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2017 Archive

May 14, 2017 - Vile Tyrant Live

Vile TyrantPresent were, EVD, Nathan. The band Vile Tyrant performed live. They are a black metal band. They rock. You can find them on Facebook, bandcamp, instagram, reverbnation, spotify, and all the other usual social media sites. They were interviewed after their performance. It was their first time here, so they told us all about themselves. A track from their EP was played. Thanks again to Nathan for running the sound. Some television programs were talked about. a lot of brand new music was played, as well as some old school stuff. The last song of the night was Nuclear Assault's "Mother's Day", as it was Mother's Day...

-Fire Eater Wizard


May 7, 2017 - Spazzare Live and Just Joe Celebrates No Pants Day

SpazzarePresent were, EVD, Just Joe, Nathan, Rick from The Metallic Onslaught, R.J., and, Dustin. The band Spazzare performed a lot of songs live. They are cool. Thanks again, as usual go out to Nathan for running the sound. As the Friday before this LE was the first one in May, it had been No Pants Day. They thanked Just Joe for wearing pants. That was probably the wrong thing to do, as it reminded him about the day, which he had probably forgotten all about because he has no memory, and isn't very smart. So, he removed his pants, and kept removing more pairs of boxer shorts throughout the night. they kept telling him to put his pants back on, but he refused. He also "Pantsed" Nathan, pulling his pants down and exposing his um, I believe the technical term is Dingaling, which, well, lets just put it this way, was no Twelve Inch. Finally, Just Joe was down to a small pair of Iron Man boxers. They told him that, as he obviously didn't need his pants, they had burned all the ones he had taken off. As it was now time for him to go home, and it was like in the thirties outside (even though it was the first weekend in May, this is central New York, after all), Just Joe was not very happy, demanding that they find him some pants, good luck with that! They had also been asking him all night what he had done with Justin, who had said that Just Joe was at his door, but now wasn't at LE. Just Joe had kept denying that he knew anything about this, but no one believed him. Now they informed him that they had taken a crowbar to the trunk of his car, and released Justin, and now the trunk doesn't shut anymore. Just Joe wasn't at all happy about that either, saying that the trunk opened from the inside, which made everyone wonder why Justin hadn't just let himself out. Well, maybe he isn't that bright either. R.J. and Dustin talked about their new band, Rip Open The Sky. Their were segments of Movie Time. So, all and all, we got through No Pants Day relatively unscathed. Compared to all of the things that Randy's done, it was actually quite tame, we could have done without seeing Nathan's Dingaling, and, Just Joe pants-less is never a good thing, but, compared to some of the absolute horrors we've witnessed in years past, this was pretty mild...

- Fire Eater Wizard


April 16, 2017 - We Love Satan Show, with Poindexter and RADII live in studio!

