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February 16, 2014 - Crappy sings us a Song

Present were, Rick, from The Metallic Onslaught, Tim, and, Crappy The Clown. Crappy sang a song on a guitar, a cover of "Dang Me", with a lot of added verses, that never would have been played on radio. There were segments of Movie Time. And, on this night, instead of the last hour being The Old School Hour, like it usually is, this time the last two hours were all old school music...

-Fire Eater Wizard


January 26, 2014 - Tim comes out on Top!

Present were, Just Joe, and, Tim. As Tim was about to leave, Just Joe was going to DDT him onto a thing, a jagged thing, I can't get any more specific than that, because they didn't, so if you want this to make more sense, yell at them. As Azkath and Just Joe were discussing how best to do that to Tim, Azkath decided to test it out using Just Joe. After he was through doing that, Just Joe was in no condition to do anything to Tim, and asked Tim to DDT himself onto the thing, which, for some reason, Tim never got around to doing, he just left. Topics were discussed like, a "Coast To Coast A.M." episode, and how most people seem to have forgotten what science really means, claiming something is scientific, proved by science, when it really isn't, it may be logical, or make sense, but it hasn't been subjected to the scientific method. There were four segments of Movie Time. The last hour was the Old School Hour...

-Fire Eater Wizard


January 2, 2005 - Demon's Pick Show

Demon's Pick ShowThis weeks show began at midnight right after New Years Day, and was the first ever Demon's Picks Show, which meant that The Demon Azkath devoted the show to playing his favorite music and (except for listener requests, of course, which are always taken) picked all the selections and only played stuff which he personally liked and thought was really good. Well, actually, not quite all, his show was briefly hijacked, but more on that in a bit. Just Joe was absent this week and they didn't know why. (Perhaps he got himself arrested again to try and beat his new record of time spent in jail - four hours - so he can claim to be even more hardcore. He does, after all, have competition now for claiming the mantel of being most hardcore, as he has to top Gorgar, who has a broken neck, which is truly hardcore.) However, one of the other people present for this night claimed credit for Just Joe's absence. Lance from The Metallic Onslaught said that he was responsible. Lance said that in retaliation for the many disparaging remarks Just Joe has been making about him lately, (calling him gayer than Zoltan, which are truly fighting words, and saying that he was not hardcore), he had kicked his ass and thrown him down the stairs repeatedly, finally finishing him off with a shoe to the head. And Lance has had a lot of experience with throwing people down stairs, after all, having done it to Jeffie many times. So Lance said that it was due to this severe beat down that Just Joe was not there. And, btw, still no word on the fate of poor Fritz. Also present on this first show of the brand new year were: Tim from Victory Records, Rub McGroin, and Ritchie (the vocalist and guitarist for The Pushrods.). Ok, now the promised more on the brief hijacking of Azkath's picks show... Lance asked if (since Old Joe never lets him pick sets on MO) he could play a set or two of his picks. Azkath told him that this night was reserved for him only to pick the sets, and, that if Lance wanted to get to choose some music, he would just have to show up on the show a bit more often. (Lance has not been on LE for months). Lance asked Azkath what the hell was going on in the hall!? Azkath said that there was nothing going on in the hall, but Lance insisted that there were very bad wrong things happening out there that Azkath might be held responsible for (fixing and cleaning up and such) if he did not see to putting a stop to them. Azkath finally decided to go have a look... whereupon Lance immediately shut and locked the door instructing everyone to not let the Demon back in, and proceeded to play some of his favorite selections. However, Lance's reign of control was to be short lived, (he got to play about five songs), as Rub let Azkath back in. Of course Lance would pay for this act of mutiny. Azkath caught him and duct taped him to the top of Tim's car. He also put duct tape over Lance's mouth. Azkath told Tim to leave Lance there for their entire ride home, which Tim said he would do. Ritchie played some Pushrods songs acoustically, and took requests on which songs he should play. However, He could not remember the words to one of his own songs which was requested. This just happened to be my request btw... He tried to perform it, but just could not remember it, so it had to be put off for a bit until his memory could be refreshed. He finally did manage to do it. I'm sorry Ritchie, I didn't mean to make things so difficult for you by requesting one of your own songs. It was quite amusing. Later, Ritchie attempted to perform a song which he said he had just composed and wanted to send out to all the girls in the chatroom. He tried but kept cracking up while singing it, so we never got to hear very much of it. But, what we did hear was very funny something along the lines of how the girls would never talk to him face to face, but only online. Hearing him try to sing it and badly cracking up was also very amusing. I think there is a great song for the band in this when/if he finishes composing it. And thus went the first ever Demon's choice night and the first show of the new year. It was an amusing fun night. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


