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2012 Show Archive

July 29, 2012 - Tim Returns, and brings Lance!

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Crimson Glory "March to Glory / War of the Worlds"
Prong "Ammunition"
Tornado "Massive Extinction Impact"
Striker "It Could Be Worse"
Napalm Death "A Gag Reflex / Everything in Mono"

Muckraker "V"
Diablo Swing Orchestra "Kevlar Sweethearts"
Baroness "Foolsong"
Careless "Out of Control"
Testament "Animal Magnetism"

Queensryche (with Todd LaTorre) "Medley"
Acid Bath "Cassie Eats Cockroaches"
Goatwhore "In Deathless Tradition"
Chaosweaver "Malestrom of Black Light"
Tankard "Son of a Fridge"

Sanctifier "Demoncraft"
Pyramada "Mind Abuse"
Lamb of God "The Number Six"
Space Farm 2600 "Cellar Door"
Faster Pussycat "Where There's a Whip There's a Way"

Space Age Playboys "Tokyo Girls Go Bang Bang"
Lake of Tears "Headstones"
Banshee "Floodgates of Hell"
Never the Sunshine "Superstar"
Steel Panther "That's What Girls are For"

Kreator "Phantom Anti-Christ
Kik Tracee "Don't Need Rules"
Sargiest "Cursed Blaze of Rituals"
Of Wrath and Ruin "Waters of the Corrupt"
Stolen Babies "So Close"

Chrysalide "Let's Talk About this Over Dinner"
Gojira "My Last Creation"
Babylon A.D. "Bang Go The Bells"
Ozzy Osbourne "Waiting for Darkness"
Savatage "Alone You Breathe"

Agony "Storm of the Apocalypse"
Necrophagia "To Sleep with the Dead" (R)
Steel Assassin "Bliztkrieg Demons"
Zonaria "Full Spectrum Domina"
Tourniquet "Chamunda Temple Stampede"

Dust Bolt "Violent Abolition"
Bass Drum of Death "High School Roaches"
Candlelight Red "Demons"
Crucifed Barbara "Into the Fire"
Sound Storm "Wrath of the Storm"

Between the Buried and Me "Telos"
Bonded by Blood "Killing in the Name"

** Old School Hour **Savage Grace "Ride into the Night"
Vicious Rumors "Ride (Into the Sun)"
Deathrow "Riders of Doom"
Metal Sword "Stormriders"
Overkill "Death Rider"

Vacant Grave "Room for One More"
Skyclad "A Bellyful of Emptiness"
Dead On "Beat a Dead Horse"
Morbid Saint "Lock Up Your Children"
Ironchrist "Contusions"
Hirax "Call of the Gods"

Psyche Corporations "Morpheus V2.1"

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard
Just Joe was there, still refusing to talk about where he is every other week. He either changes the subject, or just says nothing when he is repeatedly asked. Also there were, Rick and Randy from The Metallic Onslaught, and Lance and Tim. It has been a long time since Lance has been there, and quite a while for Tim as well. And, although Dave, the worst co-host in the world, had promised that he would be here this week, as I predicted, he was not. There were a few segments of Movie Time, with everyone participating, but Just Joe only had one, because, apparently whatever he is doing that keeps him absent every other week, it keeps him too busy to watch movies, that, or/and he sucks. Just Joe put a DVD that belonged to Lance down his pants, and he put his penis through the hole. It was kind of a tight fit, and Azkath yanked it off, yes, that would entail putting his hands down Just Joe's pants, EEEWWW!!!, but I guess he thought the satisfying screams of pain from Just Joe when he yanked it off, um, the DVD!, yanked the DVD off!, that just sounded really wrong and disgusting!, were worth that sacrifice, no pain no gain, after all, and then it was Just Joe who was in pain. Also probably making it all worth it, was the torn away flesh on the DVD. Um, Lance, I don't think you are going to want to be playing that anymore dude! Azkath hypnotized Randy. Randy, Rick, Lance, and, Tim, were all riding home together, Tim would be driving, with Lance with him in the front, and Rick and Randy in the back. So Azkath told Randy that, every time Tim made a right hand turn, he would try to get on Lance's lap. Now Randy is in excess of three hundred pounds, there is no way he could fit between the seats, he would be bound to get stuck, and then likely fart, which would probably kill everyone trapped in there with him. Shortly after they had left, Rick called in. Well, it wasn't exactly a coherent chat, it was more like a plea for help, Randy could be heard saying that he was supposed to be in the front, or something to that affect, and Lance and Tim were yelling for him to stop, and then some disturbing sounding things were said, things that sounded dirty, and the call was ended, by Azkath. Tim obviously had made a right hand turn, something which, under these circumstances, he should have avoided. Something occurred that hadn't in a long time, there was an Adventures In Listening set, where the set is comprised of music that Azkath had not heard before, so it could be great, or it could suck, or it could do some of both, and it will never be stopped, except for a couple of times when a new rule was instituted, if it sounds like country music, and not like anything even remotely resembling metal, which had happened on a couple of occasions, then it gets stopped, otherwise, it has to play, even if it does suck. This set turned out quite well. All throughout the night, music sets were played consisting of everyone there contributing one song pick to the set. The last hour was Old School Hour...

August 5, 2012 - Z'Ha'Dum Show

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This was a pre-recorded Z'Ha'Dum Show. This has been waiting to be aired for almost 2 years.