Justin the Easter Bunny and EVDIt was Easter Sunday, so this meant, of course, that it was our semi annual We Love Satan Show, the other one being, of course, Christmas, which also fell on a Sunday last December. Just Joe has become smart enough, I know, the words Just Joe and smart aren't usually used in the same sentence, but, it took him a while, but he has finally learned to avoid these Easter Shows, because he knows they will make him be The Easter Bunny, and kill him, many times. As Justin isn't usually here on Easter, he's usually home, it was decided that this year, he would get to do the honors. Justin was excited about this, because he didn't know any better yet. When he put on The Bunny Ears, he did notice that there was something on them that looked like dried blood, but they assured him it was chocolate. And not to worry about the duct tape on them, that was only because they were getting old, and just needed some repair. They told him to go hide, and that, whomever found him would get to kill him, but that not to worry, because Easter is all about resurrection, that they would pour water on him, and he would come back to life again, and that he wouldn't even remember what had happened to him anyways. And this needs to happen, because, last year, for the first time ever, The Easter Bunny, Nathan, successfully avoided being killed, and hell froze over, and it required a virgin sacrifice (Kevin), to put things right again. Justin, however, hid so well that no one could find him. But we lured him out by pretending that there was an adorable little kitten in the room, Justin can never resist cute cats. He emerged from his hiding place, and EVD strangled him, and broke his neck. They left him dead for a while, because it's fun to look at a dead Easter Bunny. Then they poured water over him, and Justin came back to life, not remembering what had happened, and wanting to know where the kitten was. Azkath killed him again by bashing him over the head with a baking sheet, which now had Easter Bunny impressions on it. Again they left him dead for a while. Then brought him back. Justin now wasn't acting quite right, I know, he never did before, but now he was doing disturbing things with Easter eggs, putting them on his eyes, and around his neck and stumbling around. He said he needed to go home, and did, at least that's where he said he was going. Two bands performed this night. First up was Poindexter. It was their first time here. They performed for about a half hour set. They were interviewed, telling us about themselves, and a track from one of their CD's was played. They are cool. You can find them at and, Next, the band RADII performed some songs trying to summon Satan. It worked, but there were two Satans, as both of them became possessed, and no one could figure out who the real Satan was. They hung out for a while, then left, saying something about being needed at the white house. And, of course, all of the music played this night was about, for, and, inspired by Satan, Metal, and comedy, and some Easter songs as well, metal songs, with Easter in their titles. Thanks to Nathan for doing a great job as usual running the sound all night for two bands. Before they performed, and became possessed, RADII hung out as co-hosts. They are a cool band, you can find them at And thus went our We Love Satan Show for this Easter...

- Fire Eater Wizard


April 9, 2017 - SCIO live in Studio and Paul O'Neill Tribute

SCIOPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Just Joe, Kevin, and, Tony Georges from the bands RADII and Peaches And Crime. The band Scio was there in the first part of the program, and performed seven songs live. Afterwards they were interviewed. This was their first time here. A track from their CD was played. They rock. You can find them on Facebook and on bandcamp.. Again, thanks to Nathan for doing a great job running the sound. Tony brought along a lot more cool music on vinyl, which was played. Nathan did a bad thing, he led everyone away from the mics into another room to show them something during a talk break, so, for a set of music, for the first time, Just Joe was told to put him in detention. Now we can't speak about what that involves, but, when asked how he felt about the experience, Nathan was too traumatized to talk about it. Well, Nathan, I certainly hope you've learned your lesson! Thanks to a listener named Damian, he sent EVD a big ring. No, not an engagement ring, or a wedding ring, just a really nice ring. There were segments of Movie Time. The program began with a three song set by Savatage, and ended with another song from them, in tribute to Paul O' Neil, also of Trans Siberian Orchestra, who passed away...

- Fire Eater Wizard


April 2, 2017 - April Fools Day Show

LEPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Eric, R.J., Eon West, Tony Georges from the bands RADII and Peaches And Crime, Jon Shock. Many topics were discussed throughout the night, movies, TV programs, music. Azkath asked those present whom he hadn't asked before questions like "What was their earliest memory", and/or "What was the weirdest thing you thought to be true as a child, that wasn't true". Azkath began and ended the program with blocks of music from the band Poison, which I enjoyed a lot! APRIL FOOLS!!!!! It was actually music from the band Nuclear Assault. As this LE began just as April Fools Day ended, at midnight, Azkath said it was Poison. He also said that everything he said this night was a lie, like his statement that Eric should have his own show. 

- Fire Eater Wizard


March 26, 2017 - Justin's Birthday and Undead Messengers Live in Studio

0326170423.jpgUndead Messengers from Corning, NY, return to play live with their most recent line up. It was also Justin's birthday. We played some cool music for him, and celebrated his birthday Last Exit style... Toni from RADII came by, and brought some more Magnetic Eye Records stuff for us to play... Oh and at the end of the night, Peter from the Salt Creek Show came in and reminded us it was National Joe Day. Um. We forgot. Just Joe was NOT happy. He almost always misses National Joe Day, but he was there, and we forgot about it. He blamed Justin for having his birthday celebration on the same weekend and swore revenge...

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