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December 18, 2016 - Fourth Post Anniversary End of the World Show!


It was our Fourth Year Anniversary Post Apocalypse Count Up Show, as the world ended four years ago, even though nothing seemed to change very much, it was promised that it would end, so it must have. Present were, EVD, Bi-Coastal Tim, who was playing the roll of Justin, a.k.a. Twelve Inch, wow, I bet that's the first time Tim's been called that(!), Eric, and, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught". Azkath read everyone's futures with runes, predicting that everyone was going to die in the near future. Well, if they do, people seem to have a weird way of coming back from the dead around here, so, it probably won't be the last we'll see of them. Eric celebrated a Birthday a week ago to this day, on December 11th, Happy Birthday, Eric!!!!!There were segments of Movie Time. And, as this was our Post Apocalypse Show, all the music this night was very dark and doomy...

- Fire Eater Wizard


December 11, 2016 - The Good Left Undone Live

The Good Left Undone

Present were, EVD, Nathan, Justin, Kevin, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", and, R.J.. It was a Tornado Tag Team Show, which meant that, for much Of The Night, sets would consist of a song pick from the people present. Everyone there got several picks, including mine. The band The Good Left Undone, which has a former member of Undead Messengers in it, stopped by. They were going to play five songs, all the songs they have so far, live in The Performance Room, but they broke their snare drum after the first song! They did manage to get two more songs out, but then decided they needed to stop. It sounded great until they had to quit, though. They are a cool band, and Nathan did a great job running the sound as usual. They don't have any of their music recorded yet, they will soon, so nothing from them could be played that way, either. They do rock. Rick and R.J. told us how "The Metallic Onslaught Big Birthday Bash Show", which they had just come from, had gone. It went very well. EVD got a creepy Back rub from R.J.. As we are two weeks from Christmas, throughout the night, sets of Christmas music were played, Christmas metal, and, comedy songs. toward the end of the night, some sets of good rock metal songs were played, bands like old Tesla, Dirty Looks, Badlands, and Dokken. There were segments of Movie Time, Nathan talked about a video game, and Azkath talked about a couple of books as well...

-Fire Eater Wizard


December 4, 2016 - Malignant Live and EVD's Birthday

EVD's Birthday

This was EVD's Birthday Show, as this very day was His Birthday. Happy Birthday, EVD! Present were, EVD (good thing!), Just Joe, Nathan, Daryll, Tim, and, Olivia from the band Undead Messengers, Ian, Olivia's brother from the band Corrosive Impact, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", Dave Henninger of the band Spit Nickels. Rick and Dave were there to promote an upcoming show, where Dave's band, along with several others, would be performing, and Rick would be hosting, "The Metallic Onslaught's Birthday Bash", as Rick, Josh, and, Cameron, Spit Nickels's drummer would all be celebrating Birthdays in the upcoming week as well. The band Malignant, who used to be the band Bloodsnot, now minus a member, performed several songs, all of their songs that they have so far, live in The Performance Room. As usual, props to Nathan for doing a great job running the sound. Malignant are an instrumental band right now, as Blood Snot was most of the time, although they are open to a vocalist. They rock. You can find them at After their performance, the band was interviewed. A song from Spit Nickels's CD was played. They are a cool band, you can find them on Facebook. For EVD's Birthday, they got him a present. Just Joe was instructed to go get it, but he brought back the wrong thing, he brought Styrofoam blocks, which he got hit with by EVD. When he finally brought the right present, it was the Valhalla blend of Death Wish coffee, it's very strong, Ian gave him some creamer for it. They played a special Birthday game with EVD, "Who's Touching Me Now", EVD would close his eyes, and have to guess which one of three people was stroking his beard. He was very good at it, he only got it wrong once, when they cheated. Later, Olivia played the game as well. Olivia and Tim had a present for EVD as well. They gave him black and white Duct Tape, and told him he could duct tape them together any way he wanted to. But, actually, it turned out that EVD became the duct tapie, instead of the duct taper, Just Joe duct taped him, Tim, and, olivia all together in a big piece of black foam. Then he tried to give them away out on the porch, but I guess there were no takers. EVD said that Just Joe had done a pretty good job for an amateur duct taper, giving him a six out of ten score with ten being the highest. The Pooh Stick also made an appearance this night, people did disturbing things with it as usual. As we are drawing near to the end of the year, Azkath played sets of music throughout the night that were some of his favorite things released this past year, he didn't get to all of it, he had over two hundred items in his favorites folder. There were segments of Movie Time, TV programs were talked about as well. Azkath played the band Steve 'N Seagulls for EVD for His Birthday, because we all know how much EVD LOVES his country music!

- Fire Eater Wizard


September 11, 2016 - EVD's 11th Anniversary!