My Dying Bride "The Crown of Sympathy"
Pyogensis "Like Tears (In the Dust)"
Paradise Lost "Shattered"

Morbid Angel "Blessed are the Sick / Leading the Rats"
Anathema "Shroud of False / Fragile Dreams"
Bathory "Holocaust"
Cathedral "Soul Sacrifice"
Celtic Frost "Os Abysmi vel Daath"
Neurosis "The Doorway"

Nightfall "My Red, Red Moon (Emma O)"
Dream into Dust "Sleep in Dead Time"
And Here I Lie "In Coldness"
How Like a Winter "All the Seasons of Madness"
Miranda Sex Garden "A Fairy Tale About Slavery"

Korova "Our Reality Dissolves"
Nothing "Wielding Ockham's Razor"
Fields of the Nephilim "The Tower"
Borgia Popes "Deadsong"
Samael "Ceremony of Opposites"
Skold "All Dies"

Rain Fell Within "Torn Apart"
Eyes of Fire "Anyone"
Lycia "In the Fire and Flames"
Love Like Blood "Walking in Demimondes"
Skinny Puppy "Cult"
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy "Flowers Fade Away"

Drawn "Momento in Slomo"
Chaostar "An Electric Storm of Thoughts"
The Gathering and Wim Kratsborn "Every Day is Like a Thousand Years"
Chorus of Ruin "Headstone"
The 3rd and The Mortal "Shaman"
The God Machine "Pictures of a Bleeding Boy"

Evereve "The Bride Wears Black"
Orphaned Land "Mercy - Live"
November's Doom "A Eulogy for the Living Lost"
Lush "Undertow"
Licorice "Deadgirl"
Cemetary "Last Transmission"

Sonata Nocturna "The Darkest Winter"
Paragon of Beauty "One Step Into Nothingness"
Night in Gales "From Ebony Skies"
Ophelia's Dream "Rise"
Persephone "Immersion"
The Gathering "Travel"

Tristania "The Modern End"
Andra Dare "Swan"
Current 93 "This Autistic Imperium is Nihil Reich"
Cryptic Wintermoon "Darkness Forever"
Faith and the Muse "In Dreams of Mine"
Confession of Faith "Assembly Divide"

Primordial "Dark Song"
Where Echoes End "Only in War"
Virgin Black "Walk Without Limbs"
Tranquilatwist "Collapse"
Fjorgyn "Requiem"
Sopor Aeturnus and the Emsemble of Shadows "Day of the Dead"

Odes of Ecstacy "Deceitful Melody"
Dornenreich "Trauerbrandung"
Sax Myle "iypb"
Dyonisis "Flown"
Sol Invictus "The World Shrugged"
The Sisters of Mercy "Nine While Nine"

Antimatter "Mr. White"
Power Symphony "Never Dream of Goodness (Evillot Pt II)"
Eterne "The Endless"
Opeth "To Bid You Farewell"
Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
Because the Last Exit crew was attending a 2CW wrestling show, this night's program was prerecorded, and brought back something from way back in the day that used to be featured semi regularly, but which hasn't been done in probably a decade if not more... A Z'Ha'Dum Show, which is a program consisting of all very dark music, doom, Goth, black metal, melodic songs, anything in a very dark vain. And, you can thank me, or blame me, depending on whether you like, liked, and/or missed those shows, because Azkath got out of the mood of doing them, and had decided not to do them anymore. When I requested that another one be done sometime, as I had liked them, he made this pre-recorded show, for when, for whatever reason, a live show would not be possible, as a surprise for me, dedicating the whole show to me, which I greatly appreciate! So, Z'Ha'Dum was brought back for one last time, I highly enjoyed it, and hope everyone else did as well... 

August 12, 2012 - Beard Fights and Fringe Conversations

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ASKA "Longships"
Tankard "Not One Day Dead (But Mad One Day)"
Semargl "God is Not Love"
Nile "When My Wrath is Done"

Saturnian "Aphotic"
Bedemon "Son of Darkness"
Ian Gillan & Toni Iommi "Anno Mundi"
Dublin Death Patrol "Welcome to Hell"

Banshee "Taming the Beast"
Loudness "The Power of Truth"
Samsas Traum "Fur Immer - Live"
The Faceless "The Eidolon Reality"
Nova Art "Me Against the Music - Britney Spears Cover"

Bury Tomorrow "Redeemer"
Texas Hippie Coalition "Damn You to Hell"
Korpiklanni "Kauta"
Grave "Flesh Epistle"

Fozzy "Sandpaper"
Svolk "Feed Your Soul"
Pagan Altar "The Black Mass"
Enochian Theory "For Your Glory, Great Deceiver"

Sanctifer "Shoggoths - Summon the Hate"
The Ziggurat "The Road to Dunwich"
Eat My Fuk "Assfreak"
Power Salad "Hi, I'm a Racist!"