March 8, 2015 - Testing Just Joe's Fear... and New Watch

Last Exit Crew

This was the night that we go on Daylight Savings Time, so, at 2:00 A.M., we spring ahead one hour, and it becomes 3:00, so it was a five hour LE (although for the internet, an extra hour was added in at the end). This night is when we always have our Glam Hour, in the hour from 2:00 A.m. to 3:00 A.M., which Just Joe always gets really excited for every year, because he has no memory, and isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier either, so he always forgets every year that, of course, there is no 2:00 A.M. to 3:00 A.M. on this night, and this year was no exception, he was all excited. Present were, Just Joe, as I just said, EVD, Tim, and, Gumpty Hump, another one of Crappy The Clown's alter egos. Azkath told Just Joe, that he wasn't going to do The Tribute To Glam this year. Just Joe was extremely disappointed. Azkath told him he had a deal for him, they would let Russian Roulette decide, if a bullet played, Just Joe would get his hour of glam, and he would even play Europe's "The Final Count Down", which he has banned from this program forever, if no bullet, then... Just Joe was wearing a watch that measured his vital signs, told his pulse and such as one of it's features, and he was dumb enough to let Azkath know that. Azkath told Just Joe, that if no bullet played, he had a special room for him that he would have to spend time in, they were going to test out the watches feature. No bullet, which Just Joe, Tim, and I were all very disappointed by. So Just Joe was locked in a very tiny room, and, after a while, he noticed a spider. Azkath told him that there were at least thirty of them in there. Just Joe began whimpering, and wanted to get out, but, of course, the door was locked. They asked him what his pulse rate was? It got up to 110 by the time they let him out, which isn't really all that high, for someone who is supposed to be as terrified of spiders as Just Joe is. Tim was stupid enough to say that he was also afraid of spiders, so, of course, they sent him to let Just Joe out, and, of course, told Just Joe to throw him in there and lock him in. Tim was also heard whimpering, but he wasn't wearing a watch with that feature, so we had no way to measure his pulse. Eventually he was let out, but both he and Just Joe had spiders on them, Tim said he was going to go get in the shower and wash them off. Just Joe joined him, and they washed the spiders off each other, and I don't wanna know anything else that they might have been doing in the shower together, but, oddly enough, Just Joe's pulse was a lot higher when they came out of there than it had been when he was trapped with the spiders. He said that it was because he had been so happy seeing all the spiders go swirling down the drain... I'm sure that's why his pulse rate was so high. And, just for the record, what's with all these wimps and spiders?! I like spiders. Azkath wondered if maybe Just Joe's body was becoming immune to spiders. He found some jellybeans, for some reason, Just Joe is also afraid of jellybeans, who's afraid of jellybeans!? Only Just Joe. But that didn't really cause that much of a rise in Just Joe's pulse rate either. But Azkath finally found something that did... He reminded him of all The No Pants Days, when Randy was in a mankini, or was the world's ugliest woman, who had the terrible taste in men to have the hots for Just Joe, and was all over him, stuff like that. That did it! Just Joe started blubbering and his pulse rate shot up to one fifty six. Azkath kept reminding him of all the hideous things Randy's done on No Pants Day, and Azkath reminded Just Joe that we are only a couple months away from No Pants Day, and told him that Randy says he is going to raise the bar even higher this year, just think of what that could mean! All the horrible possibilities! Just Joe was already quite severely traumatized. Um, Just Joe, a bit of friendly advice, in future you might want to consider leaving that watch at home, or you will be subjected to more tests to see what will raise your pulse rate, just a thought. Azkath brought up the topic of re watching the first "Indiana Jones" movie and comparing it to the new one, and that how that, if the first one were made today, it wouldn't be the huge hit that it was back in 1981, because of the huge role the Internet plays in judging and critiquing movies now. There were segments of Movie Time. Tim told us about a concert he had attended earlier in the night, which was why he was later than he usually is. The last hour was The Old School Hour...  - Fire Eater Wizard


February 22, 2015 - Just Another Night...

UMEVDSo we had a pretty full house this night, with EVD, Tim, Daryl, and Olivia from Undead Messengers, Eric, Tim Binder, and a surprise return from Adam and Nikki. There was plenty of discussion of movies, the new Nightwish song, video games, and much more, plus we had to silence Eric numerous times. Plus tons of new music, and the traditional Old-School Hour.


