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2017 Archive

March 12, 2017 - RADII debut their new song, and Just Joe gets his Glam

Last Exit

Present were, EVD, Just Joe, Rick from The Metallic Onslaught, and Greg and Tony, from the band RADII. A track from their CD was played. They are cool. You can find them on Facebook, along with the other major social media sites. Now this was the night when we set the clocks ahead one hour, to go on Daylight Savings Time, so, at 2:00, it becomes 3:00, and LE is only five hours long, instead of it's usual six. Of course we get a seven hour LE, in the fall, when we set the clocks back an hour to go back on Standard Time. So, this night, from 2:00 to 3:00, we always have our Tribute To Glam Hour, which always makes Just Joe deliriously happy, because he never figures out that that hour doesn't exist. This is his fourteenth year here, and he still hasn't realized that. This year, Azkath finally took pity on him, and tried to explain it to him. But Just Joe wouldn't believe him. Azkath, instead of just playing just like one kind of glam song, like he does every other year, actually played about three sets of glam songs, because he finally felt bad for Just Joe, that he's not bright enough to get that joke and all. Well, it wasn't real glam glam, no Warrant, or Poison, or stuff like that, which would have made both Just Joe and I really happy, but bands like Motley Cruex, Dokken, Early Skid Row, and even Europe, from their first album. All of this was for Just Joe, and me. Tim and Lance would have also liked it a lot, if they had been there, but they weren't. RADII got tired of the glam, so Azkath let them pick some music. Rick announced the entire twenty seven band lineup for The Finger Lakes Metal Fest, a free, two day metal festival, which The Metallic Onslaught hosts, and it is fast approaching in May. There were segments of Movie Time, some TV programs were talked about as well... 

- Fire Eater Wizard


February 26, 2017 - Sanjuro Fields Live in Studio

Sanjuro FieldsPresent were, EVD, Nathan, Just Joe, Justin. The band Sanjuro Fields were there near the beginning of the program. They performed live in The Performance Room. They rocked. They were interviewed, updating us on what's been going on with them lately. Thanks, as always, to Nathan, for doing such a good job running the sound. Just Joe told us that his dog got sprayed by a skunk, and that now his entire house reeks of the odor, as the dog got in the house before they could get her cleaned up. 

- Recap by Fire Eater Wizard


February 19, 2017 - For the Dead Travel Fast Live

For the Dead Travel Fast

Present were, EVD, Nathan. The band For The Dead Travel Fast was there in the first portion of the program. They played two sets of several songs each live in The Performance Room, Nathan, as usual, did a great job running the sound. Then the band was interviewed. They are a cool, heavy band, you can find them on Facebook, and various other social media sites. The last hour and a half of the program was made up of bands that we have had on LE over the years, either just on the program, or performing live in studio, or at our The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Shows. There was a lot of awesome new metal this week, almost too much to play it all, as we like to have a good mix of that and great old school stuff. There were segments of Movie Time...

- Fire Eater Wizard


February 12, 2017 - Eon West Reads for Us...


Present were, EVD, Nathan, Justin a.k.a. Twelve Inch, Kevin, Eric, and, Eon West. Eon read some of his own poetry from a book. Justin and Nathan were on the floor doing some, um, interesting stuff, Justin was calling Nathan Cuddlebear. He said that was his "Nathan Time". Then Eric decided he wanted some cuddle time with Nathan, which Nathan didn't seem to enjoy at all. At one point, Eric was pantsless. Azkath played a Connect-A-Set, a set of songs that all shared something in common, which everyone was supposed to guess what that was and no one could. He also played some music from vinyl. There were segments of Movie Time, some TV programs were discussed as well... You can find Eon and his stuff at

-Fire Eater Wizard


February 5, 2017 - RADII Perform


The two piece Satanic, acoustic, dark folk band RADII paid us a visit to play a couple of strange cover songs and debut the recorded version of their first original track, Left Hand Path. Later in the night, Just Joe won an old Gameboy with Tetris in it during a round of Russian Roulette. Problem was, no batteries. Nathan found some batteries, but he wanted the Gameboy... 


