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2016 Archive

May 29, 2016 - Nick Menza Tribute


RJ and his new bandmate, Dustin, stopped into the show to update us on a couple of bands. One, Finger Lakes Metal Fest was the last show for Thirteen South. At least with RJ. It is unknown if the band will continue. Never the Voiceless lost Chano as their vocalist, so Dustin and RJ have joined with them, and formed a new band called, Rip Open the Sky. They didn't have a band name yet as of this broadcast. They talked about how The Finger Lakes Metal Fest went the week before...

We did a Tribute to Nick Menza who had passed away during the week, and we included a song from the band Mechanism, the lead guitarist of which did the last ever interview with Nick (linked below). 

We did a Tribute to 1990, and also introduced a possible new segment called Story Time...


May 22, 2016 - Tribute to Dio

Azkath and EVD

This was a quiet show, with just myself (Azkath), EVD, and Nathan. We did a Tribute to Dio, playing a set in his memory, since it had been six years ago since he passed away. Then we did a Tribute to 1984. One of Justin's favorite years of Music, and fitting since he would be leaving us for a while. School was out, and he was going home for a bit. It was a perfect send off. 


May 15, 2016 - Porno Brothers...


Just Joe was back. I, Azkath, decided to see what happens when I play the Porn music with both Justin and Just Joe in the room. Answer, they molest people as well as get excited that they are in porn. Nathan had brought along Dyland and Becca, and Becca happened to mention that it was her birthday the week before... SO, we decided to have her play Hide and Go Beat, but with a twist. It would now be Hide and Go Molest, as we sent Joe and Justin in Porno mode after her. We also had Kevin go hide for good measure. They found Kevin, locked in a soundbooth, which was kind of cheating, so we lured him and out and they went after him. Becca managed to elude them, so she won. Then we turned the tables, Joe and Justin hid, and Kevin and Becca managed to find Just Joe. They both got to break boards on his head as a reward. 

Also we did a Tribute to 1991. 


May 8, 2016 - Olivia's Birthday


This was Olvia from Undead Messenger's birthday show. We were joined by Nathan, Justin, Kevin, and Crappy the Clown in one of his persona's. Just Joe couldn't be here for whatever mysterious reason, so I (Azkath) decided to hypnotize Justin to see if I could make him Porno Justin. Unfortunately, and much to Kevin's delight, all Justin did when the Porn music kicked in was run around the building screaming about how happy he was that he was in Porn! He never did molest Olivia, as he was supposed to do. I did, however, add some other suggestions in. Since it was finals week for Cornell, and he is a Cornell student, I suggested that anytime he heard the word Final for the next week, he would fall to the floor for three seconds. Also, I suggested that everytime he saw a phone, he would say "telephone" nervously three times. This proved to be amusing to us, and sure to make for a confusing week for Justin. Justin did give Olivia a present... A Peppermint Kitty Stuffy, that he had mysteriously found stuck to his crotch. Azkath rubbed the snubbed present in her face. Despite this, she said that she felt like we didn't make her suffer enough on her birthday. Really? Ok. We brought out Dave's Beard, the duct taped beard from over a year ago that was ripped off Dave's face. Although Olivia managed to avoid it, her boyfriend Tim did not. Poor Tim. We also did a Tribute to 1987, which was the year Olivia was born. 


April 24, 2016 - Spit Nickels Live in Studio

Spit Nickels

Present were, Nathan, The Person Formerly, and sometimes still, Known As Crappy The Clown, and, R.J.. Dave Henninger, formerly of the band Spater, was there with his new band, Spit Nickels in the first part of the night. They played six songs live in The Performance Room. They rock. And, as always, a shout out to Nathan for doing a great job running the sound. A track from their CD was played as well. You can find Spit Nickels on Facebook, and on Bandcamp. Dave also has a cool metal on-line magazine, Dave is also the founder of The Finger Lakes Metal Fest, which is just under a month away. It's a free, two day event, and, his band, along with twenty seven other bands will be performing this year. Dave talked about that, told us all of the bands who will be there, and also told us all about his new band, and what they have been, and will be, up to. The Old School Hour was at 3:00, and was actually close to two hours long, and featured all music from the year 1986. There then was a mixture of new music, and music played off vinyl...

-Fire Eater Wizard


April 17, 2016 - The Bell, the Chair, and What Really is Wrong with Just Joe?

Kevin and the BellThe show started out with a bunch of Lovecraft inspired songs, due to the fact that Where Did the Road Go?, which airs before it, was talking about Lovecraft and his Influence on Black Magick. We attempted to do a chair shot Tribute to the late Balls Mahoney, with Just Joe and I giving Justin some chair shots to see who could hit him harder, but we like Justin, and kept holding back. We hit him hard enough, though, that he declared Nathan the winner. Nathan was not there. 

I found the hypno-bell from a few years ago. I decided to see if it still worked. I had Kevin ring it, and told him it would make Just Joe teleport. Kevin, reluctantly, rang it. Joe turned into Porno Joe. Kevin screamed, ran, and didn't come back this night. Joe was starting to get suspicious, since he never remembers these things he does, and I figured I better fix this. I hypnotized him and made sure he would not believe he could be hypnotized. Then when he continued to question me, I told him the truth, and of course, he didn't believe it. Ah Joe...

And finally, our Old School Segment was a Tribute to 1989... Enjoy!

- Fire Eater Wizard



April 3, 2016 - National Joe Day

LEThis was a fun night, lots of awesome music was played, we did an old school tribute set to 2003 (the year Just Joe first appeared on the Last Exit), as well as a cover set near the end of the show... Yeah...  Oh, and it was National Joe Day, well not really, because Just Joe can never make it on National Joe Day because his daughter was born on that day. Yes. Seriously. And for some reason, he didn't name her Joe, or anything like Joe. Weird. Anyway, we moved our celebration out a week. We discussed how the previous week, no bunnies were sacrifcied on Easter, which apparently caused Hell to freeze over. It was, after all, cold and snowy outside. We determined we needed a Virgin sacrifice. So... we invited Porno Joe back... By invite, I mean I (Azkath) long ago left a post hypnotic suggestion in Joe's head that we was a porn star filming a movie whenever he hears porn music. So the music played, Porno Joe returned, and we told him Kevin was his co-star. Kevin was not what you would call, pleased. It was funny to the rest of us. Our plan was to have Porno Joe kill Kevin, probably with embarassment, and make things right. It didn't work. Later we showed Joe what he did, and why Kevin was afraid of him. Joe was puzzled why he doesn't remember. Oh, yeah, also way back when I implanted the suggestion that there is no way he can be hypnotized. I can tell him over and over I was hypnotizing him, but he doesn't believe it.  Luckily, he also doesn't read these. Anyway, as the night progressed we learned Joe often doesn't know where he has been or what he has been doing. That part is probably not my fault. I mean, it could be, I do mess with his brain and hit him in the head a lot. Nah, probably not it. Anyways, a fun time was had by all. Except maybe Kevin. He needed a couple weeks to recover...

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