Visigoth "Mammoth Riders"
Dr. Living Dead "Civilized to Death"
Beyond Fallen "Concrete Lucifer"
Ire Clad "Brothers in Arms"
Stever "Scatterbrain"
Lanfear "The Reverend"
Sign of the Jackal "Trick or Treat"

June 29, 2014 - 20th Anniversary Shows: Part 4 - Hangman's Heart and Pez

Last ExitThis was the last of our four specials all throughout the month of June commemorating the fact that June marks twenty years that "The Last Exit For The Lost" has been on the air. This incarnation of it, anyways. It was around for almost another decade under other names, with different hosts, on different days, in different time slots, and with different lengths, but June of 1994 is when this version of it came to be. And, all throughout this month we have brought back many voices from the past two decades, former co-hosts, and even former hosts of some of the other incarnations of the program, past guests, past bands who have been on and/or performed on the air, and, current bands as well. Present this night were, current co-host, James, Tim, someone who hadn't been here in four years, EVD, who was a long time regular co-host, and Pez, a former host from when the program had a different name and hosts. Also there was Matt, who had gotten the performance room up and running so we can now have bands play fully electric, and, the first band to do that, tonight, Hangman's Heart, Dave, formerly of the band Spater, had tested it out for us last week, but it was just him and a guitar, great, but this was our first time with a full band playing electric, they played six songs, and it went very well, they rock, you can find them on facebook. The vocalist had been here before with his then band Nonetheless, and, a decade ago, we used to ask bands questions from to hear them try to come up with answers to those crazy questions, and one of those questions was, "What if there was an evil picnic basket, and the only way to destroy it was to sing a song about it?", and he on the spot, composed and sang a seven minute song about that, it was very impressive, and funny. We played that for him tonight. All throughout this month we have also been playing clips from The Best Of CD's, featuring the past guests, and all the hilarity and insanity. About the last half of the program consisted of mostly bands that have been in the studio over the past twenty years, many of the tracks were live performances from LE. In the first portion of the night, Pezz got to pick and play a few sets of music, and EVD got to play some music. There was a segment of Movie Time, and TV shows and wrestling were discussed as well. In the last hour, I called in to talk about my history with LE, for the past twelve years as a participant, I was a listener for two years before that, we talked about my participation in the program, as a co-host of the chat room, kind of show historian and archivist, as a writer of these recaps, and I have also been of assistance a few times, providing recordings of LE that otherwise would have been lost to posterity for one reason or another. It has been an honor and a privilege to provide any assistance I could, and I have had a blast along the way! And, something I forgot to mention then, I was one of the many, many, people that has caused Just Joe to fall down, or off of, something, over the years. In my case, I made him fall off the roof, I was actually trying to talk him into coming down off the roof, but I wound up making him fall off of it. So I did get him down, just not the way I had intended to get him down, but, hey, whatever works, right!? Thanks to Azkath for having me on to share my memories, I also talked about how I first discovered LE, I knew nothing about metal, except for glam, so it was because I accidentally stumbled across a really insane and hysterical talk break, with people laughing hysterically, and Friend yelling "FRRRIIIEEEEENNDDD!!!!!", and cows mooing, or rather, people mooing like cows, and people yelling "F The Scarecrow!", that was for a character, a Scarecrow named F, so people would yell "F The Scarecrow!", and I was forever after hooked. Azkath played those clips for me, as that's how I got started with LE. As the Tuesday after this LE, July 1st, at 9:43 A.M., to be exact, which I can't help being, to everyone else's annoyance, is my birthday, they wished me Happy Birthday. EVD didn't want to sing, so they just said it, that's ok, I have had the pleasure of being shrieked at, err, I mean, sang to, by Just Joe many, many times over the years. Nice quiet Birthday greetings are fine. Thanks for the Birthday wishes, guys, and again, for having me on. The final song to close out the fourth and final of our twentieth Anniversary specials (although, actually, we will be celebrating it all summer long, because we have had so very many awesome guests, co-hosts, and bands on over these past two decades, that we couldn't fit them all into one month, and some weren't able to make it this month, but definitely wanted to be a part of the celebration), was, appropriately enough, the song that gave the show it's name, "The Last Exit For The Lost", by the band Fields Of The Nephilim. And so thus concluded our special month long look back at all of the insanity, silliness, hilarity, mayhem, and all the rockin' bands, music, and all the awesome, cool people that have been what made "The Last Exit For The Lost" such a unique and special program, exposing us to local, independent, and underground music, as well as the great classics of metal, and having a lot of fun along the way, for two decades now! - Fire Eater Wizard