Lythem "Rusted Graves"
Hate Machine "Bring in the Butcher"
Darkness by Oath "Holloworld"
Jess and the Ancient Ones "Prayer for Death and Fire"
Sabbath Assembly "The Love of the Gods"

Juliet "My First Hardcore Song"
Concrete Slacks "Bonehead Bastard"
Obscenity "Atrophied In Anguish"
Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell "Killer Kane"
Altar of Oblivion "The Graveyard of Broken Dreams"

The Tattoo Rebellion "Somebody Else"
Doro "Raise your Fist in the Air"
Evershine "Run"
Suffer Well "This World is Decay"
Morning Sidekick "

Odinfist "Release the Vice"
Sky of Rage "Shape of a Giant"
The Samans "Death March"
Thy Majestie "Harbringer of a New Dawn"
Lethal Aggression "That Piece"

Ex Deo "Per Oculus Aquila"
The Forshadowing "Survivor's Sleep"
Wind Rose "Siderion"
Hexvessel "Woods to Conjure"

Over Your Threshold "Cortical Blindness"
Inferion "Aborted by the Sun"
Mental Funeral "Grindfucker"
Psyche Corporation "Oh"

** Old School Hour **
Carnivore "Race War" (R)
Sepultura "Troops of Doom" (R)
Deceased "The Cemetary's Full"
Nailbomb "Police Truck - Live" (R)

Banshee "We Want You"
Agony "Execution of Mankind"
Watchtower "The Eldritch"
D.A.M. "Aliens"

Athiest "Brains"
Masada "The Maniac"
Morbid Symphony "Woman in the Chair"
Possessed "Storm in My Mind"

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
There were, Eric the bass player for the band Ire Clad, Rick from The Metallic Onslaught, Tim, Adam and Nikki, and, the worst co-host in the world, Dave, actually graced us with his presence. When Azkath asked Dave how he got smart, when Dave didn't fall for something they told him, Dave said it was his beard. Azkath told Adam to remove Dave's beard. Dave and Adam fought, but Adam removed the beard. They told Dave that there was a meteor shower going on, which was true, and that he should go outside to see it. Dave asked if, since it was a shower, should he get naked? I guess the loss of the beard really did make him stupid again. They told him sure. Then they heard a disturbance out side. Apparently Dave got hit in the eye with a meteor. He was upset, and went home. There were lots of discussions on out of the mainstream and/or paranormal topics, like a possible pyramid in Alaska, where Atlantis might have been, things being found in places where they shouldn't be, like live frogs in veins of coal millions of years old, and people disappearing in national parks. There were several segments of Movie Time, with everyone participating except for Rick, who hadn't seen anything. The last hour was The Old School Hour... And there was a ton of cool new music, more than could be gotten to, because there was two weeks worth of it, as the previous weeks LE had been prerecorded...

August 19, 2012 - Making Adam Invisible

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The Agonist "You're Coming With Me"
Baroness "Mtns. (The Crown and Anchor)"
Silencer "I am Thunder! / 1969 / Great Bear"
Locrian "Coprolite"

Dublin Death Patrol "Blood Sirens"
Jess and the Ancient Ones "Twilight Witchcraft"
Concrete Slacks "Away from Here"
Essenz "Sea of Light - Pleroma"

Inviolate "Condemned"
Ad Patres "Scars of Compromise"
A Forest of Stars "The Blight of God's Acre"
Tantara "Killing of Mother Earth"
Psyche Corporation "Jewels"

Crazy Lixx "Riot Avenue"
Laestrygonia "Io"
Xibalba "No Serenity"
Vore "Throne to the WOlves"
St. Madness "70's Porno"

ASKA "Legion"
Banshee "Legend Lost"
Loudness "Gonna Do It My Way"
Kaipa "Treasure-House"
Chaosweaver "A Requiem for a Lost Universe"

One-Eyed Doll "Envy"
Ashent "Spider's Nest"
Helllander "Trip in Fire"
Death of Centuries "Sad Revolution"
Autumn's End "Cold Winter of Time"

Enochian Threory "The Motives of the Machine"
Widow Sunday "Faces in Glass"
Cryptopsy "Amputated Enigma"
Vorpal Nomad "The Brotherhood"
The Samans "Moths to the Flames We Are"

Diablo Swing Orchestra "Kali Ma Calibre"
Liv Kristine "Panic"
Silent Auction "Heart Attack"
Munreuthel "In Leaves' Whisper Or In Bursts Of The Thunder..."
Iron Maiden "Running Free - Live"

Semargl "Suck My Dick"
The Commander-In-Chief "Evolution"
Static People "You Know It's There"
Careless "Contend in Vein"

Muckraker "Kingmaker"
Eat My Fuk "Tear It Down"
Lethal Aggression "Free is a 4 Letter Word"
Malevolent Patricide "Skeletal SPectre"
Ex Deo "Pollice Verso (Damnatio Ad Bestia)"

Tom Smith and the Great Luke Ski "Cthulhu Ftagn"
The Ziggurat "Nyarlathotep"
HPLHS "Shogoth Prayer"
Dublin Death Patrol "Death Toll Rising"
Obey the Brave "It Starts Today"

** Old School Hour **
The God Machine "I've Seen the Man"
Pyogenesis "Sacrificious Profanity"
Twisted Cross "Blow Up God (Eat His Heart)"
Amulance "Feel the Pain"
Minor Threat "Small Man, Big Mouth"
Blood for Blood "Eulogy for a Dream"

Current 93 "Crowleymass Unveiled"
Fields of the Nephilim "Love Under Will"
Bruce Dickinson "Man of Sorrows - Orchestral Version"

