May 23, 2010 - Butt Punching!
EVD was there. The Enforcer was there for a couple of hours. Tribute to the Past / Russian Roulette was played. A bullet, Motley Crue's "Stick To Your Guns", played, so The Enforcer butt punched Just Joe. He did that again later, because Just Joe was being stupid. EVD got some too! There was a tribute to Dio, who has passed away. A set of music with him and the bands he's been in, featuring some more rare stuff that hasn't been played very often. Just Joe's favorite band, Elf, was played during that, the only time that will ever happen, and they tricked Just Joe into missing it, telling him to go outside for a few minutes, and promising him they wouldn't play Elf while he was out there, and, of course, they played it while he was out there, making him miss something he's waited for for the whole time he's been here, to get to hear Elf, because he was stupid enough to believe and trust them. He was quite upset. A couple sets of Adventures In Listening occurred. Movie Time happened, spread out throughout the night...
- Fire Eater Wizard
May 30, 2010 - New Animal, If Man is Five, and Moore

In the final hour, there were abbreviated segments of Adventures In Listening, and, Movie Time. Then Azkath played for Just Joe an old song that was played on LE years ago, and is one of those extremely bizarre songs which would be an EVD bullet if it came up in Russian Roulette, it was The Muppets, combined with techno sounding stuff doing the Star Wars Cantina music. This started a set of other weird songs, like strange covers of the themes from the TV shows "The Facts Of Life", and, "Speed Racer". Just Joe was very happy with that set, and that's how the night ended, with him all happy and singing those theme songs...
-Fire Eater Wizard
June 6, 2010 - Mongrel and Thirteen South CD Debut
The entire band Thirteen South was there for the first two hours of the program. They were interviewed about what's been/will be going on with the band, promoted upcoming shows they'll be participating in, and the songs from their brand new EP were played. Just Joe played balloon baseball on all of the band members except Dustin, who, for some strange reason, didn't want to participate in this fun, so band member Matty broke the final balloon on Just Joe's face. Adam Savage, the guitarist for the band Mongrel, called in for an extended phone interview. He talked about his band, and his band's upcoming performance at the next The Last Exit For The Lost Presents Show, which would be on the following Friday night. A song from his bands CD was played. They are cool. Show Listings had brand new theme music this week, the theme from "Star Wars", which Just Joe enjoyed, he made lots of laser and light saber noises. Two segments of Adventures In Listening happened, and Movie Time was interspersed throughout the night. And two people who haven't been there for a while were there this night, in the first portion of the program, Shane, and Ria...
-Fire Eater Wizard
June 13, 2010 - New Style of Russian Roulette
EVD was there. The background theme music for Show Listings this week was the theme from the movie "Alien", which Just Joe and EVD both knew sounded really familiar, that they knew they knew it, but neither one could quite figure out what it was from and had to be told, however they still are way ahead of me, who couldn't even get that it was the theme from "Star Wars" the week before, how pathetic is that?! For Russian Roulette this week, it was done differently this time... A bullet would play, because the computer would go on randomly picking songs until one did, no matter how long it took. Unless of course it still hadn't played one by 6:00 AM, I mean I don't think we were just going to plow right over The Salt Creek Show's time until a bullet finally played, but you never know. In any case that didn't happen, so the question didn't come up. If a bullet played on an odd number it would be for Just Joe, anything odd always has to involve Just Joe, and he would get to play a set of music. If the bullet played on an even number, Foul Mouth Girl would get to play a set of music. And, in the unlikely event that a bizarre EVD song played, then EVD would get to play a set of music. And, after about five songs, a bullet played, and, on this night, the highly unlikely actually happened, William Shatner singing "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds", a definite EVD song! So EVD got to pick a set of music, three songs, Iron Maiden's "Wasted Years" Megadeath's "Peace Sells But Who's Buying", and, Zadoc And The Nightmare's "Off With Her Head", actually a good set of music. There was a segment of Adventures In Listening, and, Movie Time was done throughout the night. Gorgar was there in the final hour after a long absence. He told us about the problems he's had while he's been away, Bells Palsy, and Mono. Happily they are over now, and he's back to normal, or, as he himself said, as normal as it gets for him. We're all glad you're feeling better, Gorgar.
