memories were. And, we had a strange phenomenon this night, people kept changing into other people. First Justin turned into Tim, that must be what happened, because Justin was gone, and then Tim was there, and then the same thing happened with Briana and James, she was gone, and then he was there. Weird. There were segments of Movie Time, and TV programs were discussed as well. And, in our new scheduling of features, The Cover Set was at 4:00, and The Old School Hour was at 2:00... 

- Fire Eater Wizard


September 6, 2015 - District Radio Live in Studio

IMG 8740Present were, EVD, Nathan, Tim, Jamie, and, Jay, who hasn't been here in at least fifteen years, he is now minus his long hair, and, it was noted, that he looks a little like Robin Williams. The band District Radio was there for the first couple hours of the program. They performed two sets of their songs, most of the tracks from their CD, live in The Performance Room. It sounded great. A shout out to Nathan for that, he has become our sound man, and he is very good at it. District Radio is a punk/ska band. You can find them on ReverbNation, and you can download their CD, for as much as you like, including free, on bandcamp, but it would be really cool if you do give them some money for it, if you can at all afford it, as it is expensive to have a band, and you should try to help good, which they are, local, independent artists, if you at all can. Two of the band members were interviewed, the others were wiped out from playing. They told us all about the band, and one of the tracks that they didn't perform this night was played off their CD. Azkath has decided to change the lineup of segments on the program. Instead of being in the last hour, The Old School Hour will now move to 2:00 to 3:00, if something else isn't going on, like tonight, the band was still performing then, so it was more like 2:30 to 3:30. The Cover Set will move from 3:30, where it was, to 4:00, and the last hour will be a kind of free form, of whatever Azkath wants to play, old or new, or whatever our listeners request. There were segments of Movie Time, and some TV programs, and on-line ones, were talked about as well...

- Fire Eater Wizard


August 30, 2015 - James Returns...

LEPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", Dave, organizer of The Finger Lakes Metal Fest, formerly of the band Spater, and now of his new band, Spit Nickels, and, someone who hasn't been here in nine months, James. At first James tried to claim time loss, like Kal, saying that he had just left, but, later, he said that he had been "On the farm", whatever that means, and, I really don't wanna think about what that might mean. Dave and Rick talked about an upcoming event they will be participating in, a kind of Metal Fest for the fall, it's at the same venue, and a bunch of bands will be performing, one of which will be Dave's new band, which he also talked about. Azkath put Nathan's cell phone in his pants, and EVD dialed Nathan's number to make it vibrate. EVD and James got massages, and James got slapped in the face a lot, because there was a song entitled "Slap Your Face", and, every time the title was said, James got slapped in the face, so, of course, everyone said that title a lot. Nathan got to play a set of music. At 3:30, The Cover Set. It was Go Topless Day, but no one got topless, The Worst Co-Host In The World, Dave, had promised to show up and get topless, but, well, he doesn't have that title for no reason. So now we have re-named the Dave who was there, The Wrong Dave. There were segments of Movie Time. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Fire Eater Wizard


August 23, 2015 - Jaime and Undead Messengers

LEPresent were, EVD, Just Joe, Nathan, Tim, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", Jamie, who used to be a regular co-host way back in the day, and, three fourths of the band Undead Messengers, since the last time we saw them they have dropped the newest member of the band, and are now a four piece band. They brought with them a very new, as in they had just recorded it that Saturday, very rough cut of their latest song, which was played. It rocked. Everyone again gave stories of their earliest memories this week. But Just Joe has no memory, so it wasn't easy getting any childhood memories out of him. So Azkath hypnotized him, telling him to go back to when he was two years old, and to remember being that age. But, when he brought him out of it, it quickly became clear that something had gone wrong there. Apparently Just Joe misunderstood the command, instead of remembering what his earliest memories were, he thought he was two years old. He wanted juice and crackers, threw temper tantrums, wanted to play tag, was getting into everything he shouldn't be getting into, and, well you get the idea. He quickly became Nathan's problem, as Nathan seemed to get stuck with the job of taking care of the new toddler, and Just Joe was a real handful. But Nathan kept saying that he was a life sized toddler. Um, Nathan, that doesn't make any sense, or mean anything, I think what your Bronie mind meant to convey was that he was a man sized toddler, what would a life sized toddler even be, unless it was a doll or something, any toddler is a life sized toddler! Silly Bronie! Although Nathan wasn't too pleased with having to try to keep up with and control Just Joe, Azkath thought it was funny, and so decided to leave him that way for a little while. Until Just Joe got all loud and hyper on the air, so Azkath hypnotized him again, and brought him out of it. Which is a good thing, because, something no one else seemed to think of, most two year olds are not potty trained, and, given what a slow learner Just Joe is, I highly doubt that he was one of the few who were, and who was gonna change THAT diaper!? Back to being his adult, or, for him, what passes for being an adult anyways, self, Just Joe still had no early childhood memories to share with us, and he did not remember what had just happened to him either. There were segments of Movie Time. At 3:00, The Cover Set. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Fire Eater Wizard


August 16, 2015 - Pez Returns

IMG 8695Present were, EVD, Nathan, back from Bronie con, Nathan's friend Dylan, Tim, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", and, Pez, who hadn't been here since a year ago in June. Pez used to host the program, when it was called "The Metal Cage", from about '92 to '94, so he and Azkath talked about the history of the Show, and their memories of the past. Pez got to play a set of music. Nathan told us more about Bronie con, and he's got lots of footage from there. Azkath asked everyone there what there first memory was, which elicited some stories. Azkath accused Tim of bringing the gremlins with him (there have been a lot of technical problems ever since he got back a few weeks ago), just so he could show us that he can play the pan flute that he has in his pants. Azkath asked him why he just couldn't have told us that he can play the pan flute? Tim said that he didn't like to brag. He plays it quite well, he did a good job of summoning those Gremlins to him with it last week. Dylan told us a story about being drunk and making a Pony online once. Nathan and Dylan had a contest to see who could eat the most really hot food from Taco Bell, Dylan didn't think Nathan could do it, but apparently he is a tough little Bronie, because he stayed in until Dylan conceded. Nathan spent the rest of the night trying not to throw up all over everything, he didn't look so hot, although I'm sure, on the inside, he was extremely HOT! There were segments of Movie Time. At 3:30, The Cover Set. The last hour was The Old School Hour, which featured a set of music about Hiroshima, as it was the 70th Anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima...

-Fire Eater Wizard


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