Missing Marcus "So Much for Goodbye - Live on The Last Exit 2005"
Harley Poe "It's Only the End of the World"
Recap by Fire Eater Wizard
Adam and Nikki were there,as were, Eric the bass player for the band Ire Clad, Kal, who hadn't been there in a little while, Tim, and, for one talk break, in the middle of the program, Mark Anbinder, long time WVBR personality. The week before, Adam had removed Dave, the worst co-host in the world's beard, because Dave had said that his beard was making him smart. Now Adam was without his beard, and he said it had made him smarter. Somehow, they convinced Adam, that, if he removed all of his body hair, he would be invisible. So Adam was eager to become hairless. They told him Kal could help him out with that, even though there was a lot of body hair. Kal wrapped Adam up completely in duct tape. then started ripping away all the strips one at a time. It took a long time. There were a lot of strips of duct tape, and Kal had been very thorough, covering every inch of Adam's body. Adam's screams of agony as the tape was ripped away were quite something. They told him that although all the blood was visible, that he would soon be completely invisible. After a while, all the tape was finally off. There was a lot of blood. Also, Kal seemed to be enjoying stripping all that tape off a whole lot, he has quite the sadistic streak, if the government needs any extra people to help waterboard suspects, Kal would fit in nicely. They told Adam that all that pain had paid off, he was now completely invisible. Adam said that now he was going to drive home. Nikki told him that, no he was not, not until he put some clothes on! But Adam insisted that he didn't need to, since no one could see him. Everyone else, except Nikki, because she had to go home with him, assured Adam that he would be fine, he was invisible! So a naked Adam left. I guess losing his beard really did make him stupid. Have fun in jail, Adam! Throughout the night there were discussions of out of the mainstream and paranormal topics, like UFOs, and the program "UFO Hunters", and people like H.P. Lovecraft, Anton Levay, and Alister Crowley. There were some segments of Movie Time, with everyone participating, including Mark Anbinder, on that one break I mentioned. And we saw further proof that Tim just does not get the point of movies, any more than he gets the point of porn. There was still a lot of cool new music, as there had been so much of it last week, after LE had been prerecorded for a week, that it could not all be fit into one program. The last hour was The Old School Hour...

August 26, 2012 - Just Joe Returns

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Ex Deo "I, Caligvia"
Banshee "Floodgates of Hell"
A Forest of Stars "The Underside of Eden"
Loudness "Keep You Burning"

Dublin Death Patrol "Mind Sewn Shut"
Drone "Format C"
Saturnian "Eternal Eclipse"
Cryptopsy "The Golden Square Mile"

ASKA "Vowbreaker"
Lethal Aggression "Coproganda"
Deceased "Futuristic Doom"
Concrete Slacks "Mad World"
Zimmer's Hole "What's My Evil... Evil!"

One-Eyed Doll "Envy"
Tarja "I Walk Alone - Live"
Bedemon "Kill You Now"
Semrgl "Join in Fire"
Devo Spice "In the 80's"

Spun in Darkness "In Your Grave"
Gravewurm "Descendants of the Abyss"
The Gathering "Meltdown"

Woccon "Our AShes"
Autumn's End "Judas"
Savage Annihilation "Dépeuplez ce monde de vermines"
Monuments "Blue Sky Thinking"
King Sndyer "Unholy Recitation"

Dead Horse Trauma "Night Terrors"
Obsession "Wages of Sin"
Fiends at Feast "Scars of My Soul"
Mountain Grave "Attract-Collapse"
Murder Construct "Resultados"

Inviolate "Feast of Ashes"
Psyche Corporation "Oh"
Lynch Mob "Slow Drag"
Abcess "Crawled up from the Sewer"
Jeff Kronberg "Nice to Meet You"

The Last Vegas "Beat to Hell"
All Hail the Yeti "Bloodguilt"
Hess "Nothing Lasts Forever"
The Lurking Corpses "See You in Hell"
Shut In "Exit Wounds"

One-Eyed Doll "Liar"
Aggressive Betty "Regime"
The Chariot "Speak"
1070 Scum "Noize!"
Eclipse "After the End of the World"

Just Like Vinyl "Safety Word"
I Am War "Bat Out of Hell"
Impera "Sunset Rider"
Grave Digger "Warriors Revenge"
Evil Entourage "True Rejected"

Hammer Fight "Stuck in the Chamber"
Redline "King of the Mountain"
Revolting "Ravenous Alien Spawn"
Nuse "War Face"

** Old School Hour **
Blood for Blood "Eulogy for a Dream"
Onslaught "Atomic Punk"
Savage Grace "Trial by Fire"
Suicidal Tendencies "How Will I Laugh Tomorrow - Rerecorded"

Nasty Savage "Unchained Angel"
Gang Green "BOMB"
Hades "The Cross"
Hallows Eve "Lethal Tendencies"

Anacrusis "A Screaming Breath"
Alice Cooper "The World Needs Guts"
Scorpions "This is My Song"
Dark Angel "Leave Scars"