-Fire Eater Wizard
June 20, 2010 - Psyche Corporation and Vindicator
Genevieve, of the band Psyche Corporation, was there for most of the night. Her music was played, including a new song. is her website, she rocks. The Enforcer was there for a little while at the beginning of the night. He informed us that he won't be around for a couple weeks, as he is getting married, and will be honeymooning in Mexico. So Congratulations Enforcer, good luck with all that. Vic, the rhythm guitarist for the band Vindicator called in for an extended interview. He talked about his band, and promoted a concert they would be performing at, in Buffalo, in a couple days. Some songs from his band's CD were played throughout the night. They are cool. For Russian Roulette, it was the same rules as last week: If a bullet played on an odd number, Just Joe would get to play a set of music. If a bullet played on an even number, Foul Mouth Girl would get to play a set of music. And, if a bizarre, EVD song played? As EVD was not there this night, in the highly unlikely event that that would happen two weeks in a row, Genevieve would get to play a set of music. After two rounds, no bullets played, and Russian Roulette was ended there for this night. There was a segment of Adventures In Listening, and two Segments of Movie Time. Gorgar was there in the final hour, and something happened that hasn't in a while... Gorgar's Corner. Not Gorgar's Glamorama, which is similar, yet a completely different thing, trust us, but the original, which preceded that, Gorgar's Corner. Gorgar's pick for this week was the band Crash Diet, with the song "Native Nature...
- Fire Eater Wizard
June 27, 2010 - Sorrow of Batavia

- Fire Eater Wizard
July 4, 2010 - Dead Host Drill
Azkath had a test for everyone there... He wanted to see how each of them would do running the program if someone had to take over because he was dead, who would be the best one for the task. He gave each one of them a hypothetical situation in which he died, they involved him going outside, because he overheats easily, and it is summer, very hot weather. In these hypotheticals, while he's outside, something kills him, he spontaneously combusts, he's run over by a herd of moose, an asteroid hits him, Gorgar is driving in his car, has a heart attack, dies, his car hits Azkath, that jolt revives Gorgar, but kills Azkath, and, a herd of deer, looking for Gorgar, shreds Azkath into a million pieces. The first one to try taking over the show was EVD. After accidentally shutting off the microphone for several seconds, he tried to play Queensryche, but Rob Zombie played instead. Despite EVD's claims that he hates Rob Zombie, we know it isn't true, it's the same thing as when he claims to hate his present last week, a framed picture of George W. Bush, it's a lie, he really loves it. EVD destroyed half the studio, he said in his attempts to get the Rob Zombie to stop playing, but we know it was really due to his wild enthusiasm for the music, he got a little, well, actually, a lot, carried away. It didn't look like EVD would be the best choice to run the show. Next to be tested was Dave. And what happened when he took over? Why dead silence, because Dave is living up to the award he was presented with last week proclaiming him the worst co-host ever, and he was yet again, not there when he was supposed to be. Obviously Dave would not be a very good choice either. Next up was Foul Mouth Girl. She did manage to play some Shotgun Messiah, one of her favorite bands, despite not doing very well at running the board, pushing a lot of wrong buttons, then she played Deicide. Now, like EVD, when she says she hates Deicide, we all know that is not the truth, she loves them, they're her favorite band, why she even likes them better than Shotgun Messiah! So when she walked away from the board, and said it was to get away from the Deicide, we know that was not the reason, she probably wanted to rock out to the band. She also was not looking a very likely candidate to run things. Just Joe was next. And he has actually run the show before, so he was certain he could do better than everyone thus far. He said he was going to play the Queensryche that EVD had wanted to play, but hadn't been able to. But, when he pressed the button, a techno version of The Smurfs was all that would play. Then he tried to play Divinity Destroyed, then Others, and finally, his beloved Elf, but the only thing that would play was techno-Smurfs. Well, I guess it could have been much worse, it could have been The Teletubbies. So, Just Joe had failed at taking over the show as miserably as he fails at almost everything else he tries to do. There was only one person left to test, Gorgar. He too tried to play Queensryche, and screamed. Although there was absolutely nothing there that they could see that he could have electrocuted himself on, he had apparently managed to do just that, and appeared to be dead. Only Gorgar could get himself electrocuted by trying to play a CD! Azkath slapped Gorgar hard repeatedly, trying to revive him, but it didn't work. However, playing Dokken for him, did. So I guess we have learned two very important things from this little experiment, one, Queensryche is very unlucky and probably playing it should be avoided, and, two, Azkath just can't die, he is not allowed to! Azkath told Gorgar that Just Joe had been the one to slap him in the face so hard, and that that was why his face was hurting. There was a segment of Adventures In Listening, two segments of Movie Time, and, Anomaly Corner was interspersed throughout the latter portion of the night.