January 29, 2017 - Take Two Live

Take Two

Present were, EVD, and, Nathan. The band Take Two performed a set of several songs live in The Performance Room, after which they were interviewed, and updated us on all the latest goings on with them, and introduced us to their new band member. they are cool. You can find them on Facebook. Nathan was given a present for doing such a good job running the sound, as he always does. His gift was an old VHS Camcorder. Nathan likes old equipment, he was playing with it all the rest of his time there. Nathan still has that teen werewolf look going on. At 5:00, an H.P. Lovecraft story, "Pickman's Model", was played in it's entirety, it ran about a half hour. There were segments of Movie Time...

-Fire Eater Wizard


January 22, 2017 - Nathan Makes It Up to Joe...

LEPresent were, EVD, Just Joe (who has now been here a record breaking THREE weeks in a row, despite the fact that he insists he's been here every week), Nathan, Justin, a.k.a. Twelve Inch, who is reclaiming his role from Bi-Coastal Tim, Kevin, Eric, and, Olivia and Tim from the band Undead Messengers. Undead messengers brought us a brand new song of theirs's, which was played. It rocked. Nathan now has this Teenage Werewolf look going on, with a man bob. Last week, Nathan had gone off promising to get Just Joe a sandwich, and had never come back, taking Just Joe's stuff and leaving poor Just Joe hungry and sandwich less. And Just Joe takes his sandwiches very seriously, so this was a big deal for him, it set him back for the entire week. Nathan claimed he had fallen asleep, but that's not nearly a good enough excuse! So, as revenge for this misdeed, Nathan got stabbed repeatedly with forks by Just Joe, and almost everyone else there. By the time it was over, Nathan was leaking a lot of fluids from all over his body. That'll teach him not to forget something as important as a sandwich ever again. Nathan did however help Just Joe fix his car this night. He snaked a computer cable all up in Just Joe's under carriage, so, between that, and the forking, I guess they're now even. Azkath played a set of songs that all had something in common, and had everyone there try to guess what that was. No one did. It was the subject matter, they were all about how stupid it is to blame music for people committing suicide. Azkath played a track from Def Leopard's Pyromania, as this week marked the thirty fourth Anniversary of it's release, he played a live version of "Rock Rock 'Til You Drop". Just Joe and Nathan found something in the basement. They discovered James down there. Now, we haven't seen James in a long time, and this explains that. Apparently, we started a game of Hide And Go Beat with him... And then forgot to look for him, he's been locked down there for close to a year now. Because Just Joe and Nathan found him this night, they gave him the beat down. He didn't put up much resistance. He now has a long beard, and doesn't smell very pleasant. They left him locked in there. Azkath pointed out that you might say James has become hermit like, living in a cave, and that hermits have been known to possess wisdom, had they tried to get him to impart any wisdom? They said that he hadn't had anything useful to impart, but added they hadn't asked him until after giving him the beat down, perhaps if they had done it beforehand, he might have had something more wise to say. There were segments of Movie Time, some TV programs were discussed as well...

- Fire Eater Wizard


January 15, 2017 - The Good Left Undone Live

The Good Left Undone

Present were, EVD, Nathan, Just Joe, Tim, and, Eric. The band The Good Left Undone performed live in The Performance Room. They were back again because, the first time they performed, a few weeks ago, they broke their snare drum, and had to cut the performance short. This time everything went off fine. They rock. And, again, thanks to Nathan for running the sound. You can find The Good Left Undone on Facebook. They are awesome. Later in the program, after proving he could fit in a fridge, Nathan had gone to get Just Joe a sandwich, and never came back, and he had Just Joe's bank card with him. Joe was not happy. Just Joe had received another box of spiders in the mail from Azkath and was not at all pleased with his gift. There were segments of Movie Time...

- Fire Eater Wizard


January 8, 2017 - Born in Blood Live

Born in Blood

Present were, EVD, Just Joe, Nathan, Bi-Coastal Tim, who is playing the role of Justin in Justin's absence, or a.k.a. Twelve Inch, which I'm sure is something new for Tim(!), and, R.J.. The band Born In Blood performed five songs live in The Performance Room. They rock! As usual, thanks to Nathan for doing a great job running the sound. After their performance, the band was interviewed, we were introduced to their new bass player, and they updated us on all things concerning their band. They are awesome, you can find them on Facebook. Just Joe did not like his Christmas present from Azkath, a box full of spiders that he had mailed to him. This was discussed. There were segments of Movie Time, TV programs, Internet series, and, a book were discussed as well...

- Fire Eater Wizard

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