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard
Present were, Just Joe, who had been absent for four weeks, Adam and Nikki, very briefly, and, Kal. Just Joe told us about what had happened to him while he was away. Usually he won't talk about that, but this time he did. One of the weeks, he was at a wedding. And, at the wedding reception, there were two guys playing songs on acoustic guitars. And they made the grave mistake of playing Just Joe's Hugging Music. Apparently Just Joe has become so brainwashed by that music, that, even away from LE, he just couldn't help himself, he went on a hugging spree, hugging old ladies, little kids, the bride, taking out some of the food. And then he was arrested for disturbing a wedding, and spent like a few minutes in jail, which has to be a first, being arrested for excessive hugging. I bet Just Joe's friend, not to mention his bride, are sooo sorry they ever invited him to their wedding. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is one of the shortest weddings on record, because, if I were the bride, and my groom invited his friend to our wedding, and that friend was Just Joe, and he ruined the reception like that, and, more importantly, subjected me to being hugged by him, I would head straight for divorce court, and demand a very hefty alimony, for the pain, suffering, and severe emotional trauma I endured! So, let this be a lesson to all, if you are going to invite Just Joe to any public event that is important to you, and you don't want an ugly scene, be very sure that no one there plays any portion of "Yackity Sax", the name of Just Joe's Hugging Music! Another week, he went to the Boston Zoo, where there was a Jurassic Park dinosaur exhibit. And Just Joe got afraid of the dinosaurs, he tried to placate them by offering them his little girl, scaring the poor thing, she tried to get out of his arms. It took some kids to show Just Joe that the dinosaurs were not real, they were just giant puppets. There were three segments of Movie Time, with everyone participating, and, despite four weeks absence, Just Joe had only seen two movies, but that was probably because he was in jail for excessive hugging, and being threatened by giant puppet dinosaurs. Mark Anbinder, long time WVBR personality, made a brief appearance near the end of the night. There were discussions of topics, like how corrupted the political process is, and Microsoft versus Apple, Bill Gates versus Steve Jobbs. The last hour was The Old School Hour...


September 2, 2012 - Shoebox and Devo Spice

This show marks the return of Shoebox of Worm Quartet and Devo Spice. It has been probably 7 years since the last time Shoebox graced us with his presence. The first couple of hours we talk to them a lot and play a lot of material from their various projects. It's a pretty crazy time...

More Pictures

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Alice Cooper "Caught in a Dream"
Judas Priest "The Hellion / Electric Eye"
Crimson Glory "Touch the Sun"
Loudness "Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!"

Devo Spice "Earworm"
Worm Quartet "The Ballad of Dr. Stopp / Kim Kardashian"

Cirque Du So What? "Let's Do Improv"

Devo Spice "Weird Al Didn't Write This Song"
Worm Quartet "On the Shoulders of Freaks"
Trollfest "Finsken, Norsken og Presten"
I Spit Ashes "My Ulysses"
Castle "Corpse Candles"

Worm Quartet "The Laundromat Of Sin"
Devo Spice "The Dumbest Song On Rock Band"
The Agonist "Revenge Of The Dadaists"
The Commander-In-Chief "Great Expectations"
Queensryche "Queen Of The Reich"

Worm Quartet "A Song for Worm Quartet to sing with TV's Kyle"
Devo Spice "Platform Wars"
Cirque Du So What? "Abortions and Guns"
Lethal Aggression "Stupidity"
The Snips "Better Part of Never"
Razorwyre "Fight or be Fucked"

Abhor "Trifecta"
Doomed to Obscurity "I Don't Care"
The Glory Stompers "Money in the Bag"
Fisthammer "Kull the Conqueror"
Dublin Death Patrol "My Riot"

Devo Spice "In the 80's"
Heavy Cross "Red Light Woman"
For Sleeping or Jumping "Beardrops"
Anatomia "Turbo Lover"
Cryptopsy "Red-Skinned Scapegoat"
Tankard "Witch Hunt 2.0"

Autumn's End "Arise from Slumber"
Nova Art "Black Harmony"
Thy Will Be Done "In the Ways of the Old"
Ex Deo "Burned to Serve as Nocturnal Light"
Tracer "Louder than This"

ASKA "Freedom"
Nuse "C8CH18"
Dust Bolt "Into Madness"
Striker "Let It Burn"
Chaosweaver "Infected"

Saturnian "Shadow of Prophecy"
Watain "Reaping Death"
A Forest of Stars "Left Behind as Static"

** Old School Hour **
Deceased "The Cemetary's Full"
Def Leppard "Getcha Rocks Off - Demo Version"
Ice Age "A Case of Cerebral Death"
Mezzrow "Then Came the Killing"

Drive "Kamikaze"
Vain "Beat the Bullet" (R)

Alice Cooper "Hallowed Be My Name / Second Coming / Ballad of Dwight Fry"

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard; 
For about the first two hours of the night, there were like a million people there. Someone who has not been there in a long while, Shoebox(!), he brought Devo Spice with him. They talked about their comedy music and lots of songs from both of them were played. While they were there, also present were, the worst co-host in the world Dave, yes, he was actually there, Adam and Nikki, Just Joe, Kal, Rick from The Metallic Onslaught, Tim. There was a lot of very funny conversation, with the two comedic musicians there, and Just Joe and Dave asking them questions. and are the websites where you can find Shoebox and Devo respectively. Also present was Shoebox's wife, Kim. Around 2:00, a lot of people left, leaving Rick, Tim, Just Joe, and, Kal. They were going to fix Tim, make him more of a man, and less of a wussy girl. So they had him watch a mix tape called "The Whore Church". By the time Tim was done with it, he said he felt like hitting the open road and speeding. He had enjoyed it. So it seemed to have helped him. There were some segments of Movie Time, with everyone left after 2:00 participating. In a reversal of how things usually are, Azkath had only seen one movie, and Just Joe had seen five. Azkath talked about a book he had just finished, about the way some of the planets may have come to be, an alternate view. And there were discussions of politics, what with the Republican convention having been the past week, and some news items, a man getting run down and killed while trying to perpetrate a Bigfoot hoax, and a school who wants a three year old deaf boy to change his name because the sign language for it could look like a gun. The last hour was The Old School Hour... 