EVD, Justin, Crappy

This LE fell on the exact date of EVD's eleventh year Anniversary, September eleventh 2005 (his eleventh Anniversary, on the eleventh, and, isn't THAT a fitting date for him!?). Happy eleventh Anniversary, EVD! Present were, EVD (good thing!), Justin a.k.a. Twelve Inch, although, we decided that, when he is absent, he loses an inch for each absence, and he had been absent for two weeks in a row, so he's down to ten inches, although, if he's extra good, he could gain them back, Just Joe, James, and, The Person Formerly Known As Crappy The Clown, who tonight was going by Mr. Oddz. As a treat for Justin, Azkath did a whole Old School Hour in vinyl. Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", dropped by to tell us how The Finger Lakes Metal Fest Part Two went, it went very well. Funny stories, news items, were read. They kept sicking Just Joe on James, having him mercilessly keep poking and tickling him. EVD, being the Evil Villainous Dude, even telling him that there was a bellybutton lint bunny and toys hidden in his navel. There were segments of Movie Time, TV programs, and, Internet series were talked about as well. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


February 28, 2016 - Finger Lakes Metal Fest Announcements

Last ExitPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Justin, AKA Twelve Inch, R.J., Olivia from the band Undead Messengers, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", and, Dave Henninger, formerly of the band Spater. Dave has a new band, Spit Nickels. A couple of songs of theirs were played, they rocked. Dave also is the founder of the annual Finger Lakes Metal Fest, which will be coming up in a couple months, in May. He talked about that, and we learned the lineup of all the bands who will be playing over the two day, free, event, three of which had members present here tonight, Dave's band, of course, Undead Messengers, and Thirteen South. R.J. took Nathan into the bathroom, and Nathan came back walking funny, waddling. Um, ok, I don't even wanna know about whatever went on in that bathroom! There was a set of comedy songs. There was music played off vinyl, both new and old. There was an extended Old School Hour, beginning at 2:00. And there were segments of Movie Time. 

-Fire Eater Wizard


August 30, 2015 - James Returns...

LEPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Rick from "The Metallic Onslaught", Dave, organizer of The Finger Lakes Metal Fest, formerly of the band Spater, and now of his new band, Spit Nickels, and, someone who hasn't been here in nine months, James. At first James tried to claim time loss, like Kal, saying that he had just left, but, later, he said that he had been "On the farm", whatever that means, and, I really don't wanna think about what that might mean. Dave and Rick talked about an upcoming event they will be participating in, a kind of Metal Fest for the fall, it's at the same venue, and a bunch of bands will be performing, one of which will be Dave's new band, which he also talked about. Azkath put Nathan's cell phone in his pants, and EVD dialed Nathan's number to make it vibrate. EVD and James got massages, and James got slapped in the face a lot, because there was a song entitled "Slap Your Face", and, every time the title was said, James got slapped in the face, so, of course, everyone said that title a lot. Nathan got to play a set of music. At 3:30, The Cover Set. It was Go Topless Day, but no one got topless, The Worst Co-Host In The World, Dave, had promised to show up and get topless, but, well, he doesn't have that title for no reason. So now we have re-named the Dave who was there, The Wrong Dave. There were segments of Movie Time. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Fire Eater Wizard


July 19, 2015 - Undead Messengers and The Metallic Onslaught

LEThe first part of the program, about an hour and a half, was prerecorded, because everyone was attending the The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show. When the live portion started, present were, EVD, Nathan, Rick and Randy from "The Metallic Onslaught", and the band Undead Messengers, who had been one of the bands performing at the above mentioned Show. Azkath played a song that Nathan had composed and recorded with a couple of friends, and he, Nathan, said it was for EVD. It was entitled "Metal Sex". It was, um, interesting... When asked how he felt after hearing it, EVD had one word, "Violated!". Azkath said he had something for Randy since he chose to smoke that night at the Haunt show... It was a brand new baking sheet, which he proceeded to bash Randy in the head with, repeatedly, 'til the baking sheet was pretty much destroyed. During one of the talk breaks, Azkath said he could hear Europe's "The Final Countdown" playing, and he couldn't figure out why, as that song is banned on LE, in this studio, at least. EVD said that he couldn't hear it, but Randy could, and so could I. Azkath had even created a computer virus to destroy that song on all of the computers, including other people's, like Tim's. Then they realized that Nathan was not around. Nathan was the culprit, and he found it highly amusing. He said it had been so worth it. He had found an untouched copy and had crawled beneath the board and plugged his phone into the jack for the background music. He got beaten senseless, totally knocked out cold, by Azkath, Rick wanted to participate in the beat down, too, but it was feared that this would kill the young, ninety five pound Bronie, which we don't want to do because he is fun to pick on. Later Azkath told Nathan not to look in a mirror, saying that apparently he had misunderstood, when he thought that EVD was a good hair stylist and barber. Well, ya know, mad scientist, hair dresser, those two things are easily confused. They told him everything would be fine, as long as he didn't look into a mirror. Undead Messengers updated us on the goings on with their band, and their plans. At 3:30, The cover set. There were segments of Movie Time. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

- Fire Eater Wizard