-Fire Eater Wizard
July 11, 2010 - Amelia is Dead and a Giant Returns

July 18, 2010 - The I-Dose Experiments Begin
The Enforcer was there in the first talk break, he told us about his honeymoon in Mexico. Little Gorgar and Adam were there for a while. Azkath decided to try out an experiment on Just Joe. He wanted to test I-dosing on him. This is an Internet craze where you listen to music tones through headphones, so you have a different tone in each ear, and it creates a beat in your head, and you lie down, in a dark, quiet place, try to put yourself in a meditative state, stay that way for a length of time, say half an hour, and it's supposed to do things to your mind, which, according to some, could lead to bad things, and, according to others, does not. Azkath wanted to see what affect, if any, it would have on Just Joe. He had several sounds to try on him. The first one, although Just Joe claimed it had no affect on him, to everyone else it was clear that it had. He seemed kind of out there, breezy kind of. He decided to try that one again. Then he was given another one to try. After that one he seemed very jumpy. Trying another made him really agitated and angry, throwing stuff, and trying to destroy the studio, and acting very hostile. Although Just Joe kept insisting they were having no affect on him, he said he didn't want to try any more. Azkath said they would play Russian Roulette. If a bullet played, Just Joe would try one more. If no bullet, he wouldn't. A bullet right on the first song. But Just Joe refused to go downstairs and listen to any more. So Azkath tricked him into going near the stairs, saying that he had something for him that he would really like. He then kicked him down the stairs, and played him the last one. Although Just Joe kept insisting they had no affect on him, this one obviously made him very happy. He was all polite and happy and fuzzy for the rest of the night. So I-dosing clearly works on Just Joe, even if he doesn't realize it. There was Anomaly Corner interspersed throughout the last portion of the program, and two segments of Movie Time...
- Fire Eater Wizard
July 25, 2010 - The I-Dose Experiments Continue
Ria was there for a little while in the middle of the night, and The Enforcer stopped by for one talk break in the middle of the program, much later than he is usually there. When Just Joe was asked about his experience last week with I-dosing, he still kept insisting that they had had absolutely no affect on him whatsoever, even though it had been obvious to everyone else that they had. He then asked if the MP3 player with the I-Doses on it was here, was told it was, and said of course he didn't care at all. However, he kept eyeing it, and trying to sneak over and take it, always saying that he didn't care about it at all. He was told there was now a new one on the MP3 player, one that was supposed to make you laugh. When a Russian Roulette Set was played, Just Joe was told that, if no bullet played, he could hear the new one, if a bullet played, he could not. Just Joe pretended not to care. Bullet, so no I-dosing for Just Joe. Still Just Joe kept being extremely fascinated with the MP3 player, and pretending not to be. Later, he was told that there would be a second Russian Roulette Set, same rules. This time, no bullet. Just Joe took the MP3 player downstairs, and listened to the new I-Dose, which, to refresh anyone's memory, or for anyone new here, is two tones, a different one in each ear, which, when listened to through headphones in a dark, quiet place for a half hour or an hour, in a meditative state, is supposed to change your brain waves, and affect your mind, altering it. Of course, given that it's Just Joe we're talking about here, assuming there is a mind there to alter is always a big assumption. Just Joe came back all giggly, laughing at everything, but saying that the I-dosing didn't work, he just found things funny, like, everything, funny. Azkath told Just Joe that there was one more new I-Dose on the MP3 player that he hadn't tried yet, that it was hidden on there, but that he could scroll around on there and try to find it if he wanted to. Just Joe said what would be the point in that, since none of them worked, and then promptly grabbed the MP3 player and headed for the basement. He returned from that in the last talk break of the night, and, he had obviously managed to find the hidden I-Dose, he was now acting totally retarded, pointing and giggling hysterically at everything. Luckily it was time to leave. Wow, good thing that I-dosing has no affect on Just Joe, lucky there is no way he's becoming addicted to them, because these behaviors he's been exhibiting lately for some strange, unexplained reason, well, they can be kinda a problem, annoying, especially this last one. There was Adventures In Listening, two segments of Movie Time, now with it's own movie background theme music, and an Anomaly Corner...
-Fire Eater Wizard