September 9, 2012 - Paranormal Conversations and Awesome Music

A show full on interesting conversations and awesome music!

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A Forest of Stars "Directionless Resurrectionist / Prey Tell of the Church Fate"
Bruce Dickinson "Accident of Birth"
Alice Cooper "Halo of Flies"

Devo Spice "Brain Food"
Lethal Aggression "Free is a 4 Letter Word"
I Am War "I Don't Know Anything"
Pandora's Toybox "Boneshaft"
Worm Quartet "My Apologies"

Encrust "Grime Maiden"
One-Eyed Doll "Envy"
Evil Entourage "From Inside I Burn"
Mukagee "Burn My Eyes"
Candlemass "Dancing in the Temple of the Mad Queen Bee"

Hooded Menace "Effigies of Evil"
Serpentine Path "Bats Amongst Heathens"
Harm "Stuck in Time"
Lamb of God "Laid to Rest" (R)
Power Salad "Sorry Clint, Obama's Not There (The Good, The Bad, and the Invisible)"

Wildestarr "Immortal"
Turbocharged "Christ Zero"
Eugenic Death "The Devil Waits"
K-0S "Muerte Subita"
Tomakazi "Thomas Dolby"

Vision of Disorder "Annihilator"
Glowsun "Lost Soul"
Beyond All Recognition "What We'll Die to Defend"
Blaqk Audio "Fade to White"
Hellwell "Deadly Nightshade"

Dublin Death Patrol "Blood Sirens"
Chasing Valor "Victorious" (R)
Ire Clad "Foerevermore"
King Snyder "Unholy Recitation"
Just a Memory "For the Love of Pity - Live"

Concrete Slacks "Young and Pissed"
Psyche Corporation "Lock"
Bonsai Kitten "Don't Mess With Me"
Sexy Heroes "Jurassic Punk"
Thoughts in Reverse "Skywalker"

The Gathering "Gemini I"
Steve Goodie "Romney, Can You Hear Me?"
The Samans "Ride of the Valkyries"
The Graviators "Hexagram"
On Top "Sleepless"
Devo Spice "Flight Check"

Goatwhore "In Deathless Tradition"
Premenishen "War Chorus"
The Chariot "Forgot"
Satan's Wrath "One Thousand Goats in Sodom"
Pro-Pain "Sucks to Be You"
Whyzdom "Lonely Roads"

** Old School Hour **
Chaosweaver "White Noise"
Hiroshima "Taste of Death"
Sepultura "Amen" (R)
Dead Horse "Waiting for the Sun"

Dead On "Beat a Dead Horse"
Panic "Black Feather Shake"
Sacred Reich "Let's Have a War"
Heretic "Impulse"

Banshee "Back Your Way"
Marble "Terrified One"
L.A. Guns "Electric Gypsy"
Bruce Dickinson "Tears of the Dragon (First Bit, Long Bit, Last Bit)"
Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
Present were, Rick from The Metallic Onslaught, Tim, and, Eric, the bass player from the band Ire Clad. Throughout the night, lots of topics were discussed, some supernatural and/or paranormal, like what ghosts actually might be, ancient structures, ancient cultures, consciousness, people vanishing in national parks, or being found in places, usually dead, where they could never have gotten on there own, and also there were discussions of topics, like the war on drugs, police brutality, the Democratic convention, which had just wrapped up, and also talks on Jesse Ventura, and Richard Belzer, who both have books out on conspiracies, government cover ups. There were two segments of Movie Time, with everyone there participating. The last hour was The Old School Hour... 


September 16, 2012 - Scaracuse Review and Paranormal Reality Shows...

Listen to the Show

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;Present were, Rick from The Metallic Onslaught, and, Tim. Tim told us about his having attended a horror convention that Saturday. There were discussions about reality shows that investigate the paranormal and the supernatural  like "Ghost Hunters", and, "Chasing UFOs". There was one segment of Movie Time, with everyone there participating. The last hour was The Old School Hour... 


Dark Angel "The Promise of Agony"
Napalm Death "Fall on Their Swords / Suffer the Children"
Lethal Aggression "Spiders"

Stolen Babies "Never Come Back"
Destinity "Reap My Scars"
The Fat Dukes of Fuck "Sorry About Your Dick"
Strapping Young Lad "Far Beyond Metal" (R)

Encrust "Shrieking Infestation / Tapeworms"
Mongrel "Zombies of War"
Abstracter "To Vomit Crows"

Devin Townsend Project "Where We Belong"
Second Empire "A Valley Beneath"
Tsar Bomb "Nuclear Feast"
Dokken "Empire"
Eminence "Enemy Inside"

Concrete Slacks "Young and Pissed"
King Snyder "Calling for the Head of a Tyrant"
Castle Bravo "Banana Man"
Chasing Valor "Victorious"
Ire Clad "Force It Down"
Just a Memory "To the Limit - Live"

Acid Witch "Rabid Werewitch"
Devo Spice "Why are you Friending Me on Facebook?"
AS I Lay Dying "Cauterize"
Ex Dementia "Liquid Flesh"
Psyche Corporation "Sink In"