June 22, 2014 - 20th Anniversary Shows - Part 3: Bri Bri and The Sloth

Last ExitThis was the third of our special Anniversary Shows, throughout the month of June, as June marks the twentieth anniversary of this incarnation of the program. So, all month, voices from the past, former co-hosts coming back, current and past band members who have been on, and Best Of clips reliving all the insanity have been featured. Present this night were, Just Joe, who was actually there for two weeks in a row, James, Tim, Rick, From "The Metallic Onslaught", Dave, formerly of the band Spater, we learned this night that Spater was no more, Bri Bri, The Evil Shy Guy, among many names he has had, among others, The Evil Quaker, Hollywood Bri Bri, and Cousin Mel, his wife, Theresa, and his arch Nemesis, The Sloth Of The Apocalypse, and, Matt, who got a big hand for getting the performance room up and running, so now bands can perform live, and full electric, not just acoustic. Dave tested it out, he played some songs, three, including a love song, and a Spater song. The room worked great, and the songs were cool. Azkath had a present for Sloth, The Almost Original Suck Toy Of The Monkeys, from way back in the day. Sloth didn't want to put it in his mouth, but it wound up there anyways. Sloth and Bri Bri still argued, Bri Bri said he had given up being a Quaker, and was no longer evil, but Sloth didn't believe him. Azkath had another present for sloth, a Twinkie. He said it was the last Twinkie. Sloth was devastated when they stopped making Twinkies. He didn't trust that it was real, he thought it was a trick. Finally Azkath convinced him that it wasn't, Sloth opened the Twinkie, and saw that it really was a Twinkie. He started thanking Azkath profusely. While he was doing that, Just Joe was eying the Twinkie. When Sloth finally went to eat the Twinkie, Sloths are really slow, he only got to taste one bite of it, because Just Joe couldn't control himself any longer, and grabbed and devoured the Twinkie. Sloth tore after Just Joe in a rage, or at least as much as a sloth can really tear after anyone or anything, especially when that someone is on a sugar rush from a just eaten Twinkie. Just Joe got back, Sloth hadn't caught him. They asked him why he would do such a mean thing to poor Sloth. Just Joe's response was "Twinkie delicious!". Sloth finally made it back, and did choke Just Joe. But apparently Sloth was unaware that they have brought back the Twinkie, some months ago. When he was informed that you can buy them pretty much anywhere, he said he was leaving to go buy some right now. They asked him to stay for the rest of the program, but he said it would be fine, he was just going to run right down to the store, and grab some Twinkies, and run right back. So he left, and we should see him in about nine months to a year. With Twinkies. The next day, Monday, June 23rd, was Tim's Birthday, Happy Birthday, Tim! So Azkath had a birthday present for him. In the other room, there was a nice big floor, which was covered in about a hundred mousetraps. At first Azkath had thought to have Tim thrown into them for his birthday, but then decided that there was something that Tim would probably like even more than that, Tim could throw Just Joe into the mousetraps. So Azkath had had Just Joe set up the mousetraps, telling him that he was going to throw Tim into them for his birthday, which Just Joe totally bought. So Just Joe took Tim to the mousetrap room, and Just Joe wound up covered in mousetraps, the sounds from there were really impressive. Besides, Just Joe, you should have that happen, not only did it bring Tim happiness for his birthday, but you were really mean to poor Sloth, stealing his Twinkie and breaking his heart. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday To You" to Tim, well, Just Joe shrieked it, like he always does. The like last half of the program consisted of all music from bands that have been in the studio at LE over the past twenty years, and there is still a ton more of it to get through, we have had many, many, really excellent bands grace us with their presence over these two decades. Sadly, many of them are no more, but they left us with a lot of really great music. There was a Movie Time, and TV programs, and wrestling, were discussed as well. Throughout the night many Best Of clips were played, featuring Bri Bri and Sloth. And James brought us a wheel, we have never really actually had a wheel, just a box with a button on it, but now we have one, thanks to James. And so, thus went the third of our Twentieth Anniversary Specials. - Fire Eater Wizard


February 8, 2015 - Code 10-56 Live in Studio

2015 02 08 LE Code 10 56

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
Present were, Just Joe, EVD, and, Tim. The band Code 10-56 was there for about the first half of the program. They were formerly known as Nuckin' Futs, but had to change that because it was already taken, which is a shame, because I liked that name. Code 10-56 stands for the the New York City police department's code for drunkenness and assisted suicide. Funny, I wonder what those two things have in common so much that they would have the same code? They played a lot of their songs, about seven, live from The WVBR Performance Room. It sounded great. They are a Crust Punk band, you can find them on facebook. They were interviewed and one of their studio tracks was played. R.J., the vocalist from the band Thirteen South, stopped by and stayed for the second half of the program. He told us what his band has been up to. There were segments of Movie Time, and a TV Show was discussed also. And EVD told us more about his video game he's been playing, in it he is a female character who is now in a lesbian relationship. Tim talked about his having attended House Guitars on Saturday, where he got to meet with Joey Belladonna, of the band Anthrax, who now has a cover band. The last hour was The Old School Hour...


Mercyful Fate "Evil (BBC Radio 1 Session)
Yesterday's Saints "Sands of Nod"
Philm "Fire from the Evening Sun"
An Autumn for Crippled Children "When Night Leaves Again"
Cyrax "Cockroach"
Revenge "At the Gates of Hell"
Ashes in Vein "Until the End of Time"