Badmouth "Judas"
Coffins "Corpse Parade"
Divine Eve "Grievous Ascendence"
Jess and the Ancient Ones "13th Breath of the Zodiac"
Oceans of Insects "Static"

Slave One "Private Traps"

Inviolate "The Invocation"
Cirque Du So What? "Anti-Bullying PSA"
Contortionist "Feedback Loop"
The Samans "Ride of the Valkyries"
Castle "Storm Below the Mountain"

Enochian Theory "Distances"
Eat My Fuk "Bastard on the Run"
Pro-Pain "Nothing Left"
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band "Move Along Mister"
Snew "Unglued"
Yellowtooth "Traitor"

GWAR "School's Out" (R)
Vorpal Nomad "Skull Island"
Wildestarr "Not Sane"
Vesperian Sorrow "Casting Dawn into Shadows"
Black September "Rabid Hunger"

The Commander-In-Chief "Dropout (New Version)"
Witch Cross "Axe Dance"
TV's Kyle "Your Secret Project"
Kix "Midnight Dynamite - Live"

** Old School Hour **
Paradox "Opening Theme / Paradox"
Ozzy Osbourne "Bark at the Moon" (R)
Alice Cooper "Billion Dollar Babies / Desperado" (R)
Fields of the Nephilim "Secrets"

Jealous Bitch "Too Good to Sacrifice"
Kings X "Summerland"
Kick Axe "Heavy Metal Shuffle"
Black Sabbath "Iron Man" (R)
Sopor Aeternus and the Ensemble of Shadows "Paranoid"

Firewater "Another Perfect Catastrophe"
Wrathchild America "No Deposit, No Return"
Where Echoes End "Only in War"
The Gathering "Nighttime Birds"


September 23, 2012 - Hypnotizing Randy

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
The first almost two hours of the program were prerecorded, because everyone was attending the The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show at The Haunt. When the live portion began, present were, Rick and Randy from The Metallic Onslaught, Tim, And two members of the band Ire Clad (Ire Clad had just performed at the aforementioned show), Eric, and, Pete. There was one segment of Movie Time, but no one had seen anything except for Azkath, and he had only seen two. When Randy was about to leave, Azkath hypnotized him, telling him that, on the way home, every time a word with a vowel was uttered, he would hold Rick's hand, just for a second. As Tim was leaving, Azkath told everyone to give him a group hug, Eric nearly crushed him. The last hour was The Old School Hour... 
Warblade "Warblade"
Andrew Rosciszewski "Fantasie-for-Rock-Band---Orchestra"
Between the Buried and Me "Silent Flight Parliament"
Prototype "Chosen Ones"
Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell "Red Admiral Black Sunrise"
Psyche Corporation "The Ceiling"
Exciter "Heavy Metal Maniac" (R)
Saltillo "The Right of Action"
Green Jelly "Three Little Pigs" (R)
Spheric Universe Experience "In This Place"
One Eyed Doll "Fool Me Once"
Inviolate "Illusion of Mercy (Xok-11 Remix)"
Down "Open Coffins"
Encrust "Engine of Deceit"
Sodom "Agent Orange" (R)
Lythem "Destroy Your Soul"
The Fabulous Dung Beatles "Sodomy"
MX Machine "Kick You in the Face"
Devo Spice "Not Amused"
Before the Dawn "Pitch Black Universe"
The Goo Goo Dolls "Don't beat My Ass (With a Baseball Bat)"
The Dung Beatles "Jason Ate Bad Chicken"
Engel "Question Your Place"
Circle of Light "Please Come Back to Me"
Venom "Black Metal" (R)
Mercyful Fate "Evil" (R)
Daemonicus "Embracing Her Remains"
Annihilator "Alison Hell" (R)
Running Wild "Chains and Leather" (R)
Immortal "Sons of Northern Darkness" (R)
GWAR "School's Out" (R)
Black Flag "TV Party" (R)
Lord Vicar "Pillars Under Water"
Accept "I'm a Rebel"
Black Sabbath "Sweet Leaf - Live" (R)
Savatage "Before I Hang (Demo)"
Local H "Night Flight to Paris"
The Pestilence Choir "Tunnel Visions"
Paragon "Blades of Hell"
Cannibal Corpse "Hammer Smashed Face/ Stripped Raped and Strangled" (R)
Banshee "The Stranger"
German Pascual "If the Sky Would Fall"
DRI "Beneath the Wheel" (R)
Dangerous Toys "Teas'n Pleas'n" (R)
Careless "Blackened Walls of Freedom"
King Diamond "Emerencia / Moonlight"
Skalmold "Narfi"
SiK "Blood on Your Hands"
Idols of Perversity "Born in the USA"
Saltillo "To Kill a King"
Diablo Swing Orchestra "Justice for Saint Mary"

September 30, 2012 - Walter Cruttenden Interview

The feature of this show was an extended interview with Author Walter Cruttenden. The interview went a little longer than planned, but for those of you interested in an alternative view of Ancient History and Cosmology, it was a very good interview. Walter is the head of The Binary Research Institute and we discussed his book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time and the theories within. We talked about evidence of the cyclic nature of time, the possibilities of our solar system actually be a binary star system and how that explains precession. We talked about ancient artifacts that should not be, what one may call Out of Place artifacts, and evidence for advanced cultures in great antiquity. Alse check out

Listen to just the Interview with Walter Cruttenden


Therion "Kali Yuga Part 1"
Engel "One Good Thing"
Inviolate "Illusion of Mercy"
Banshee "Fight"
The Lobster Quadrille "Descendit Ad Inferos - Live"

Nine Treasures "Yoohor"
Eluveitie "Your Gaulish War"
Saltillo "Gatekeepers"
Prototype "Catalyst"
Glenn Hughes and Chad Smith "Maybe I'm a Leo"

Finsterforst "Stirbt zuletzt"
Witchcraft "Flag of Fate"
Holy Dragons "M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction - AN602 Wind Of Hate"
NettleCarrier "Demoriel"

Firewater "Dead Man's Boots"
Insane Ian "Watch Your Language"
Sylosis "Fear the World"
Vultures "Post Apocalyptic Party"
Oceans of Insects "Vestige"

Threshold "Staring at the Sun"
Diabalus in Musica "Shadow of the Throne"

** Walter Cruttenden Interview **

Therion "Kali Yuga Part 2"

The Moor "Antikythera"

Aghora "Kali Yuga"

Therion "Kali Yuga III"

** End of Interview **

Karitkeya "Mahayuga Pt 3 - Dvapara Yuga"
This or the Apocalypse "You Own No One But You"
Pandora's Toybox "Clowntrodden"
Psyche Corporation "Pound of Flesh"

All Dinosaurs "Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour / Sad Song"
Stygian "Unholy"
Tellusian "Karnival"
Weapon "Grotesque Carven Portal / Embers and Revelations"

Munruthel "The Mown Dawns Lie on the Ground"
Bullet "All Fired Up"
Razzmatazz "Metalgod"
Pig Destroyer "The Diplomat"
Sinister "Unheavenly Domain"

Ire Clad "Saints of Lies"
MX Machine "Fuck the Neighbors (Live)"
Pathology "Asphyiation through Consumption"
Eat My Fuk "Gag You With My Cock"
Chrysalide "Let the Bombs Fall"
The Fat Dukes of Fuck "Step Aside and Let that Fucker Dance"
Lethal Aggression "Circle Pit of Life"
The Samans "Mob Rule"

** Old School Hour **

Metallica "The Thing That Should Not Be"

Savatage "Sirens (Demo Session For Par Records 1983)"
Onslaught "Shellshock"
Boiler "Bingo" (R)
Hammerfall "The Dragon Lies Bleeding" (R)

Agent Steel "(The Swarm is Upon Us) Mad Locust Rising"
Fear Factory "Scapegoat" (R)
Suicidal Tendencies "Possessed to Skate" (R)
Flotsam and Jetsam "Wading through the Darkness"

Fifth Angel "Call Out the Warning"
Kings X "Over My Head"

Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
Present were, Just Joe, Rick and Ken from The Metallic Onslaught, and, later in the program, Eric, from the band Ire Clad, he was there later because Ire Clad had been performing at a concert. The worst co-host in the world, Dave, actually showed up too. At 2am, Walter Cruttenden called in for an extended interview, it lasted over an hour. He is an author, and he has a radio show podcast. He talked about the binary star theory, that earth has a second sun, and that that sun may be the star Sirius, and the cyclic nature of time and consciousness, that time and consciousness go in cycles, dark ages, and golden ages, and that the cycles last about twenty four thousand years, and that it may have something to do with earth's journey around it's second sun. Also discussed, were ancient cultures, and how the many artifacts we are now finding would point to the fact that they were much smarter than we ever knew, smarter than we are now. Speculation on where they may have obtained such knowledge was also discussed, perhaps with contact from other dimensions, or other consciousness's. It was said that the binary star theory would better explain the procession of the equinox, than the current theory that it is caused by the earth wobbling on it's axis. It was a very deep, thought provoking conversation. If you are interested in these kinds of things, you should check him out. Interspersed throughout the interview were songs that talked about the topics being discussed. Later, Ken was being obnoxious, so he and Azkath brawled with hammers. Ken keeps saying Azkath's name in a really annoying way, interrupting him when he is talking by doing that, which is what caused Azkath to break Ken's knee the last time he was on LE. Apparently Ken enjoyed having his knee broken, because he was doing the exact same thing tonight. Later Azkath asked where Ken was, saying he didn't like not being able to see where he was. And that turned out to be smart, because, just as he was saying that, Ken knocked him out. Just Joe took over the board. Rick and Ken told Just Joe to play some Metallica, because Azkath loved Metallica. The opposite is true, Azkath loathes Metallica, and had vowed that they would never be played during LE, but Just Joe is apparently too dumb to know or remember that, so he played it. Azkath woke up, and wondered what was going on. They told him all of it, that Ken had knocked him out, Just Joe had taken over, and played Metallica, to which Just Joe added that they told him to play Metallica because it was Azkath's favorite. Azkath said he would get back at Ken. Ken and Rick were leaving, but Azkath threatened to do something to Ken if he was at The Metallic Onslaught next week. Just Joe has been absent a lot lately, and Azkath thinks that it is because he is building robots, which would be a very bad thing. He kept accusing Just Joe of making robots, which Just Joe kept denying, but Azkath never believed him. It also was hypothesized that Just Joe and Dave have either switched places, or, could be the same person, as Just Joe said. If that were true, how they were both there now was not explained, but it was Just Joe who was claiming that, and, well, he is not too bright. There were some segments of Movie Time. Azkath, Just Joe, and, Eric contributed, everyone else had not seen anything. The last hour was The Old School Hour... 
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